Ultra Secret Room (Item Pool)

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Item Pools
BothIndicator.png Normal / Hard Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room
Library Pool Icon.png Library Gold Chest Pool Icon.png Golden Chest Red Chest Pool Icon.png Red Chest Beggar Pool Icon.png Beggar Devil Beggar Pool Icon.png Devil Beggar Key Master Pool Icon.png Key Master Bomb Bum Pool Icon.png Bomb Bum
Planetarium Pool Icon.png Planetarium Ultra Secret Pool Icon.png Ultra Secret Room Crane Game Pool Icon.png Crane Game Rotten Beggar Pool Icon.png Rotten Beggar Battery Bum Pool Icon.png Battery Bum Old Chest Pool Icon.png Old Chest Wooden Chest Pool Icon.png Wooden Chest
Baby Shop Pool Icon.png Baby Shop Glass Chest Pool Icon.png Glass Chest Dire Chest Pool Icon.png Dire Chest Drug Dealer Pool Icon.png Drug Dealer Blacksmith Pool Icon.png Blacksmith Zodiac Beggar Pool Icon.png Zodiac Fortune Teller Pool Icon.png Robot Fortune Teller
Both Greed Modes Indicator.png Greed / Greedier Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room

The Ultra Secret Pool Icon.png Ultra Secret Room item pool contains red items. Items from this item pool are only awarded by the Ultra Secret Room, which can be found disconnected from the main level via Red Rooms.

To see the Ultra Secret Room pool of items in the original game, see its page on The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth wiki.

Active Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Cherry Bomb
Cherry Bomb2.5 seconds
  • On use, Isaac picks up a small red bomb that can be thrown.
  • The bomb's explosion deals no damage to Isaac and can't break Rock.png Rocks.
Astropulvis2.8 seconds
  • On use, destroys the closest Rock.png Rock and turns it into a large ghost.
  • Using the item again will detonate all large ghosts in the room.
Loaded D6
Loaded D68 rooms
  • Rerolls all items in the room into items that Isaac already has.
  • Cannot reroll items into those that would be useless when duplicated, unless Isaac has no other valid item(s).
Wrong Warp
Wrong WarpOne time use
  • On use, teleports Isaac to a random floor.
  • Chosen floor can be anywhere in the game, with no regard to current run progression.

Passive Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Dice Bag
Dice Bag
  • Spawns a sack familiar that follows Isaac and drops a random Glass Dice after every 8 rooms cleared.
  • Glass Dice mimic their respective Dice collectible and break after use.
Dichromatic Butterfly
Dichromatic Butterfly
  • Isaac's hitbox size is reduced and indicated by a red marker over top of him.
  • +0.2 damage for the current room when narrowly avoiding a projectile. Caps at +3 damage.
  • Luck-affected chance to fire a tear with 1.25× damage and aggressive homing.
Birthday Gift
Birthday Gift
  • Replaces all newly encountered collectibles with Mystery Gift.png Mystery Gift.
  • Rerolls and special/fixed drops are not affected.
Hypno Ring
Hypno Ring
  • Luck-affected chance to fire tears that makes enemies drowsy.
  • Drowsy enemies slowly fall asleep, moving and attacking increasingly slower over time.
  • Sleeping enemies remain still until they awake. They take double damage while asleep, but will instantly wake up upon taking any damage.
Model Rocket
Model Rocket
  • +1.5 range.
  • shot speed multiplier.
  • Tears accelerate from zero shot speed to normal shot speed on firing.
  • Tears deal bonus damage based on their speed upon impact.
Heart of China
Heart of China
Too Many Options
Too Many Options
  • Special Room doors quickly cycle between 3 random types of Special Rooms until unlocked or entered.
  • Upon death, Isaac respawns in the current room with randomized stats and health.
  • Replaces some of Isaac's held items with TMTRAINER.png TMTRAINER glitched items upon reviving.
Isaac'D's Eulogy
Isaac'D's Eulogy
  • Killing an enemy has a luck-based chance to activate a random dice effect (D6.png The D6, D20.png D20, etc.).
Strange Red Object
Strange Red Object