Unused Content

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As with any project, not everything can make the final release, and a few things have to be left on the cutting room floor. Here's a few of those that were lost but not forgotten!

Some of this content may be implemented in the future, according to the developers. They have plans for some of these concepts to be actualized in game, whenever that will be! Everything here has a possibility of being added!

For more sprites and concept art of enemies that have gone unused, see Yeast.




A skeletal head on a spinal cord, with a lightbulb protruding from its forehead, resembling an anglerfish (hence the name). Its color scheme could suggest it being a Corpse enemy.



An enemy that appears to be a variant of Blastcore.



A monster that somewhat resembles Dogmeat. Considering its name and some frames in its spritesheet, it would have blown a gust of air for its attack.

Blue Conjoined Maw

Blue Conjoined Maw.png

An unfinished Chest enemy, which we have footage of before it was removed, the smaller head would shoot multiple times at isaac while the big head would shoot a big purple tear with 3 flies circling around it, once the tear dropped the flies would start chasing Isaac.


BrandonOLD.png Brandon.png

An enemy, likely for Corpse, whose animation files seem to indicate attacks that would consist of spitting its own teeth at the player. Brandon was given a new sprite in the V2.8 update, but has still not yet been implemented.



An enemy that originates from the mod Guwah Greatures. It is unknown if it will ever be implemented into Fiend Folio.



An enemy that presumably could be encountered in either Womb or Utero.

Color Red


A spritesheet of an unknown entity or an effect.

Copper Bombgagger


It appears that the developers once planned to make an adjustment to vanilla Bombgaggers and give them the ability to spawn copper variants of Giga Bombs. This would also mean the addition of such bombs as pickups.

Cyan Moter

Cyan Moter.png

A giant cyan fly with a tiny fly attached to it. Its behavior is unknown.



This enemy seems to be a posthumous variant of Warhead, and can be spawned in-game. It behaves similarly to its normal counterpart but moves slower, leaves a thin trail of yellow, damaging creep and upon death, spawns a pool of yellow creep and releases four projectiles in cardinal directions.

Fiend's Gang

Fiend DH.png Orange Fiend.png Yellow Fiend.png Purple Fiend.png Golden Fiend.png Red Fiend.png Violet Fiend.png

These are old sprites of the various members of Fiend's gang, taken from the original reference sheet. They are as follows:

  • Fiend (Using his original Devil's Harvest sprite)
  • Friend
  • Fend
  • Frond
  • Fient
  • China
  • Mi

Secret Imp


There is a sprite of a green character found in the sounds file. Her name is Secret and not much is known about her.

Fly Eyes


An Attack Fly with two tiny eyes.


Fogspawn.png FogspawnGehenna.png

An enemy that bears strong resemblance to Dusk. A red-colored version can also be found in the files, implying it would have been found in both Mausoleum and Gehenna.



A Frog variant with a blue palette. Can be spawned in the game but has no AI.

Generous Snagger

Generous Snagger.png

What appears to be a Snagger with a Grab Bag on its head, is probably an upgraded variant of a regular Snagger. Its behavior is unknown.



An enemy that looks like it belongs in Dank Depths. It can be spawned in the game, however, it has no AI and just slides across the room. Its behavior is unknown.



Some sort of brain-like enemy. It is unknown what it would do, but of note is that its "skin" and "brain" are different parts of the same spritesheet.

Keeper Heads

Devourer.png Indulger.png WrathHead.png

Keeper-like heads based on Gluttony, Pride, and Wrath respectively.

In the Halloween teaser, the Gluttony head's behavior was revealed, and has been named "Devourer".



An enemy that has been impaled on a set of bones.



An enemy that appears as a tall, white pillar in the shape of a human arm. Confirmed to be in the next update.



A lemon-shaped head of a Gaper. Its behavior is unknown.

Level 0 Fly


A fly variant that appears all glitched and corrupted. It is currently unknown what purpose would it serve.

Level Poo Fly


Another fly variant. Would have been likely appeared in Dross.



