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Luncheon is a giant worm boss that can be found in NecropolisIcon.png Necropolis.


Luncheon appears near the top of the room, where he will remain stationary. He is invulnerable to damage, deflecting Isaac's tears off of his main body similar to the effect of Rubber Cement.png Rubber Cement. Luncheon himself is harmless, and will not deal any contact damage. He performs the following attacks:

  • Luncheon will suck in the worms hanging inside his mouth to spit out 2 randomized Tapeworms, each with 3 segments, in a spread downwards to its left and right.
    • Luncheon will spit out Tapeworms at the start of the fight, then spawn more after 4 segments in total have died, and then one final time after 5 additional segments have been killed after that.
    • Because of this, Luncheon will always die after killing the 14th segment, leaving 4 Tapeworm segments remaining.
  • Occasionally, while any Tapeworms are still alive, Luncheon will shake his head, splattering blood projectiles around, and killing any Tapeworm Eggs in the room during the attack.

Killing the Tapeworms that Luncheon spits out will cause him to take damage, at a rate of 25 HP per segment killed. A total of 14 Tapeworm segments need to be killed in order to defeat Luncheon.


  • Using the Eraser.png Eraser on any of Luncheon's Tapeworms will cause Luncheon to die and drop the Worm Insignia.png Worm Insignia.
  • Entering Luncheon's boss room or encountering it in a Boss Challenge Room will teleport Isaac to the bottom center of the room, similarly to Gurdy.png Gurdy.



Tapeworms spawned by Luncheon consist of 3 different segments: a head, a body and a tail. Every segment takes damage and attacks independently from one another. The head drags the other 2 segments towards various directions. Segments that have been separated from the head always move around randomly.

Each part of the Tapeworm comes in one of four variants: Petunia (pink), Minkus (white), Greg (red), or Boris (black). The color of each segment will further determine its behavior. Typically, the head segment directs the Tapeworm's movement, while the body performs additional attacks, and the tail lays Tapeworm Eggs of its corresponding color.

Petunia Segments

Petunia and her segments are fairly basic. Each segment will influence the Tapeworm's behavior in the following manners:

  • Head: The Tapeworm moves towards Isaac to try and deal contact damage.
  • Body: The Tapeworm leaves behind a trail of damaging, pink creep.
  • Tail: The Tapeworm occasionally lays a Petunia Egg. Petunia Eggs frequently spew short trails of damaging pink creep towards Isaac.

Minkus Segments

Minkus and his segments try to avoid combat. Each segment will influence the Tapeworm's behavior in the following manners:

  • Head: The Tapeworm slowly moves away from Isaac.
  • Body: Upon taking damage, the Tapeworm will launch a short-ranged burst of projectiles at Isaac.
  • Tail: The Tapeworm occasionally lays a Minkus Egg. Minkus Eggs frequently fire clusters of projectiles towards Isaac while occasionally jumping away from him.

Greg Segments

Greg and his segments are the most aggressive. Each segment will influence the Tapeworm's behavior in the following manners:

  • Head: The Tapeworm chases after Isaac. If it's lined up with him, it will charge forwards until it hits a wall.
  • Body: The Tapeworm leaves behind red projectiles that float in the air for a short moment.
  • Tail: The Tapeworm occasionally lays a Greg Egg. Greg Eggs periodically send an inaccurate rock wave towards Isaac.

Boris Segments

Boris and his segments remain passive, not particularly interested in attacking Isaac. Each segment will influence the Tapeworm's behavior in the following manners:

  • Head: The Tapeworm moves around in random directions, ignoring Isaac.
  • Body: The Tapeworm leaves a trail of slowing, black creep.
  • Tail: The Tapeworm occasionally lays a Boris Egg. Boris Eggs constantly create a large pool of slowing black creep underneath themselves. The creep will disappear only after the egg dies.

Tapeworm Eggs

Tapeworm Eggs are invulnerable, stationary enemies spawned by Tapeworms. Each tail segment can lay one egg at a time, which will hatch into a young Tapeworm shortly after. Its color and behavior depends on the color of tail that laid it. Eggs cannot be damaged by Isaac, but can still be knocked around by his tears. All Tapeworm Eggs die when Luncheon shakes its head or dies. If a tail outlives its egg, it may lay one again.

Petunia Egg.png Minkus Egg.png Greg Egg.png Boris Egg.png

Video Showcase


  • Luncheon is a boss that was originally created as a separate mod by two of Fiend Folio's developers, Erfly and Gummy, before being included in Fiend Folio.
  • Luncheon is based on Tapeworm, a board game created by Edmund McMillen.
