Hands On

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Hands On is a challenge added in The Reheated Update. In this challenge, the player starts as IsaacCoopIcon.png Isaac with Transcendence.png Transcendence, Pointy Rib.png Pointy Rib, 3 copies of Grabber Grabber, and a blindfold. All Grabbers will be mirrored across from Isaac in all 4 axes of movement,[note 1] and are able to grab and drag around Isaac with their hands (in addition to grabbing and dragging enemies as usual). The goal is to defeat Mom.png Mom.


  • This challenge can be fairly difficult due to the fact that each Grabber Grabber can grab and throw Isaac and enemies around; while the Grabbers cannot damage Isaac directly, their constant repositioning antics can cause him to constantly run into enemies or other hazards.
  • In most rooms, Isaac has very little space he can move around in which is far enough away from a Grabber's grasp.
  • Isaac can not fire tears, requiring him to use Pointy Rib.png Pointy Rib or the Grabbers to deal damage.


  • It's best to reside in the corners whenever possible, as you are safest there from enemies and from the Grabbers.
  • Utilize Isaac's ability to fly to take cover over obstacles, away from any ground-based enemies.

Unlockable Achievements


  • When you start the challenge, a unique song will begin playing, known as "Clapsong". This song is from the original Grabber Game Jam game.
    • This also subsequently mutes the game's own music, but the game music can be turned back on by pressing the "mute/unmute" button, or through the options menu.



  1. This means that one Grabber will be positioned directly across from Isaac as usual while the other two will occupy corresponding positions on the other sides of the screen.