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Ghostbuster is a boss added in The Reheated Update that can be encountered in DownpourIcon.png Downpour. They are the ghostly posthumous version of BusterIcon.png Buster.


During the fight, Ghostbuster's Emmissions will constantly fly in from the walls and begin orbiting around Ghostbuster, up to a maximum of 3. Ghostbuster will slowly fly after Isaac and can perform the following attacks:

  • Flies to one of the top corners charges to the side, drifting around as he reaches the wall, which fires projectiles outwards, and finally stopping at the bottom corner under his starting point making his path a U-turn. Then he will cough up a disorganized, short-ranged volley of projectiles towards Isaac.
    • Ghostbuster will always perform this attack first.
  • Releases all Emmissions currently orbiting him, and begins to chase Isaac around the room, sliding at a moderate pace along the cardinal directions. During this attack, 4 additional "Congressing" Emmissions will appear that cross the room from one side to the other flying up and down in a sine-wave pattern, with 2 appearing at a time at the opposite ends.
  • Moves near a corner and charges horizontally, leaving his Emmissions behind. As he reaches the opposite wall, he disappears while firing 4 spectral projectiles at 30° diagonals. Then he charges back again from the other side, lined up with Isaac's vertical position and with only his reflection in the water visible, and shoots out 4 more projectiles when he reaches the other wall. Finally, he charges back to the middle of the room, while sending out a wave of projectiles that cover half the room as he drifts to stop.
    • If Ghostbuster hits his Emmissions when he's charging, they will drop and explode on the spot. If he drifts into them at the end of his last charge, they will instead be sent outwards as part of the wave and explode as they reach the ground.
  • If there are 2 or more Emmissions in the room, Ghostbuster may stop and begin to suck them up into his mouth, while also pulling Isaac towards him. After all the Emmissions enter his mouth, he will then send 5 Emmissions high in the air in random directions to explode around the room, moving towards Isaac while doing so.

When Ghostbuster dies, he will begin to suck up all the Emmissions in the room (who will gain a hysterical expression on their faces). Afterwards, Ghostbuster will begin shrinking before exploding in a cloud.



Ghostbuster's Emmissions are enemies that are summoned exclusively in his fight, and are ghostly variants of Commission.png Commission. They move in the similar erratic manner, with the exception of the Congressing Emissions that appear in Ghostbuster's chasing attack, who instead move across the screen in a sine-wave pattern.

Emmissions freeze as Ghostbuster sucks them in, and can be sent out by Ghostbuster to explode in a ghostly cloud; this explosion does not destroy grids.

Video Showcase


  • Ghostbuster's name is a reference to the 1984 film, Ghostbusters.
  • Emmissions' name are a reference to "nocturnal emissions", an innuendo for ejaculating during sleep.
    • The name "Emmission" is spelt incorrectly in-game, having two 'm's instead of one.
  • The Congressing Emmissions that appear in one of Ghostbuster's attacks are named after Congression.png Congression, who moves in a similar manner.
  • If Ghostbuster somehow appears in a room without water, many of his charge attacks will no longer create water tears, and Ghostbuster will no longer be able to disappear into the Mirror World during one of his horizontal charges.
  • If Isaac dies and gets a Game Over against Ghostbuster, Ghostbuster can be heard taunting Isaac by snickering to himself.
    • This is a near identical sound to that used by BusterIcon.png Buster.
  • A "joke" teaser of Ghostbuster was shown 4 months before Fiend Folio: Reheated's release, using Kirby as a placeholder sprite.[1]

