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Name Icon Rarity Flavor Text Effect
Dirt Clump
Dirt Clump.png
Extremely Rare Free to grind
Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock.png
Extremely Rare Speed up, keep the momentum
  • Grants +0.05 speed upon clearing a room without taking damage, capping at a bonus of +0.15.
  • Bonus resets after taking damage.
Pocket Sand
Pocket Sand.png
Unobtainable It does nothing
  • Does nothing indeed!
  • Does not drop naturally, only obtained through certain other rocks' effects.
Rough Rock
Rough Rock.png
Common Grind it!
  • Guaranteed to grind into a rock trinket with a rarity of Rare or higher.
Bloody Rock
Bloody Rock.png
Common Hurting shots
  • Every 4th tear fired becomes a double damage blood tear.
Spiked Rock
Spiked Rock.png
Common One prick, spikes don't hurt
  • Damages Golem for half a Heart of health on first pickup; this damage is non-fatal.
  • Blocks damage from Spikes.png Spikes and Spiked Chest.png Spiked Chests.
Slippy Rock
Slippy Rock.png
Common Speed up, friction down
  • +0.15 speed.
  • Reduces Golem's friction while moving.
Arcane Rock
Arcane Rock.png
Common Homing chance, homing DMG up
  • Tears have a chance to become homing, which scales with luck.
  • Homing tears deal 2 more damage.
Mineral Rock
Mineral Rock.png
Common Rub rock -> all stats up
  • All stats up while actively pressing against Rock.png Rocks.
Thorny Rock
Thorny Rock.png
Common On-hit shockwave
  • Spawn a radial shockwave when damaged.
Time-lost Diamond
Time-lost Diamond.png
Fiendish Rewind when hit
Obsidian Grindstone
Obsidian Grindstone.png
Fiendish Power up, rock grinder
  • Damage up and tears up, boosted if holding another rock trinket.
  • Every 30 tears, reroll the other held trinket.
  • Extra effects do not apply to Pocket Sand Pocket Sand.
God's Marble
God's Marble.png
Fiendish Hallowed ground
  • Chance to shoot yellow tears which create a temporary holy aura where they land, which scales with luck.
  • When an enemy enters the aura, it will create a circle of several Crack the Sky.png Crack the Sky beams of light.
Twenty-Sided Emerald
Twenty-Sided Emerald.png
Fiendish Proximity-based reroll
  • Standing still near a pickup rerolls it after 3 seconds.
    • Any individual pickup can only be rerolled up to 3 times.
Technological Ruby 2.0
Technological Ruby 2.0.png
Fiendish Extra security, all yours for the cheap price of..
  • Golem creates 2 laser rings around themselves.
    • The outer ring deals 10% damage.
    • The inner ring deals 25% Damage.
Leaky Rock
Leaky Rock.png
Common You're leaking...
  • Golem leaves a trail of stationary tears while he moves.
    • Damage scales with Golem's damage stat.
    • Frequency scales with Golem's tears stat.
Twin Tuffs
Twin Tuffs.png
Common Twin rewards
  • (25 + 2.5 × luck)% chance to turn pickups into their doubled equivalent.
  • (15 + 1.5 × luck)% chance to double room clear rewards.
Common Bubbly
  • Entering an uncleared room spawns friendly Bubble Medium.png Bubbles that drift around, deal damage to enemies, and block shots.
  • Taking damage spawns additional Bubbles.
Rare Rocky vitality
Ribbed Rock
Ribbed Rock.png
Common For her pleasure
Fiendish Amethyst
Fiendish Amethyst.png
Fiendish Fiends galore!
  • On entering an uncleared room, spawns four amethyst FiendishFriends.png Minion familiars.
  • Amethyst Minions disappear on room clear and will not drop a Heart.
Sturdy Rock
Sturdy Rock.png
Common Health on start
Brick Rock
Brick Rock.png
Common Throw it!
  • Firing tears throws the Brick Rock as a projectile that deals 15 damage and drops on the floor afterwards.