Most likely a Flickerspirit variant. It is unknown what type of boost it would apply, but its color scheme could suggest it being a Gehenna, Sheol, or Dark Room enemy.



A Round Worm variant that could appear in Burning Basement. Presumably, it would have some sort of flame-based attack, but its behavior is unknown.

  • In the file with the death notes, a burning version of Roundy can also be found.

Meat, Slack, and Fiend Morsel

Globin Morsel.png Gish Morsel.png Fiend Morsel.png

A Globin, Gish, and Fiend variants of Morsel can be found in the mod files. Their behavior is unknown.



A very tall enemy that could appear in Gehenna, due to being in a similar style as Tagbag. Possibly a Hooligan variant.



A tiny bee enemy that can be spawned in the game but possesses no AI.



An enemy (or maybe a boss?) that appears to be a giant version of a Frog.

New Year


A cultist-like enemy that resembles the Blood Cultists from the Excelsior cover art.

Is confirmed by Sin on Discord to be added in an update and a video was posted to the Discord showing possible gameplay for the New Year, with its attack being similar to an Alderman.png Alderman's.



A stationary enemy that will be coming in the next update.

Red Weaver

Red Weaver.png

A Weaver tinted red. Its behavior is unknown, but probably has something to do with Boils, as some Boil-resembling sprites also appear in the spritesheet.



What seems to be a fusion of Sniffle and Knight, which would make it a rather difficult enemy. It can be spawned in the game, but has no AI.



This enemy seems to be a corn variant of Dung. It would most likely have some sort of creep-based augmentation, but the true nature of its behavior is a mystery.



A monster that would probably have appeared in Scarred Womb. Its behavior is unknown.

Solid Serve and Dank Serve

Solid Scoop.png Solid Sundae.png Solid Serve.png Dank Scoop.png Dank Sundae.png Dank Serve.png

Apparently, two more variants of Soft Serve were planned, based on Brown Poop and Tar, respectively. The nature of their augmentation is a mystery, however.

Soul Spooter


A Spooter variant that seems to be a Soul Sucker counterpart.

Its behavior was revealed in the Halloween teaser.

Spicy Load

Spicy Load.png

Apparently, a Red Poop version of Load was also planned. Its behavior is unknown.



A presumably stationary, psionic enemy that would be found in Sheol.

Split Ear


An enemy that appears as a giant severed human ear.

Carrion Worm

A round worm like enemy. Originally uploaded by Ferrium in the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord.[1]

Stone Wimpy

Stone Wimpy.png

A Wimpy variant of Stoney Slammer. It probably would create smaller rock waves and make shorter but more frequent jumps.


Strand.png StrandAlt.png

An enemy that looks to be a mix between Slinger and a Weaver. In the files, an alternative version of this enemy can be found, that resembles Slinger even more.



A Slammer variant with yellow eyes and warty skin, possibly hence its name.


Writhe.png WritheIgnited.png

A crawling enemy, most likely designed for Ashpit. It possesses two variants - normal and ignited, which would suggest it having the ability to ignite from fire, just like Crucible.




A Boss that appears to be the posthumous version of Honeydrop. Unlike most other unused enemies and bosses, Heiress can be spawned in game through the Debug Console. Its attacks consist of:

  • Constantly leaving a trail of slowing, white creep.
  • Slamming the ground, spawning three Dart Flies and a random bee enemy (It can be either Hover, Homer, Stingler or Honey Eye)
  • Slamming the ground, releasing three rings of projectiles, one after another: a ring of blood shots, ring of bones and a ring of both blood shots and bones.

After being dropped down to about 50% of its health, it loses its skull, spawning three Dart Flies, two Spiders and scattering a couple of bone projectiles around. While in this phase, its creep changes to a red, damaging type and its attacks change to:

  • Slamming the ground, creating two rings of blood shots, along with occassional bone projectiles and six large blood shots in between.
  • Coughing up two spiders and one from following:
    • a One Tooth;
    • two Milk Teeth;
    • two Moters;
    • three Suckers;
    • a Boom Fly;
    • three Pooters;
    • two Spooters;

Bella and Queeny

Heiress bella.png Queeny.png

Hidden in the files is a variant of Bella that would have likely been paired up with Heiress, along with an animation of Heiress' skull getting wrapped up and turning into a bug, likely the second phase of the fight.


