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Madomme is a boss added in The Spitshine Update that can appear in GehennaIcon.png Gehenna. She appears as a demon bound in latex.


Phase 1

Madomme always spawns alongside Champ, who will be caged somewhere in the room. Madomme herself will rise out from a puddle of blood before beginning to float around the room, periodically performing the following attacks, while never repeating the same attack twice in a row:

  • Quickly spits out 3-4 consecutive spreads of high speed projectiles towards Isaac, with each waves' trajectories indicated by dotted lines before they are fired out.
    • The distance between each projectile in the spread is slightly uneven.
    • The spreads will alternate between two patterns: the first consisting of 4 projectiles with the center gap aimed at Isaac, and the second consisting of 5 projectiles with the middle projectile aimed at Isaac.
  • Holds up a large red ballgag, throwing it at diagonal angle downwards, roughly in Isaac's direction.
    • The ballgag will collide into and bounce off of walls 3 times, destroying itself on the third impact. Each time the ballgag hits a wall, it releases a ring of 15 projectiles.
  • Summons a ring of 8 projectiles that orbit her, while she moves directly towards Isaac. During this time she will summon 3 red skulls with glowing eyes, one at a time.
    • These skulls will fly quickly about the room, loosely and erratically flying towards Isaac but avoiding coming into contact with him. After a moment, each skull will fly away from Isaac before popping and firing a projectile towards him.
    • Once all 3 skulls have been spawned, Madomme releases the ring of orbiting projectiles, and they carry on in their current direction.

Phase 2

After reaching 66% of her HP, Madomme turns intangible with only her eyes remaining visible. She then spawns a wave of enemies consisting of a select amount of G-Imps, Castles, Glorias, or Horses, before continuing to float around the room.

  • The wave of enemies spawned is determined by the room layout.
  • When there are no G-Imps left in the room, but the current wave is still active, a bonus G-Imp will be summoned to act as cannon fodder for the other enemies in the wave.

After defeating the enemy wave, Madomme becomes visible and vulnerable again. She continues her behavior from her first phase, but will randomly add 1 of 2 additional attacks to her roster and will perform it immediately. The 2 attack options are:

  • Dashes horizontally or vertically across the screen, disappearing when reaching a wall and leaving behind a "Blood-ooze Ball" which floats in place.
    • She performs 5 more consecutive dashes aligned with Isaac from any direction horizontally or vertically. She will disappear and initiate a new charge once she has left the screen.
    • The location she will appear and dash from is indicated by a sound cue and a yellow flash from one of the walls.
    • While she is performing these dashes the blood-ooze ball she left behind will continuously release rings of 12 projectiles in alternating orientations that cover the whole room.
    • During Madomme's fifth and final charge, she will crash into the wall rather than disappearing into it — destroying the blood-ooze ball in the process. This charge will always be a horizontal one.
  • Flexes, building up power in her horns before launching out a ball of Brimstone.png Brimstone that lands at a random location in the room, indicated by a small reticle.
    • Madomme will quickly perform another attack, while the brimstone ball points a faint orange beam towards Isaac's position and slowly rotates the beam to follow his movement. After a moment, the ball will fire a brimstone laser in the direction of the orange beam.
    • The brimstone ball itself does not deal any damage to Isaac when landing on top of him.

Phase 3

After reaching 33% of her HP, Madomme turns invisible again and then spawns another wave of enemies.

  • This second wave of enemies will generally include the types of enemies not present in the first wave, alongside more G-Imps.

After defeating this wave, Madomme adds the other attack from Phase 2 which she did not previously choose to her roster, and immediately performs it. Then she will continue the fight choosing from all her possible attacks.


  • Many of Madomme's attacks send out invulnerable entities that are considered enemies, such as the skulls, the ballgag, and the ball of blood — meaning they will block Isaac's tears and movement, and can be destroyed with effects such as Euthanasia.png Euthanasia.



G-Imps are small Gaper-like imp enemies only summoned by Madomme, and will walk towards Isaac slowly. A G-Imp will periodically spawn when all other G-Imps are dead as long as there are other enemies alive, their position indicated by a small devil reticle on the ground before appearing.

  • G-Imps will be killed if they come into contact with a charging Castle, a moving Horse, or when hit by the projectile of a Gloria. If killed this way, they will be launched into the air before bursting into a large cluster of bloody projectiles when they hit the ground.


Castles are large lumbering enemies only summoned by Madomme, and will trudge slowly towards Isaac following only cardinal directions. If Isaac aligns cardinally with them, they will charge directly at him, continuing until they hit a wall or Champ. When colliding with a wall, they will release a cluster of rock projectiles in the opposite direction of the charge.

  • Any G-Imps that Castle collides with while charging are launched into the air.


Glorias are fleshy stationary enemies only summoned by Madomme that will periodically lob a large projectile into the air directly at Isaac's position. The projectile deals a whole Heart of damage on a direct hit, and will create a pool of red creep and a splash of smaller projectiles where it lands.

  • Any G-Imps within a small radius of the projectile's splash zone are launched into the air.


Horses are enemies only summoned by Madomme; they consist of a small fetus riding a latex-bound creature. They will constantly move after Isaac in pairs of small hops in the cardinal directions, mimicking the L-shaped movement of the Knight chess piece. Occasionally, they will stop in place as the fetal rider whips the beast, causing it to make a large leap towards Isaac and landing a Knight's move away from his position at the time of the leap.

  • Any G-Imps that Horse collides with while moving will be launched into the air.


Champ is an immobile invulnerable enemy that is always spawned alongside Madomme; she appears to be a collar-less Dominated.png Dominated with a crown and trapped in a cage.

She is harmless and will not deal contact damage, but her cage can block Isaac's tears and movement, acting as a Pillar.png Pillar. Her only actions are to sneer whenever Isaac takes damage, to display shock whenever Madomme enters a new phase, and to start crying once Madomme has been killed. She will remain after the room is cleared, but will disappear once Isaac leaves the room.


  • She can be killed by effects such as Chaos Card.png Chaos Card and Euthanasia.png Euthanasia, and if killed, she will spawn a horde of G-Imps all around the room. The amount spawned and their locations are determined by the room layout.
  • Using Dad's Key.png Dad's Key or Get out of Jail Free Card.png Get out of Jail Free Card will 'free' Champ from her cage, spawning a Dominated.png Dominated in her place.

Video Showcase


  • Madomme and her entourage are all based on chess pieces: with Madomme as the queen; Champ as the king; the G-Imps as pawns; Castles as rooks; Horses as knights; and Glorias as bishops.
    • The floor of her boss arena also has a special checkered pattern resembling a chess board.
  • While invisible, Madomme will grimace when one of her minions is killed and chuckle whenever Isaac takes damage.
  • Madomme is voiced by Fiend Folio developer J.D.
  • Madomme's name is a portmanteau of Madam (the female equivalent of the "Pimp"), and Domme.