Sapphic Sapphire
Sapphic Sapphire.png
Common Stone butch blue
  • Female enemies will become charmed.
  • Chance to fire tears which slow enemies hit, and freeze them into ice statues on death.
Blood Diamond
Blood Diamond.png
Common Bleeding tears
Scented Rock
Scented Rock.png
Common Charm aura
  • Charms enemies in a small radius around Golem.
Arcade Rock
Arcade Rock.png
Common Glitchy slots
Tinted Heart
Tinted Heart.png
Common A soul deep within
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz.png
Common Projectile shield
  • Taking damage grants a temporary shield that blocks projectiles.
Rare Chilling aura
  • Enemies close to Golem are slowed, and freeze into ice statues on death.
Ramblin' Opal
Ramblin' Opal.png
Fiendish Crystal spores
  • Spawns friendly Shiitake.png Shiitake spores as time goes on, with a maximum of 3 out at a time.
Sand Dollar
Sand Dollar.png
Rare Cash in at the shop
  • Dropping the trinket in a Shop Pool Icon.png Shop exchanges it for 10-20 Penny.png Coin.
Henge Rock
Henge Rock.png
Fiendish Rock booster
  • Increases the power/effectiveness of every rock trinket Golem owns by 30%.
Salt Lamp
Salt Lamp.png
Rare Battery-powered aura
  • Repels close by enemies and projectiles, but slowly drains in power over time.
  • Can be recharged with Lil Battery.png Batteries.
Molten Slag
Molten Slag.png
Rare Smelting reroll
  • Occasionally burns nearby enemies.
  • When grinded, Smelter.png smelts Golem's other held trinket.
Thunder Egg
Thunder Egg.png
Rare Incubated nodule
  • -0.1 speed.
  • Each room has a chance for the Thunder Egg to crack open into another Rare or Fiendish rock trinket.
Common Easily weathered
  • Chance to fire a high-damage rock tear that inflicts confusion and shrinks in size and damage over time.
  • Turns into Pocket Sand Pocket Sand when taking explosive damage.
Fake Rock
Fake Rock.png
Common Never far from the lock
  • Drops a Key.png Key on pickup.
  • If there is a locked door, the first broken Rock.png Rock in the room drops a Key.
Citrine Pulp
Citrine Pulp.png
Common Short ranged juice
  • Small chance to fire a short-ranged splash of yellow tears.
  • When enemies are close, there is a small chance to create a puddle of yellow creep.
Rare Strength in pain
  • +0.2 temporary damage whenever an enemy dies.
  • +1 temporary damage when Golem takes damage.
Emetic Antimony
Emetic Antimony.png
Rare Timed puke
  • Periodically, the next tear Golem fires will be an Ipecac.png Ipecac projectile.
Double Rubble
Double Rubble.png
Rare Grind x2
  • Grinds into two Common or Rare rock trinkets.
Rock from an Abyss
Rock from an Abyss.png
Rare They feel doomed
  • Luck-based chance to apply doom to 3 random enemies at the start of the room.
Rare Fickle friend
Vessel Rock
Vessel Rock Half.png
Rare Rocky heart container
Constant Rock Shooter
Constant Rock Shooter.png
Rare Keep shooting!
  • +0.80 tears.
  • Golem never stops firing tears.
Robot Rock
Robot Rock.png
Rare Bwaaabwabwabwabwaaaaw
  • Creates 2 spinning rainbow lasers around Golem that inflict random Status Effects.
Rock Candy
Rock Candy.png
Rare Sugar crystals
  • Chance to fire crystal tears that charm enemies and deal 1.5× damage.
  • Enemies have a small chance to drop a sugar crystal on death that heals for a Half Red Heart.png Half Red Heart, but flickers and disappears after 2 seconds.
Rare Unlock bonus
  • +0.56 tears and +0.1 speed for the floor whenever Golem uses a Key.png Key.
Silver Tongue
Silver Tongue.png
Rare Cheaper grind
Meat Slab
Meat Slab.png
Rare The sweats!
