Septic Enemies

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Septic Enemies are a handful of enemy variants added in the Afterbirth+ edition of Fiend Folio that would have appeared in Genesis+ Septic Shock mod's unique floor, The Septic.

Currently, the Genesis+ mod is not compatible with the Repentance DLC, and thus cannot be played alongside the Fiend Folio: Reheated update — however, the Septic enemy variants are still in the MOD's files, and can be spawned in the game through the debug console. They may also rarely appear in a few rare rooms in TheChestIcon.png Chest or from waves in Greed Mode.


S'Eptics are variants of Slammer.png Slammers that behave similarly to S'More.png S'Mores, but they leave damaging green creep instead of gunpowder — as a result, they are quite a bit harder, as the creep can damage Isaac instantly if they are in the path between where S'Eptics are jumping towards.

Septic Bowler

Septic Bowlers are variants of Bowler.png Bowlers. They behave identically to their regular counterparts, however they will instead throw a Septic Bowler Ball and turn into a Septic Loafer.

Septic Loafer

Septic Loafers are variants of Loafer.png Loafers. They behave exactly the same as their regular counterparts, but will only seek Septic Bowler Balls to pick up.

Septic Bowler Ball

Septic Bowler Balls are variants of Bowler Ball.png Bowler Ball heads thrown by Septic Bowler. They leave a trail of green damaging creep as they roll — otherwise, their behavior is the same as that of Bowler Ball.png Bowler Balls.

Septic Balor

Septic Balors are variants of Balor.png Balors that behave almost identically, except they leave green creep instead of red, and their projectiles are explosive green projectiles that explode upon landing and leave a large puddle of green damaging creep where it has landed. These projectiles do not leave creep while traveling through the air.


Limepatches are variants of Sourpatch.png Sourpatches that split into a Limepatch Head and Limepatch Body upon death — otherwise, they behave exactly the same.

Limepatch Head

Limepatch Heads act identically like their regular counterparts, but their creep is green and they explode upon death.

Limepatch Body

Limepatch Bodies behave exactly like their regular counterparts, but their projectiles leave small puddles of green damaging creep.

Septic Poly

Septic Polies are variants of Roly Poly.png Roly Poly that leave trail of green creep when they roll.

Septic Nimbus

Septic Nimbuses are variants of Nimbus.png Nimbuses whose clouds are green, and drop down multiple explosive Ipecac.png Ipecac shots instead of regular tears.

Septic Ghostse

Septic Ghostse is a variant of Ghostse.png Ghostse fires volleys of explosive Ipecac.png Ipecac shots instead of regular poop projectiles, but otherwise acts the same.


  • S'Eptics can appear as a part of the Slammer Gang effect of The Fiend Folio The Fiend Folio.
  • Limepatches and their components have a chance to replace Sourpatch.png Sourpatches if the player is holding Limestone Limestone.