Four unused champion versions of bosses can be found in the files. These champions are:

  • Red Big Horn
  • Pink Rag Mega
  • Black Sisters Vis
  • Smokey Griddle Horn

Red Big Horn.png Pink Rag Man.png Black Sisters Vis.png Griddle Horn Champion.png

Grid Entities



A special type of obstacle that could immobilize the player or maybe the enemies.



A poop variant that would probably appear in Depths.

Harming Poop


Another poop variant that seems to be a hostile version of the Charming Poop.

Soft Poop


Yet another poop variant. Might be related to enemies like Soft Serve.

Totems and Switches

Totems.png TotemSwitches1.png TotemSwitches2.png

A set of grid entities that would work together to create new types of puzzles.

Their function was revealed in the Thanksgiving teaser.


Name Icon Effect
  • An Anathema is a hateful or a sacrificial book.
  • The Appendix is a human body part.
  • Costume sprites can be found within the files.
Bad Blood
Bad Blood.png
  • A pair of hearts, one red and one purple with an angry face.
Berserker's Stopwatch
Berserker's Stopwatch.png
  • A stopwatch with a skull inside of it.
Book of Alpha
Book of Alpha.png
  • A book item, possibly related to Alpha Coin.
  • There are sprites of the book open, as well as stacking with Book of Virtues and Book of Belial from Judas' Birthright
Double Dog
Double Dog.png
  • A dog inside of a hotdog bun.
Golem's Club
Golem's Club.png
Green Candle
Green Candle.png
  • Another candle item, with a sprite smaller than the other candles.
  • It was revealed to be present in the upcoming update by Erfly.
Green Leaf
Green Leaf.png
  • A green leaf.
Haemo Spikin
Haemo Spikin.png
  • What appears to be the collectible sprite of Bloody Lust but pointing to the left.
Hash 1f1e33
Hash 1f1e33.png
  • The hex code for a deep purple color.
Horse Zodiac.png
  • A horse symbol, with its design based on Planetarium items.
Imp Curse
Imp Curse.png
  • A black middle finger with a purple outline flipping you off.
Kalu's Paw
Kalu's Paw.png
  • Another item based on Kalu.
  • Possibly gives 10 copies of the Bloody Lust item.
Marisa Collectable
Marisa Collectable.png
  • What appears to be the "Mini-Hakkero" owned by Marisa Kirisame from the Touhou Project series.
One Hundred Percent Orange Juice
One Hundred Percent Orange Juice.png
  • A glass of orange juice.
  • Name probably refers to the game "100% Orange Juice".
Overclock Active.png
  • Likely an active item, due to it having two sprites.
  • Costume sprites for Golem exist within the files.
  • A Planetarium item. Phobos is a moon of Mars.
Queen's Fruit
Queen's Fruit.png
  • A pale fruit with a bloody inside.
Quick Veins
Quick Veins.png
  • What appears to be the collectible sprite of Bloody Lust but pointing to the right.
Soul Extraction Bum
Soul Extraction Bum.png
  • A bum-like familiar that resembles China.
  • In the files, the Soul Extraction Bum has attacking sprites.
Space Food
Space Food.png
  • A bar of food, could possibly be a simple HP up.
  • The sprite appears to reference the Paper Mario item of the same name.
Spirit of Nightmare
Spirit of Nightmare.png
  • A black nightmarish spirit.
  • A strawberry.
  • A reference to a now deleted mod, fiendfolio-deletedprojects, which planned to add unused Fiend Folio content.
The Last Black Heart
The Last Black Heart.png
  • A Black Heart resting on a fancy pillow.
The Story of Undertale
The Story of Undertale.png
  • A book that references the song 'Story of Undertale'.
  • An item that seems to be a reference to Dungeons and Dragons, specifically a Druid class spell.
  • Unlike all the other unused items, this item can be spawned in game.


