The Real Jon

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The Real Jon is a challenge added with the initial release of Fiend Folio. In this challenge, the player starts as IsaacCoopIcon.png Isaac with no items, and in the starting room, Elite Jon.png Elite Jon will spawn and follow Isaac in every room for the rest of the run. The goal is to defeat Mom's Heart.png Mom's Heart or It Lives.png It Lives.


  • Elite Jon.png Elite Jon can cause some difficulty, as it creates an additional hazard to avoid, while its large hitbox can block Isaac's tears.
  • It is advised to keep an eye on Elite Jon to avoid being cornered between him and a wall or other enemies.
  • Narrow corridors, closets, or rooms with a large amount of Pillar.png Pillars are especially dangerous, causing Elite Jon to bounce against the walls more often.
  • Elite Jon can act as cover for enemies to be able to shoot projectiles through while being defended from Isaac's tears.


  • Item effects that grant piercing tears can greatly help, because it will allow tears to pass through Elite Jon.png Elite Jon.
  • Little Horn.png Little Horn, Euthanasia.png Euthanasia, or Chaos Card.png Chaos Card can kill Elite Jon, but he will respawn when moving to the next room.
    • If the player has obtained both Blank Card.png Blank Card and Chaos Card, they can save the charge for more difficult rooms to temporarily disable Elite Jon, making the fight easier.
  • It is ill-advised to use GreenHouse.png Green House, as while it will remove Elite Jon from the current room, it will then cause two Elite Jons to appear in the next room, who will both persist for the rest of the run.

Unlockable Achievements


  • The challenge's name, as well as Elite Jon, are named after one of the developers of Fiend Folio, JonTheRealJon; also known by the alias RedRachis.