Status Effects

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Status Effects are special effects that can be inflicted on an enemy from a variety of sources, such as tears, bombs, and items. Each status effect has a color and symbol/effect associated with them for easy identification. These colorations are not to be confused with champions.

This page is about status effects added by Fiend Folio. More information about the vanilla status effects can be found in the vanilla page


Effect Appearance Description
  • Bruised enemies will take 1 additional flat damage from all damage sources. Bruised can be stacked multiple times on the same enemy up to 5 times, further increasing the damage they take. The amount of extra damage an enemy takes while bruised may vary depending on the effect that has applied it.
Drowsy & Sleepy
  • Drowsy enemies will turn blue and begin to slow down until they come to a complete stop and fall asleep. Sleeping enemies will not be able to move or attack until the effect wears off and will take double damage on the next hit they take, but this will also awaken them and end the effect prematurely.
  • Damage an enemy takes while in the drowsiness stage of the effect won't interrupt them falling asleep.
  • Berserked enemies will gain a movement and attack speed boost, and will target enemies and Isaac at random. They deal 2.1× their max HP in damage to other enemies on contact and with any projectiles they shoot, but will also deal a full heart of damage to Isaac, regardless of its original source. If there are no other enemies, they will target Isaac instead.
  • Berserked enemies will take 50% more damage from all sources, but will also be unable to die until the effect ends, or until there are no other enemies not afflicted with berserk.
  • Sewn enemies will link together with other Sewn enemies with a thread, causing all damage they take to be applied to all other enemies linked.
  • Doomed enemies will have a number counter above them. This counter will tick down by 1 each time the enemy is damaged by Isaac and, upon hitting 0, will deal a burst of 5× Isaac's damage while removing the doom effect.
  • Hemorrhaging enemies will bleed profusely, taking damage every 2 game ticks, as well as creating puddles of red creep and spraying bloody projectiles that deal damage to other enemies. The size of the creep puddles created will scale with the size of the enemy, and the damage of the bloody creep and projectiles will fluctuate slightly, but is influenced by Isaac's damage stat and can potentially vary depending on the effect that applied it.
  • Multi-euclidean enemies will cause any of Isaac's tears, lasers, or bombs that make contact with them to pass through and split into two parallel ones, similar to Multidimensional Baby.png Multidimensional Baby. Once a tear has been doubled, it cannot be doubled again by hitting another multi-euclidean affected enemy.
  • Glitched enemies will have their attack patterns become broken or disrupted as their AI becomes occasionally overwritten by Poople.png Poople, which causes them to take drastically increased knock-back and slide around the room all while occasionally leaving brown creep on the ground behind them.
  • Enemies that have become martyrs will leave behind ghostly afterimages with a small aura. Standing in the aura grants a 1.1× damage multiplier, 0.8× max tear delay multiplier, and homing tears, similar to Hallowed Ground.png Hallowed Ground. Martyred enemies will fade away after 5 seconds. Bosses and mini-bosses can not become a martyr.


The following tables list the items, trinkets, and collectibles from the mod that may apply status effects to enemies.


Active Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Empty Book
Empty BookOne time use
Write your own story!
  • Customizable active item.
  • Does a variety of effects depending on what the player chooses.
Sanguine Hook
Sanguine HookUnlimited
This doesn’t belong to you
  • Throwable hook that latches onto and pulls in enemies and pickups.
  • Enemies become bruised while hooked.
  • Releasing enemies makes them hemorrhage and launch bloody tears towards Isaac that hurt other enemies.

Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Black Lantern
Black Lantern
Silver-Lined Curses
  • +1 Black Heart.png Black Heart.
  • Guarantees a curse on every floor.
  • Replaces curses with special new types of potentially beneficial curses.
Lifelong partner
  • Spawns a familiar that fires hooks that latch onto and pull enemies/pickups.
  • Remains stationary while pulling in enemies/pickups.
  • Inflicts enemies with bruising while hooked.
  • On releasing enemies, inflicts them with hemorrhaging and fires blood tears in the direction they were released.
Emoji Glasses
Emoji Glasses
It's lit
  • Isaac Fires emoji tears that each have a unique effect.
  • Cycles through 3 different emojis at a time.
  • Grants 3 gems that can be cast while attacking, homing onto enemies to inflict damage and bruise them.
  • Bruised enemies take bonus damage from all sources based on the number of stacks applied.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.
Rubber Bullets
Rubber Bullets
Bruising Tears
  • Luck-based chance to fire bullet tears that bruise enemies.
  • Bruised enemies take bonus damage from all sources of damage based on the number of stacks applied.


