Vanilla Boss Champions

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In addition to Fiend Folio's own new bosses, the MOD also adds 13 new champions of familiar bosses in the vanilla game, with their own unique appearances.

For Fiend Folio's own new bosses and their champions added in the MOD, see their respective articles in Bosses.


Golden Plum

Golden Plum is a champion version of Baby Plum.png Baby Plum themed around Golden Boom Fly.png Golden Boom Flies.

Golden Plum has the following changes in behavior:

  • Leaves behind an additional trail of projectiles that hover in place for a moment before dropping during her propelling attack.
  • Sends out a second ring of projectiles that overlaps with the first while twirling towards Isaac.
  • Launches a cluster of arcing coin projectiles in all directions instead of projectile rings during her slam.
  • If spared, she will replace the boss item with the Golden Plum Flute Golden Plum Flute.

Ghost Larry Jr.

Ghost Larry Jr. is a champion version of Larry Jr.png Larry Jr.. It has a purple skin tone and closed eyes, having a similar appearance to Haunted.png Haunted.

Ghost Larry Jr. has the following changes in behavior:

  • As it travels, it leaves a trail of spectral projectiles which float in place for a short period.
  • Each segment that isn't the head can spawn a Yawner.png Yawner when destroyed.

Mucus Monstro

Mucus Monstro is a champion of Monstro.png Monstro. He is themed around Spitum.png Spitums, having pale eyes and no teeth.

Mucus Monstro has the following changes in behavior:

  • Constantly creates a large pool of damaging green creep beneath itself, and spawn a new puddle wherever it lands after hopping or jumping.
  • When coughing, can spit out two types of projectiles:
    • A large cluster of slow-moving green projectiles which leave small puddles of green creep where they land.
    • A Spitum.png Spitum in form of a projectile, which travels in a high arc towards Isaac's position, and spawns a small puddle of damaging creep where it lands. It will not spawn more if there are 2 Spitums alive.
  • Mucus Monstro will not release any projectiles upon landing after jumping off-screen.


Technopin is a champion version of Pin.png Pin. It appears as a purple version of Pin, with a more gruff expression, and appears to have the Technology.png Technology item.

Technopin has the following changes in behavior:

  • When jumping, leaves behind four tracers instead of projectiles, which release Technology.png Technology lasers in the diagonal directions after a brief delay.
  • When it partially emerges from the ground, its eye flashes before firing a Technology laser towards Isaac's last position the moment its eye had flashed.

Albino Widow

Albino Widow is a champion version of Widow.png Widow. Albino Widow is slightly smaller than a normal Widow, and has a pale skin coloration and empty eye sockets.

Albino Widow has the following changes in behavior:

  • Spits out Spooter.png Spooters towards Isaac rather than Spider.png Spiders.
  • When Albino Widow creates a puddle of white creep, it spawns a Sticky Sack.png Sticky Sack instead of a Sack.png Sack.
  • Albino Widow has a longer wait between attacks than regular Widow.

Beehive Fistula

Beehive Fistula is a champion version of Fistula.png Fistula that appears as a honeycombed giant beehive.

Beehive Fistula has the following changes in behavior:

  • Has slightly lower movement speed.
  • Whenever Fistula or any of its pieces is destroyed, they leave behind a pool of slowing honey creep; the size of the creep puddle is proportional to the size of the piece destroyed.
  • The Large Fistula splits into 3 medium Fistulas rather than 4.
  • Small Fistulas spawn a Stingler.png Stingler upon death instead of a Charger.png Charger.
    • The projectiles of these Stinglers will bounce one less time compared to regular Stinglers.

Possessed Hollow

Possessed Hollow is a champion version of The Hollow.png The Hollow which appears to be fucked up and evil. Falling in line with Ghost Larry Jr., it is based on Possessed.png Possessed and Moaner.png Moaner.

Possessed Hollow has the following changes in behavior:

  • As it travels, it occasionally leaves behind a trail of spectral projectiles which float in place for a short period. These projectiles will home in on Isaac if he gets too close.
  • Each segment that isn't the head can spawn a Moaner.png Moaner when destroyed.
  • When all segments of an individual Hollow is killed, its head segment will drop a Possessed Skull.png Possessed's Corpse.

Wine Husk

Wine Husk is a champion version of The Husk.png The Husk. It is smaller in size compared to regular Husk and is themed around Grape.png Grapes.

