The Sun

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The Sun is a boss that can be found in UteroIcon.png Utero. She resembles a giant golden Stone Grimace.png Grimace and is orbited by various organs.


The Sun

The Sun remains stationary at the top the room, and is invulnerable to damage. She spawns with three large organs that orbit around her: Venus (brain), Earth (kidney), and Neptune (heart). Damage dealt to one of the organs will share 1/2 of that damage to every other organ.

The Sun herself will not begin attacking until the total HP of her organs are below 90%, after which she will periodically perform one of the following attacks:

  • Shoots a stream of fire towards Isaac with limited range.
  • Grunts twice before spitting 2 short-ranged Hot Bombs.png Hot Bombs consecutively towards Isaac which deal contact damage and leave an extinguishable flame on the ground where they explode.
  • Summons either 2 Guts.png Guts or Sun Hollow Knight.png Hollow Knights from each of her eyes, dropping them directly below her.

Once Venus, Earth, and Neptune are killed, The Sun will deactivate, ending the fight.


  • The Hollow Knights spawned by The Sun have a unique appearance, though they do not behave any differently.
  • The Hot Bombs and the flames they leave behind can damage any of the orbiting organs as well as any spawned enemies.
  • If The Sun is blocking the exit to the next floor after being defeated, she can be de-spawned by leaving and re-entering the room.
  • The Sun can be instantly killed with the Chaos Card.png Chaos Card. Doing so will drop the Planet Badge Planet Badge.
  • Entering The Sun's boss room or encountering it in a Boss Challenge Room will teleport Isaac to the bottom center of the room, similarly to Gurdy.png Gurdy.


Venus is the closest and slowest orbital of The Sun, and orbits clockwise. It will periodically hop in place and summon a SunBrain.png Brain with a pink coloration. Only one Brain can be alive at a time.

  • Venus slowly accelerates its orbit infinitely and can reach critical speeds after enough time.

If one of the other organs is killed, it will stop orbiting entirely and instead directly chase Isaac, albeit slowly.


Earth is between both other organs in both its orbiting speed and distance; it orbits counter-clockwise. Earth doesn't attack directly, and only attacks via the two indestructible kidney stones, referred to as Moons, that slowly orbit around it clockwise. These kidney stones fire large bursts of yellow projectiles towards Isaac in response to being damaged from any source.

If one of the other organs is killed, it will adjust its orbiting path and try to redirect itself towards Isaac. It will now also slow down the closer it is to Isaac and speed up when further away.


  • The "Moons" orbiting Earth can be destroyed by effects such as Euthanasia.png Euthanasia or Little Horn.png Little Horn, rendering Earth almost harmless.


Neptune is the fastest and furthest orbital of The Sun and orbits clockwise. It constantly leaves a trail of red creep and projectiles that linger for a moment as it moves. It will occasionally begin to beat and scatter more projectiles in a short range around itself.

If one of the other organs is killed, it will orbit faster and reverse its orbit each time it hits a wall, releasing 2 rings of 12 large projectiles each time it does so. It will also no longer beat and release projectiles while moving.

Video Showcase


  • The Sun may be based on the solar plexus, a sun-shaped knot of nerves in the middle of the human torso that is connected to a wide variety of organs.
  • Many of the sound effects used by The Sun are sampled from Satan.png Satan in the flash version of The Binding of Isaac.
  • The fact that The Sun drops the Planet Badge when killed with a Chaos Card is a reference to the secret crawlspace that is revealed when Great Gideon.png Great Gideon is killed with a Chaos Card.