Name Icon Flavor Text Effect
I can do anything!
  • Grants a rotating list of random, wacky effects for each room which can be either helpful, harmful, or neither.
  • Two effects of Jevilstail inflict Bruising:
    • "Your FOEs felt at ease.": "Their defense dropped!" - All enemies in the room are afflicted with Bruising.
    • "Awkward!": "Your FOEs will hurt you rapidly!" - Isaac is afflicted with Bruising for the room, which reduces his amount of invincibility frames.
Rebellion Rock
Rebellion Rock.png
Overcome thine adversaries
  • When taking damage, deals minor damage to all nearby enemies, knocks them back, and inflicts them with Bruising.
Cast Gem
Cast Gem.png
Crystalline friend
  • Grants a homing Nyx.png Nyx gem that can be cast while attacking and sticks to enemies, inflicting damage and Bruising.
  • Has special synergies with certain items.
Rubber Geode
Rubber Geode.png
Rubbery tears, geode bonus
  • Chance to fire bouncing tennis balls that inflict Bruising and deal knockback.
  • If holding another Geode, higher chance to fire as well as more knockback and shot speed.


Name Icon Back Flavor Text Effect
Metal Energy
"Draw bruising"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Bruising.

Pill Effects: Epidermolysis, which reduces the amount of invincibility frames, uses the same visuals as bruising, inflicting it on Isaac instead.

Drowsy and Sleepy

Active Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Bedtime Story
Bedtime Story2 rooms
Ready for bed
  • Makes all enemies in the room drowsy.
  • Drowsy enemies will slow down and eventually fall asleep.
  • Damaging a sleeping enemy deals double damage, but wakes them up.

Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Hypno Ring
Hypno Ring
Drowsing tears
  • Luck-affected chance to fire tears that makes enemies drowsy.
  • Drowsy enemies slowly fall asleep, moving and attacking increasingly slower over time.
  • Sleeping enemies remain still until they awake. They take double damage while asleep, but will instantly wake up upon taking any damage.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.


Name Icon Flavor Text Effect
Sheep Rock
Sheep Rock.png
Sleepy tears
  • Chance to fire a Drowsy tear that decelerates and floats in place.
Fractal Geode
Fractal Geode.png
Don't look too deep, geode bonus
  • Chance to fire a spiraling shot that inflicts Drowsy.
  • With another held Geode, the shot has higher odds of inflicting Drowsy and has a chance to immediately inflict Sleep.


Pill Effects: Melatonin inflicts all enemies in the room with drowsy, causing them to go to sleep.


Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Lil Minx
Lil Minx
Double-tap possesser
  • Spawns a pink Menace.png Menace familiar that charges at enemies.
  • Double-tapping the shoot button will have Lil Minx possess the nearest enemy and inflict them with berserk.
  • Double-tapping the shoot button again will have Lil Minx exit the enemy and launch a spectral tear barrage.
  • Berserked enemies periodically switch targets between Isaac and other enemies, deal and take bonus damage, move faster, and cannot die during the duration.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.


Name Icon Flavor Text Effect
Homoerotic Ruby
Homoerotic Ruby.png
Eternal flame, baby!
  • Female enemies periodically have a chance to become Berserked.
  • Chance to fire flaming tears that Burn enemies.


Name Icon Back Flavor Text Effect
Fighting Energy
"Draw berserk"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Berserk.


Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Sewing Shot
  • Luck-based chance to shoot sewing needles that pierce and inflict enemies with sewn.
  • Sewn enemies link damage taken onto all other enemies with sewn.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.


Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.
Toy Piano
Toy Piano
Diabolus in musica
  • 22% chance, scaling with luck, to fire tears that doom enemies.
  • Doomed enemies gain a counter that goes down every time they take damage. Upon reaching zero the enemy takes 5× Isaac's damage and the effect is removed.


Name Icon Flavor Text Effect
Rock from an Abyss
Rock from an Abyss.png
They feel doomed
  • 20% chance to apply Doom for 3 turns to 3 enemies at the start of the room.


Active Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Sanguine Hook
Sanguine HookUnlimited
This doesn’t belong to you
  • Throwable hook that latches onto and pulls in enemies and pickups.
  • Enemies become bruised while hooked.
  • Releasing enemies makes them hemorrhage and launch bloody tears towards Isaac that hurt other enemies.
Sculpted Pepper
Sculpted Pepper8.33 seconds
Strength in arrogance
  • Spawns a stone block on use.
  • Attacking the stone block chisels it.
  • Fully chiseled stone blocks produce an aura that gives status effects to enemies and buffs to Isaac, with the types of effects differing with the appearance of the statue.

Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Lawn Darts
Lawn Darts
Hemorrhaging tears
  • Luck-affected chance to fire tears that inflict enemies with hemorrhaging.
  • Hemorrhaging enemies periodically take damage, spew blood tears randomly around themselves and leave blood creep on the ground that damages other enemies.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.


Name Icon Back Flavor Text Effect
Colorless Energy
"Draw hemorrhaging"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Hemorrhaging.


Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.
Time Itself
Time Itself
Multi-euclidean tears
  • Has a chance to fire tears that cause enemies to become multi-euclidean.
  • Multi-euclidean enemies can be shot through, doubling the tears.


Active Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Nil Pasta
Nil Pasta2 rooms
Spaghetti code
  • Captures up to 5 enemies with spaghetti ropes and holds them in place.
  • Pulling out the spaghetti also removes parts of the enemies' code, causing them to become glitched and constantly take damage over time.
  • Glitched enemies will occasionally lose their AI, sometimes replacing their behavior with that of Poople.png Poople.


Name Icon Back Flavor Text Effect
Download Failure
"Why are all my enemies sliding around?" Inflicts all enemies in the room with Glitched.


Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
For your sins, they die
  • Enemies killed by tears will leave behind a short-lived ghost with an aura.
  • Standing in the aura grants a boost to tear rate and damage, and makes Isaac's tears homing.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.

Vanilla Status Effects

Main article: Status Effects on the TBoI:Rebirth wiki

Active Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Empty Book
Empty BookOne time use
Write your own story!
  • Customizable active item.
  • Does a variety of effects depending on what the player chooses.
Golden Frog Head
Golden Frog HeadUnlimited
Gas Is Good
  • Forces Isaac to stand still while used.
  • Letting go makes Isaac fart, the fart getting more powerful the longer it is held down.
Kalu's Severed Head
Kalu's Severed Head10 seconds
Horrifying visage
  • Is held above Isaac's head, and controls a cone of vision.
  • Enemies in the cone are petrified and take a minor amount of damage.
  • Enemies killed while petrified burst into a ring of 8 tears.
Sculpted Pepper
Sculpted Pepper8.33 seconds
Strength in arrogance
  • Spawns a stone block on use.
  • Attacking the stone block chisels it.
  • Fully chiseled stone blocks produce an aura that gives status effects to enemies and buffs to Isaac, with the types of effects differing with the appearance of the statue.

Passive Items

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Black Lantern
Black Lantern
Silver-Lined Curses
  • +1 Black Heart.png Black Heart.
  • Guarantees a curse on every floor.
  • Replaces curses with special new types of potentially beneficial curses.
HP + DMG Up, Perfect Freeze 4 
They're shy
  • Spawns a stationary familiar that gazes at enemies in the room, petrifying them as long as they are in its sight.
Infinity Volt
Infinity Volt
Double tap cord
  • Double tap to link to an enemy with an extension cord.
  • Linked enemies are charmed and continually generate arcs of electricity.
  • After being linked for long enough, the enemy will explode.
Serpent Bearer
  • Wiggly snake familiar that chases after enemies, poisoning them and dealing damage on contact.
  • Prioritizes chasing after enemies that are not currently afflicted with Poison.
It burns! Wait, no it doesn't...
  • Chance to fire a flame that damages and slows enemies, and freezes them into ice statues on death.
Slippy's Heart
Slippy's Heart
  • Chance to fart while near enemies. Farts vary in type and strength.
  • Fart chance scales with luck.