  • Golem constantly sweats out arced tears.
  • Sweating rate increases based on the amount of empty HUD heart red full.png Red Heart containers Golem has.
Sheep Rock
Sheep Rock.png
Rare Sleepy tears
  • Chance to fire a tear that decelerates and floats in place and inflicts drowsy to enemies.
Rebellion Rock
Rebellion Rock.png
Rare Overcome thine adversaries
  • When Golem takes damage, deals minor damage to all nearby enemies, knocks them back, and inflicts them with bruise.
Dad's Legendary Golden Rock
Dad's Legendary Golden Rock.png
Fiendish Finally, golden grind
  • Always a golden trinket!
  • When grinding, always grants a golden Rare or better rock trinket.
Rare Zzzz
  • 1/3 chance for a Bed to appear at the start of every floor.
Rare Restful sleep
Fetal Stone
Fetal Stone.png
Rare Prehistoric friend
  • Grants a rocky familiar that fires rock tears that have a chance to confuse enemies.
Focus Crystal
Focus Crystal.png
Common Deal bonus damage to nearby enemies
  • Increase damage to enemies within 2.5 tiles by 20% (+20% per stack).
Oddly Smooth Stone
Oddly Smooth Stone.png
Common Better hearts
  • Start each combat with 1 Dexterity.
    • Dexterity improves life gained from Red Heart.png Hearts.
Common Look to la luna
Common Sour stone
Carnal Carnelian
Carnal Carnelian.png
Common Close range bonus
  • Golem gains damage and speed depending on how close they are to enemies.
Rebar Rock
Rebar Rock.png
Common Reinforced red hearts
  • 25% chance for HUD heart red full.png Red Heart damage to be blocked.
  • Red Heart damage is always reduced to half of a Heart.
Common The ceiling crumbles
  • Explosions cause rock projectiles that deal 2× Golem's damage to fall from the sky randomly.
  • Falling rock projectiles created by other enemies no longer harm Golem.
Cast Gem
Cast Gem.png
Rare Crystalline friend
  • Grants a homing Nyx Nyx gem that can be cast while attacking and sticks to enemies, dealing damage and inflicting Bruising.
  • Has special synergies with certain items.
Shard of Golgotha
Shard of Golgotha.png
Fiendish Chain thy enemy
  • Chains the enemy with the highest health at the start of every room (like Anima Sola.png Anima Sola), preventing them from moving and attacking for a few seconds.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz.png
Common On hit smokescreen
  • Confuses nearby enemies and grants a temporary speed boost upon taking damage.
Twinkling Rock
Twinkling Rock.png
Common Geode grind
  • Grinds into a Common or Rare geode.
Rock Cake
Rock Cake.png
Common Healing grinds
Common Krampus' knockoff
Common Directional weak spot
  • Enemies gain a random weak point.
  • When damaged from that direction, they take 50% more damage.
Rare Actives discharge
  • Using an active item shocks all nearby enemies.
  • Damage scales with charge amount and damage stat.
Pure Quartz
Pure Quartz.png
Rare Shield on complete soul heart loss
Rare Wait for delivery
  • The first Shop Pool Icon.png Shop purchase each floor is heavily discounted, but disappears when bought.
    • They are spawned at the start of the next floor.
Star Sapphire
Star Sapphire.png
Rare Movement detector
  • Grants a familiar that wobbily points towards the nearest enemy or projectile.
  • Blocks shots and deals contact damage.
Rare Spooky desecration
Sand Castle
Sand Castle.png
Common Fragile fortifications
  • Can block damage taken 3 times per floor before breaking down into Pocket Sand Pocket Sand.
Guarded Garnet
Guarded Garnet.png
Common Shield on damage
  • Chance for Golem to gain a shield on taking damage that lasts for a room and blocks one additional hit.
  • When blocked, knocks back enemies nearby.
Common Fragile luck
  • +4 luck.
  • When taking damage, lose 1 luck for the floor.
