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Slippy is a challenge character semi-exclusively found in the ChallengeIcon FrogMode.png Frog Mode challenge. She is a green humanoid frog creature that is always on the move.

Slippy starts with 3 HUD heart red full.png Red Heart containers and Golden Frog Head Golden Frog Head.

One can play as Slippy by reviving through the use of Frog Puppet.png Frog Puppet or Tattered Frog Puppet.png Tattered Frog Puppet.

Abilities & Traits

On the Move

Slippy constantly moves. Even without player input, she will slide in a random direction. Player input still has general priority, with some exceptions.

  • If Slippy collides with an obstacle, she will slide in a direction perpendicular to it.
  • If the player stops their input, Slippy will keep sliding in her original direction.
  • Slippy cannot change direction in 180° directly from the direction she's moving towards, requiring the player to manually make a U-Turn in order to move backwards.

Golden Frog Head

Using Golden Frog Head prevents Slippy from moving, while causing her to body to shake and flash red as she charges up a fart. When the player stops charging up the item, Slippy will unleash the fart, which scales in size and intensity based on how long it has been held.


Slippy has an innate The Inner Eye.png The Inner Eye effect, shooting tears in a triple shot similar to KeeperCoopIcon.png Keeper's, as well as oval-shaped green tears that are purely cosmetic.


"Pungent odor"


Slippy's Birthright.png Birthright makes her spawn lingering poison gas clouds when using Golden Frog Head's farts. Her sprite also changes to resemble Golden Frog Head.

Unlockable Achievements


  • Slippy is a reference to the secret Nuclear Throne character, Frog. Her inability to stand still is taken exactly from Frog's own signature gimmick.
  • Slippy's name may be a reference to Slippy Toad from Star Fox.
  • Slippy is canonically a lesbian.


Regular Characters FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend - GolemCoopIcon.png Golem
Tainted Characters BastardCoopIcon.png Tainted Fiend
Challenge Characters ChinaCoopIcon.png China - SlippyCoopIcon.png Slippy
Secret Characters FientCoopIcon.png Fient - FendCoopIcon.png Fend - PeatCoopIcon.png Peat