Name Icon Effect
Comfort Food
Comfort Food.png
  • What looks like a mouldy crumpet.
Idol of Mortality
Idol of Mortality.png
  • A golden, bloody statue, somewhat similar to "The Cursed Idol" from "Happy Tree Friends", making the mortality part in the name pretty fitting.
  • Possibly similar to Broken Ankh.png Broken Ankh.
  • A bottle filled with a blue liquid.
Shampoo Bottle
Shampoo Bottle.png
  • A bottle of Shampoo.
  • In the files, there is another version of this trinket that looks the same but is wearing sunglasses.
Aquamarine Teardrop
Aquamarine Teardrop.png
  • An rock that is similar to the Frozen Tear item from Stardew Valley.
Condensed Milk Rock
Condensed Milk Rock.png
  • A rock of condensed milk.
Cursed Pebble
Cursed Pebble.png
  • A small pebble with an eerie purple flame.
Double Helix Stalag
Double Helix Stalag.png
  • A rock shaped like a double helix.
Eternal Geode
Eternal Geode.png
  • A geode that looks like an Eternal Heart.
Grape Agate
Grape Agate.png
  • A rock that looks similar to a Grape.
Handful of Rocks
Handful of Rocks.png
  • A handful of rocks, just like the name implies.
Metamorphic Rock
Metamorphic Rock.png
  • A rock that references a real-world type of rock.
Non Euclidean Rock
Non Euclidean Rock.png
  • A rock referring Non-Euclidean geometry.
  • This rock appeared in Devil's Harvest, where it confused all enemies in the room when the Rock was used.
Ozocerite Geode
Ozocerite Geode.png
  • A rock that references a real-world type of rock.
  • A rock that is similar in shape to Peridot from Steven Universe.
  • This rock also references Peribot, a discord bot that resides in the Fiend Folio dev server.
  • Would likely have the Self-Insert rarity, just like Minichibisidian.
Piggy Bank Fossil
Piggy Bank Fossil.png
  • A rock that presumably acts similar to Piggy Bank.png Piggy Bank.
  • There are "piggybankfossil" coins in the files which likely relate to this trinket.
Rockette Dragoon
Rockette Dragoon.png
  • A small pink rock with a bow.
Sisyphean Boulder
Sisyphean Boulder.png
  • A rock that references the legend of Sisyphus.
Something Something
Something Something.png
  • Something.
  • A rock that looks similar to the Fiend Folio Developer Vermin.
  • Would likely have the Self-Insert rarity, just like Minichibisidian.




A piece from the board game of the same name, although it ironically resembles the Aircraft Carrier more than the actual Battleship. Its effect is unknown.

Blood Bags

Black Sack.png Eternal Sack.png

Made as a form of joke. Likely they would spawn Black or Eternal heart pickups respectively.

Chess Pieces

Chess White.png
Chess Black.png

Fool's Gold Heart / Clot

Fool's Gold Heart.png Ui foolsgoldheart.png Fools Gold Clot.png

A heart pickup with an unknown effect. It also has its own Sumptorium.png Sumptorium Clot.

From the name and sprites, it can be assumed that they function like Gold Hearts that drop Cursed Pennies when broken

Leaky Hearts

Ui leaky hearts.png LeakyMorbidHearts.png

Leaky versions of the Red, Rotten, Morbid, and Broken Hearts. Likely were new types of heart containers, as they don't seem to be Bone Heart compatible.

Game Piece

Game Piece.png

A figure resembling the player pieces used in board games such as Sorry. Despite going unused, this sprite is used to represent randomly-spawning objects in Basement Renovator.

Platinum Penny

Platinum Penny.png

A very shiny, platinum-made penny that would have assumed to have been very rare, its true function is still unknown however, but one could suggest it may be a Dime variant of the Golden Penny.