Name Icon Flavor Text Effect
Flea of Meltdown
Flea of Meltdown.png
I bring Meltdown
  • Creates a friendly orange Skuzz when entering a new room.
  • Meltdown Skuzzes will Burn enemies on hit.
Flea of Pollution
Flea of Pollution.png
I bring Pollution
  • Creates a friendly purple Skuzz when entering a new room.
  • Pollution Skuzzes will Slow enemies on hit.
Flea of Propaganda
Flea of Propaganda.png
I bring Propaganda
  • Creates a friendly beige Skuzz when entering a new room.
  • Propaganda Skuzzes will Charm enemies on hit.
Flea Circus
Flea Circus.png
  • Chance to spawn a random Harbinger Skuzz when an enemy is killed.
  • Depending on its type, the Harbinger Skuzz may Burn, Slow, or Charm enemies.
Rainbow Bean
Rainbow Bean.png
Intimate farts
  • When standing near enemies, the player has a chance of expelling a random Bean fart.
  • The farts may Poison, Petrify, or Charm afflicted enemies.
Sapphic Sapphire
Sapphic Sapphire.png
Stone butch blue
  • Charms female enemies.
  • Occasionally fire Uranus.png Freezing tears.
Blood Diamond
Blood Diamond.png
Bleeding tears
  • Occasionally fire tears that cause Bleed.
Scented Rock
Scented Rock.png
Charm aura
  • Charms enemies in a small radius around Golem.
Chilling aura
  • Enemies close by the player are Slowed, and Frozen on death.
Molten Slag
Molten Slag.png
Smelting reroll
  • Occasionally Burns nearby enemies.
  • When grinded, smelts your other trinket.
Emetic Antimony
Emetic Antimony.png
Timed puke
  • Periodically gives the player Ipecac.png Ipecac for one shot, which inflicts Poison to hit enemies.
Robot Rock
Robot Rock.png
  • Grants the player spinning lasers that inflict random status effects.
  • The lasers have a 25% chance to inflict a status effect on enemies, based on their color.
    • Red: Marked
    • Orange: Burning
    • Yellow: Confusion
    • Green: Poisoned
    • Blue: Shrunk
    • Indigo: Slowed
    • Violet: Feared
    • Pink: Charmed
Fetal Stone
Fetal Stone.png
Prehistoric friend
  • Grants a rock familiar that fires rock tears that have a chance to Confuse.
Sour stone
  • Leave a trail of lime creep that deals 50% damage.
  • Permanently Charms citrus related enemies.
  • More limes?
Dogrock Rock
Dogrock Rock.png
He likes you!
  • Slow enemies in a radius around the player.
  • Funny visuals and sounds.
  • Can't be obtained in a normal run.
Shard of Golgotha
Shard of Golgotha.png
Chain thy enemy
  • Chains the highest health enemy at the start of every room.
Gas Pocket
Gas Pocket.png
Noxious rocks
  • Rocks occasionally leak Poisonous gas.
  • When broken, rocks have a chance to spawn large clouds of gas.
Gross out pulse
  • Periodically fire a pulse that either Fears, Poisons, or Confuses enemies nearby.
Magnetic Sand
Magnetic Sand.png
Tears up, magnetic tears
  • +0.45 Tears up and -0.35 Damage down.
  • Chance to fire a Lodestone.png Lodestone tear that makes enemies Magnetic.
Line of sight
  • Entering then breaking the line of sight from an enemy for the first time Confuses them briefly.
Homoerotic Ruby
Homoerotic Ruby.png
Eternal flame, baby!
  • Female enemies periodically have a chance to become Berserk.
  • Chance to fire flaming tears that Burn enemies.
Cauldron Grimlin
Cauldron Grimlin.png
Duplicate friend
  • Periodically spawns a Friendly copy of an enemy in the room.
  • Also works when dropped.
Webby Geode
Webby Geode.png
Slowing shot, geode bonus
  • (20 + 2 × Luck) % chance to fire a Slowing tear.
  • Geode Bonus: Slowing tears leave large puddles of slowing white creep if they hit an enemy.
Warm Geode
Warm Geode.png
Warmth power, geode bonus
  • Damage and Shot Speed up when near a fire.
  • Warm floors give a passive stat buff.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another Geode, tears also inflict Burn when standing near a fire.
Fragmented Onyx Geode
Fragmented Onyx Geode.png
Fearful tears, geode bonus
  • 10% chance for tears to inflict Fear.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another Geode, +5% fear chance per tear and enemies afflicted with Fear take extra damage equal to the Devil Deal chance.
Trippy Fossil
Trippy Fossil.png
Huh whuh, crush effect
  • Chance to fire God's Flesh.png God's Flesh tears, which Shrink enemies.
  • Crush Effect: Shrinks the player when crushed.
Skuzz Fossil
Skuzz Fossil.png
Friend 'till the end, crush effect
  • Spawn 2-3 Fleas of Pollution (inflict Slow) at the start of rooms.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns 5-7 Blue Skuzzes when crushed.
Petrified Sock
Petrified Sock.png
Hard as a rock, crush effect
  • Chance to fire Petrifying tears.
  • Crush Effect: Grants a random Familiar when crushed.


Name Icon Back Flavor Text Effect
Honey Penny
  • +1 coin.
  • On pickup, gives Isaac a honey creep trail that Slows enemies, as well as his tears being able to apply Slowness on enemies hit. Effect lasts for 16-17 seconds.
King of Diamonds
"Gild all before you"
Darkness Energy
"Draw fear"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Fear.
Fairy Energy
"Draw charm"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Charm.
Fire Energy
"Draw burning"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Burning.
Grass Energy
"Draw poison"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Poison.
Psychic Energy
"Draw confusion"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Confusion.
AC 3000
"Guaranteed to keep them cool"
  • Inflicts all enemies in the room with Freezing.
Grotto Beast
Grotto Beast.png
"One rare in every pack!"
  • Summons a Friendly Fiend Folio beast.