Mr. Dead

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Mr. Dead is a boss added in The Reheated Update that can encountered in CorpseIcon.png Corpse, and will always have the Morbus room type. He is the posthumous version of Mr. Fred.png Mr. Fred, who has been overtaken by a teratomatous growth.


Mr. Dead stays stationary in the middle of the room during the fight, and will perform the following attacks at random:

  • The teratomatous growth will vomit a volley of bone and blood projectiles towards Isaac, including 2 Bony Mr. Dead.png Bonies with unique coloration, fired as arcing projectiles. These Bonies will behave as usual after landing.
  • Spits out 4 clusters of white projectiles either towards all 4 corners of the room or in the cardinal directions which burst into a large number of projectiles upon hitting a wall, as well as 12 red projectiles that orbit around Mr. Dead for an extended period of time while pulsing in and out.
    • The trajectories of the clusters are marked with faint white beams at the start of the attack.
  • Pushes out 2 of Mr. Dead's Eyes from their sockets, becoming enemies which bounce around the room. New eyes will regrow shortly afterwards.
  • The teratomatous growth will blow into Mr. Fred's mouth, summoning 3 Dead Geysers in random locations in the room. These Dead Geysers will spit out a Toma Chunk.png Toma Chunk followed by a small fountain of projectiles and 2 Small Maggot.png Small Maggots.

Once Mr. Dead has reached certain HP thresholds, the teratomatous growth will make the body cough up a number of Toma Chunks that will orbit around Mr. Dead. Mr. Dead will only perform this attack once for each interval:

  • Mr. Dead will spawn 6 upon reaching 800 HP.
  • Mr. Dead will spawn 12 upon reaching 400 HP.

Attack Restrictions

  • Mr. Dead's Eyes can only be summoned if there are less than 2 currently in the room.
  • The projectile vomit containing Bonies can only be performed if there are less than 2 Bonies currently in the room.
  • Dead Geysers cannot be summoned if there are more than 5 Toma Chunks currently in the room.
  • If there are no enemies in the room besides Mr. Dead, he cannot spit his clusters of projectiles more than once sequentially.
    • On the other hand, if there are 10 or more enemies in total in the room besides Mr. Dead, he will repeatedly perform this attack until that is no longer true.


  • Toma Chunks spawned by Dead Geysers will be at 75% of their normal HP, and Bonies spawned will be at 65% of their HP.
  • Upon death, Mr. Dead will always drop 1 MorbidHeart.png Morbid Heart.


Mr. Dead's Eye

Mr. Dead's Eyes are enemies spawned when Mr. Dead performs his eyeball poking attack. They bounce around the room aimlessly, reflecting off of walls and leaving damaging red creep whenever they hit the floor. The eyes slowly take damage as they move around the room, turning more red the more damage they take, and on death they burst into a tiny fountain of blood projectiles.

  • Mr. Dead's Eyes are launched at a diagonal angle, but their direction and speed are both easily influenced when shot or when colliding with an enemy.

Video Showcase

Unlockable Achievements


  • Mr. Dead was originally from the cancelled Morbus MOD. Originally, he was not going to be included in Fiend Folio before he got a redesign.