Wine Husk has the following changes in behavior:

  • Spawns a Grape.png Grape that orbits Husk either clockwise or anti-clockwise, up to a maximum of 4.
  • Shoots out a ring of 6 projectiles that rotate in either direction.
  • Shoots out a stream of projectiles which make a wide sine-wave path, traveling in the cardinal direction closest to Isaac.
  • Upon death, spawns a Bunch.png Bunch and releases all orbiting Grapes, causing them to resume their regular behavior.

Alien Loki

Alien Loki is a champion version of Loki.png Loki. He appears to have neon green skin with three lime green eyes.

Alien Loki has the following changes in behavior:

  • His projectiles during his chain attack are now purple and have homing properties.
  • When performing his attacks where he releases a single ring of projectiles. he releases 5 homing projectiles, with 1 of the projectiles being aimed directly below him.
    • He will also create this ring of projectiles prior to teleporting.
  • Spawns 3 Lightning Fly.png Lightning Flies instead of a Boom Fly.png Boom Fly.
  • Using Meat Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver on Alien Loki will transform him into Alien Lokii.

Kidney of Infamy

Kidney of Infamy is a champion version of Mask of Infamy.png Mask of Infamy. Her mask appears to be overjoyed and has a giant kidney in place of a heart.

Kidney of Infamy has the following changes in behavior:

  • During the first phase, if Isaac gets too close to the Kidney, it shoots out lines of 3 projectiles in all cardinal directions, lines of 2 in the ordinal, and leaves behind a small pool of yellow creep. The outer cardinal projectile in each line of 3 is slightly larger.
  • After killing the Kidney, the Mask will now appear sorrowful and she will actively run away from Isaac, periodically leaving behind small pools of yellow creep while doing so.

Fiend Mom

Fiend Mom is a champion version of Mom.png Mom. She has a purple skin tone, and the four doors in the room have the face of FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend etched upon them.

Fiend Mom has the following changes in behavior:

  • Releases a short range ring of 8 purple flames when she stomps her foot.
  • Her summons are replaced by a wide variety of enemies from Fiend Folio, which are found below:





2-3 Morsels

Shot Fly.png

Shot Fly









Super Spooter.png

Super Spooter







Mr. Flare.png

Mr. Flare



Roly Poly.png

Roly Poly

Milk Tooth.png

Milk Tooth

















Alien Lokii

Alien Lokii is a champion version of Lokii.png Lokii. He is Lokii's champion equivalent to Alien Loki.

Alien Lokii has the following changes in behavior:

  • Each halves' projectiles during their chain attack are now purple and have homing properties.
  • When performing the single projectile attack, each half fires 5 homing projectiles in a ring with 1 of the projectiles being aimed directly below it.
  • Spawns a Volt.png Volt instead of a Red Boom Fly.png Red Boom Fly.
  • Both halves of Alien Lokii will create a line of electricity linked between them as long as they are close enough to each other. It will disappear prior to either half teleporting, or if an enemy gets in between its path, and will reconnect afterwards.

Grinch Krampus

Grinch Krampus is a champion version of Krampus.png Krampus. He is Christmas-themed with a green body and red horns that each look like Santa's hat.

Grinch Krampus has the following changes in behavior:

  • His Brimstone.png Brimstone lasers are replaced by dense streams of snowball projectiles which spread out slightly in a V shape as they travel outwards.
  • His projectile attack fires 2 slightly larger snowball projectiles in a spread, followed by 3 smaller snowball projectiles.
  • All snowball projectiles deal a full heart of damage.
  • On death, creates a short-lasting cloud of poison gas.

Video Showcase


  • Mucus Monstro is based off of (and partially a successor to) the "Primordial Monstro" boss from The Devil's Harvest MOD.
  • Technopin is based off of the boss of the same name from The Devil's Harvest MOD.
  • Alien Loki may be based off of the "Alium" enemies from The Devil's Harvest MOD.
  • Kidney of Infamy Mask's appearance in their second phase, specifically their cracked back side, is based off of Mask of Infamy's concept art created by Edmund McMillen.
  • Fiend Mom has a tiny face of FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend in one of of the polka-dots on her dress.
  • Grinch Krampus and Alien Lokii were added in The Spitshine Update.
    • Alien Lokii was unused prior to the update.
  • Grinch Krampus is named and themed after the character of the Grinch from the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas!.