Triple Penny


A pile of 3 pennies that, unsurprisingly, would have given 3 pennies when picked up.

Soul of Fortune Teller

Soul of Fortune Teller.png

A Soul Stone in the shape of a fortune cookie.

Soul of Friend

Soul of Friend.png

A Soul Stone in the shape of a bullet.

Soul of Slippy

Soul of Slippy.png

Unused Soul Stone for SlippyCoopIcon.png Slippy.

Ticket to Ride Cards

Train Card Rainbow.png Train Card Red.png Train Card White.png Train Card Red2.png Train Card Green.png Train Card Blue.png Train Card Black.png Train Card Yellow.png Train Card Pink.png

Cards based on the board game "Ticket to Ride".

Unknown Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards

Unknown Card 6.png Unknown Card 2.png

Two unknown Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. The one on the right possibly based on the card Mystical Space Typhoon.

Unknown Playing Cards

Unknown Card 4.png Unknown Card 5.png

Two unknown Playing Cards Possibly the King of Clubs and King of Diamonds respectively, as the red card holding an axe is similar to the King of Diamonds in design.

Miscellaneous Unknown Cards

Unknown Card 1.png Unknown Card 3.png Unknown Card 7.png Unknown Card 8.png

Several unknown cards, including a Pokemon card.

According to Erfly, the second card from the left is the "Ace of Pills", likely an early design for the Ace of Cups.[2]

Unused Disc


A pickup that looks like a Trial Disc. Its color is similar to the Angel Disc, but the center of the disc looks different, and the color is a slightly different shade. Its effect is unknown.

According to Erfly, the appearance apparently alludes to the Woke Records Logo, creators of the Walkwave music mod.[3]

Yeast Pills


Unused skins for pills, although the rightmost two strangely don't have small inventory sprites.

Machines and Beggars



An ordinary jukebox which possibly would've changed the music of the current room, considering the "change song" animation inside the files. Might have given trial discs when bombed.

Milk Machine

Milk Machine.png

A machine with an unknown function.

Appears to be related to "Baphomet" from Maria's Imp gang canon, adapted from the character of the same name from The Devil's Harvest MOD.


Unused Missing Link Variants

MissingLinkTinyPlanet.png MissingLinkTractorBeam.png

Missing Links have unused spritesheets for using Mutant Spider, Tractor Beam, and Tiny Planet.

Unused Challenge Unlocks

AchievementPage Dad's Home Unlock.png AchievementPage The Real Jon Unlock.png AchievementPage Dirty Bubble Unlock.png AchievementPage Frog Mode Unlock.png AchievementPage Hands On Unlock.png AchievementPage Isaac Rebuilt Unlock.png

Achievement pages for the challenges Dad's Home+, The Real Jon, Dirty Bubble Challenge, Frog Mode, Hands On, and Isaac Rebuilt, respectively. Likely unused because the current modding API does not support unlockable challenges yet.

Crystal Caves

There are unused backdrop textures for a Crystal Caves subtheme.

Friendly Spoop

Familiar spoop.png

Within the files for the friendly Dips added in Fiend Folio is a spritesheet for friendly Spoop.png Spoops. May have been created when destroying the unused Ectoplasm grid objects with Dirty Mind.png Dirty Mind

Battie Medallion

Battie Medallion.png

A strange, abstract object found in the folder containing BattieIcon.png Battie's spritesheet. It appears similar to the Golden Medallion found in the ChallengeIcon DadsHomePlus.png Dad's Home+ challenge.

Buster Medallion

Buster Medallion.png

A strange face found in BusterIcon.png Buster's spritesheet. It has been referred to by the developers as another medallion, similar to the Golden Medallion found in the ChallengeIcon DadsHomePlus.png Dad's Home+ challenge.

Gold + Copper Bomb UI


Possible appearance that the bomb counter could take if the player has any Copper Bombs along with having a Golden Bomb.png Golden Bomb.