Gas Pocket
Gas Pocket.png
Common Noxious rocks
  • Rocks occasionally leak poison gas clouds.
  • When broken, rocks have a chance to spawn large clouds of gas.
Soap Stone
Soap Stone.png
Common Clean tears on room clear
  • Clears all projectiles on room clear and when taking damage.
  • When Isaac takes damage, spawns several friendly Bubble Medium.png Bubbles.
Spirit Urn
Spirit Urn.png
Common Wisps for dangerous encounters
Sun Shard
Sun Shard.png
Fiendish Your very own solar system
  • Grants a planet from SunIcon.png The Sun as an orbital which has special effects when blocking shots.
Steadfast Stone
Steadfast Stone.png
Rare Last ditch crushing
  • When taking lethal damage, prevents it and instead crushes a trinket that Golem is actively holding.
Insatiable Apatite
Insatiable Apatite.png
Fiendish Heart devourer
  • Golem gains temporary damage when picking up Red Heart.png Hearts.
  • When full on Hearts, can destroy them to gain double the damage.
  • Some Heart types have special effects.
Rai Stone
Rai Stone.png
Common Gift from Mammon
  • 15% chance for enemies to drop a Penny.png Penny on death that flickers and disappears after a short time.
Ore Penny
Ore Penny.png
Rare Wealth of Stone
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal.png
Common Speed down, tank up
  • -0.15 speed.
  • Grants damage that scales off of how slow Golem is.
  • Chance to block damage taken that scales with how slow Golem is.
Common Gross out pulse
Sulfur Crystal
Sulfur Crystal.png
Rare Periodic power
  • Grants Brimstone.png Brimstone at the start of every 4th room.
A Bit of Trollite
A Bit of Trollite.png
Extremely Rare Just a little
Common Throwing stones
  • Periodically tosses a rock tear at the nearest enemy in a short distance.
Common Random card effects!
  • Activates a random positive effect when using a TarotBack.png Card.
Magnetic Sand
Magnetic Sand.png
Common Tears up, magnetic tears
Power Rock
Power Rock.png
Rare Rubbled recharge
Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye.png
Rare Stony gaze
  • Spawns a Tiger's Eye familiar that bounces around the room, dealing contact damage and blocking shots.
  • Bounces directly towards the closest enemy when bouncing off a wall.
Smaller Rock
Smaller Rock.png
Common Find its kin
Nitro Crystal
Nitro Crystal.png
Rare Boosts from money
  • Picking up Penny.png Coins fuels Golem's nitro, giving them speed and tears while active.
Shard of Golem
Shard of Golem.png
Fiendish Golem's reward
  • Overhealing with Red Heart.png Red Hearts charges a special health bar.
  • Filling this health bar accumulates a damage boost, up to +1.8 damage for each heart filled.
  • Smelter.png Smelts itself once the bar is completely filled.
Rock Worm
Rock Worm.png
Common Unga bunga
  • +0.4 flat tears and +0.2 damage.
  • Grants a random Worm Trinket effect at the start of the floor, and for the duration of the floor.
Friendly Rapid Fire Opal
Friendly Rapid Fire Opal.png
Fiendish Fully-automatic, locked and loaded!
Common Line of sight
  • Entering and then breaking the line of sight from an enemy for the first time confuses them briefly.
Self-insert Replacement bonies
  • Randomly replaces enemies with Bony.png Bonies of equivalent health.
Lost Artifact
Lost Artifact.png
Fiendish Mew mew fairies
  • Upon clearing rooms, spawns a random amount of Fairy Fly familiars of different sizes.
  • Fairy Flies deal contact damage to enemies, and die after some time.
Atlas' Burden
Atlas' Burden.png
Fiendish Pass it to others
  • -0.4 speed.
  • Dealing damage to enemies has a chance to drop a boulder onto them, slowing them down and periodically doing heavy damage.
Pocket Rock-it
Pocket Rock-it.png
Fiendish Rock-et science
  • Chance to fire a rocket tear that homes in on enemies.
