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Pollution is a Modern Harbinger in the Fiend Folio MOD that appears as a boss in the DankDepthsIcon.png Dank Depths.


Phase 1

Pollution rides around on his motorhorse, cycling through 2 attacks in the following order:

  • Chases Isaac for a few seconds, leaving 2 streams of bloody projectiles in his wake that spread outwards in a V pattern. He will build up momentum and speed while charging, and cannot make sharp turns effectively.
  • Pollution will rev up his motorbike and make a charge horizontally off-screen. He will then wrap around and charge across the center of the room in the same direction 3 times in a row, leaving a trail of fire as he does so. Each time he reaches the middle of the room, he will perform one of 3 unique attacks; each always used once during the full cycle and in no particular order. The three tricks Pollution can use are as follows:
    • Coughs up 6 Blot.png Blots in a ring which leave puddles of slowing black creep where they land.
    • Jumps while holding his horse and launches a spread of 7 flames in the cardinal direction closest to Isaac.
    • Does a trick off his bike, which releases 3 streams of bloody projectiles in a swirl.
  • After Pollution has finished all three tricks, he launches a Punk directly at Isaac, and then repeats the attack cycle.

Phase 2

Once Pollution drops below 300 HP, he is launched off his bike into the center of the room and his head explodes upon landing, scattering 3 Blots, black projectiles, and a pool of black creep. His body then jumps back to his motorhorse, using the horse head as a replacement for his own, and launches the bike frame towards Isaac which explodes on impact. In this stage, referred to as his "Horsepowered" form, he has a new health pool of 300 HP and 2 new attacks which he alternates between:

  • Chases after Isaac for a period, leaving 3 trails of fire behind him. Pollution can then charge quickly towards the left or right when lined up with Isaac in those directions, until he crashes into a wall.
    • His charge destroys any obstacles he runs into.
  • Once he hits a wall, he remains stationary and shoots 3 streams of undulating flames in a wide spread towards Isaac. He performs this attack 3 times, pausing in between to re-center the stream at Isaac.


  • Unlike various other chasing mechanics from other bosses, Pollution's chasing attacks will not scale with Isaac's speed, making it so that damage is unavoidable if Isaac's speed is too low.
  • Pollution's original HP will be tied to his motorhorse during his phase 2 transition, meaning the horse can be killed during the transition animation. Killing the motorhorse will not prevent him from changing phases, but will make it so that Pollution cannot launch the explosive bike frame towards Isaac.



Punks are a special variant of Gunk.png Gunk spawned by Pollution which behave identically to their counterpart despite their unique appearance. It quickly floats towards Isaac, and shoots large projectiles towards him that leave a trail of black creep while pushing it backwards. Upon death, it turns into a large Tar Bubble.png Tar Bubble. Punks can appear on their own in a few rare rooms.

Video Showcase

Unlockable Achievements


  • Pollution as a modern Horseman of the Apocalypse is a direct reference to Neil Gaiman's book, Good Omens.
    • In the story of Good Omens, Pollution took over from Pestilence after he retired.
  • According to the developers, Pollution is a modern harbinger representing modern disregard for environmental impacts, particularly the industrial fumes and gasses produced that lead to climate change.
  • If the player dies and gets a Game Over against Pollution in their Horsepowered form, Pollution will make a long horse whinny that sounds analogous to a laugh.
    • The sound of the horse whinny originates from a Youtube video titled "Laughing Horse".
  • According to the developers, Pollution's motorhorse's name is 'Derek'.