  • Rockets shoot low damage tears when close to enemies.
  • Rockets pop into a tear pattern on impact, depending on its color.
Wormhole Rock
Wormhole Rock.png
Fiendish Oh, wormhole?
  • Spawns two wormholes in random locations of the room.
  • Tears and projectiles that enter a portal will emerge from the other, aimed towards enemies and sometimes gaining additional effects.
  • The wormholes will occasionally burst into tears and change positions.
Ridiculous Metal
Ridiculous Metal.png
Fiendish Rhythmic rewards
  • Upon entering an uncleared room with enemies, prompts the player to play a rhythm minigame.
  • Firing tears with the correct timing (indicated by notes) will deal damage to all enemies in the room.
  • The damage per note increases for each consecutive note hit successfully.
Common Squirming within the stones
Homoerotic Ruby
Homoerotic Ruby.png
Rare Eternal flame, baby!
  • Female enemies periodically have a chance to become berserk.
  • Chance to fire flaming tears that burns enemies.
Gay Garnet
Gay Garnet.png
Unobtainable A conversation
Common A stoney of your own
Jesus Rock
Jesus Rock.png
Rare Back from the dead
  • Upon death, revives Golem in the current room with 6 Hearts in his health bar.
Chunk of Gallium
Chunk of Gallium.png
Common Slowing trails
  • 15% chance to fire a grey tear that leaves behind a trail of slowing creep.
Onion Rock
Onion Rock.png
Fiendish Throwable friends
  • Grants Brickmin familiars that can be aimed and launched while nearby.
  • There are 3 different Brickmin which have different effects and behaviors.
  • Brickmin will be gained every 3 rooms, to a cap of 4.
Knife Pebble
Knife Pebble.png
Common DMG up
Teardrop Pebble
Teardrop Pebble.png
Common Tears up
Arrow Pebble
Arrow Pebble.png
Common Range + Shotspeed up
Clover Pebble
Clover Pebble.png
Common Luck up
Shoe Pebble
Shoe Pebble.png
Common Speed up
Fruity Pebble
Fruity Pebble.png
Common All stats up
Common Grimace friend
  • Fires tears at nearby enemies.
  • Also works when dropped.
Vomit Grimlin
Vomit Grimlin.png
Rare Explosive friend
  • Fires arced Ipecac.png Ipecac projectiles at nearby enemies.
  • Also works when dropped.
Wetstone Grimlin
Wetstone Grimlin.png
Rare Bubbly friend
  • Passively spawns tiny friendly Bubble Medium.png Bubbles that drift around, deal damage and block shots.
  • Also spawns bubbles while dropped on the ground.
Constant Grimlin
Constant Grimlin.png
Common Directional friend
  • Constantly fires in a random direction.
  • Also works when dropped.
Broken Gaping Grimlin
Broken Gaping Grimlin.png
Rare Enemy sucker
  • Periodically begins sucking in all nearby enemies.
  • Also works when dropped.
Fiendish Brimstone friend
  • Periodically fires Brimstone.png Brimstone beams in a random direction.
  • Also works when dropped.
Cross Grimlin
Cross Grimlin.png
Rare Cross friend
  • Constantly fires in a +, then x pattern.
  • Also works when dropped.
Eye Grimlin
Eye Grimlin.png
Rare Laser friend
  • Constantly fires a rotating Technology.png Technology laser.
  • Also works when dropped.
Cauldron Grimlin
Cauldron Grimlin.png
Fiendish Duplicate friend
  • Periodically spawns a friendly copy of an enemy in the room.
  • Also works when dropped.
Gaping Grimlin
Gaping Grimlin.png
Common Pickup sucker
  • Constantly sucks in pickups.
  • Also works when dropped.
Rare Triple friend
  • Fires a triple shot at nearby enemies.
  • Also works when dropped.
Sensory Grimlin
Sensory Grimlin.png
Rare Sensational friend
  • Walking in a set direction causes the grimlin to fire in that direction.
  • Also works when dropped.