Teasers and Spoiler Content
All current teasers, leaks and reveals for the upcoming Fiend Folio: Reloaded update
Games To Get Excited About Fest 2024
During the Games to Get Excited About Fest 2024, a collab between Clown Meat and The Binding of Isaac was shown, which also featured Fiend. Right after that, a teaser for the upcoming update of Fiend Folio itself was presented, which included a massive drop of teasers of new content.
The first section of the video contains an item called Clown Meat, a reference to the game of the same name, which shows Fiend dashing around through enemies after charging up a charge-bar, dealing damage to enemies he collides with. During this segment, we can see a gameplay segment in Caves with a teleporter-like grid entity with a key icon, with Fiend with an item that spawns several star-like spikes out. Additionally, a new enemy is shown, that upon its death, spawned an enlarged Wimpy. Another gameplay segment in this shows a new basement boss, presumably based on Bowlers, being fought, with a friendly pink drumstick helping.
After a skit of Fiend looking at a wanted poster of himself, only to be shot, we see a reveal for a new playable character, Friend, who has her own custom taunt, uses a gun to attack and has a custom ammo UI resembling Enter the Gungeon's heart UI, although the resemblance is likely not intentional. This character has been confirmed by developers to be a full-fledged character and not a challenge character[1]. During the Friend Gameplay, we see several gameplay segments with several new pieces of content:
- A basement gameplay segment shows a new butt-shaped enemy, aswell as a new sack entity which seems to be following a drumstick.
- A flooded caves boss fight has Friend fighting Deluge, a new Modern Horseman, which has been confirmed to be voiced by Cometz[2]. This also shows an exploding bubble, likely an attack from Deluge, and Friend throwing out a purple fire which she then shoots. This purple fire projectile explodes upon being hit. A gun with 4 barrels shooting 4 shots, based on the "say your prayers weezer" meme, is also used by Friend, likely a costume for Mutant Spider. Friend also turns purple, and gets a status icon above her head, resembling a bubble. It is unknown what this status effect could be.
- Next is gameplay in a new room subtype, presumably for Sheol, with a lot of gray dead bodies as the rocks. The unused enemy Laideronette, can be found here, aswell as a new gaper-like enemy with a rabbit's head, which enters the room through a door. In this segment, we can also see an item on a pedestal, which bears a striking resemblance to the item "Dried Paint", from Brutal Orchestra. Additionally, at the start of this, an enemy we cannot see is killed and proceeds to shoot out several multicoloured player tears at a nearby enemy. A piggy-bank familiar also follows Friend in this, not to be mistaken with the vanilla piggy-bank item. Friend also has a new costume, which seems to replace her face with Osman Sinnok's face, also from Brutal Orchesta. This costume has been confirmed to not be "Yaranaiko?" face, at the very least.[3]
- An Ashpit gameplay segment shows a new radiation themed Ashpit subtype. A meltdown like enemy can be seen in this, which shows a unique death animation presumably after being killed. Friend uses a golden bomb and places a new bomb type, which makes a "Ka-ching" sound effect while priming and launches several small coin-esque pickups on explosion. This bomb also launches a very small rock-like projectile, which lands directly on the ground and stays there. Several blue flea-like famiiars also follow Friend, not to be mistaken with Blue Skuzzes. Friend also has a unique costume for her gun, purple and with some attachment strapped onto the barrel, and she has a new costume with two antler-like horns.
- The final gameplay segment of the video has Friend back in Basement. Of note in this segment is a new type of tile grid, on the ground, although it is not know what it could do. Additionally, Friend uses a new jar-like active which throws a Horf on use. The sprite for the jar notably has a dark green circle in the centre of it, which does not match any pixel size that would normally be possible through the item sprite limitations of 32x32.
After this, the update's title, "Fiend Folio: Reloaded" is revealed, with a release date of "Update coming... eventually", and the teaser ends.
The track for this trailer was made by RENREN, and will likely soon be uploaded on official platforms[4].
Teasers officially posted on the FiendFolioMOD Twitter account.
Three new enemies were shown off on Halloween in the mod's Discord[5] and Twitter[6], all shown within Sheol.
Devourers are Keeper-like foes that hop around the room, shooting a small volley at Isaac if he's nearby or leaping in the air and creating projectiles in cardinal directions upon landing.
Soul Spooters are variants of Spooters that occasionally spew a dark ring similar to
Maw of the Void when Isaac gets close, which appears to deal a small amount of damage to other enemies in the ring.
Red Bonies fire bouncing bones that can loosely track Isaac, and on their death they release six shots in a ring.
Isaac also seems to be carrying a new item that appears to be a kidney in a jar, as well as a new active item that looks like a tomato, and a new trinket that looks like a beetle. However, the effects of all 3 are unknown.
In the discord, this teaser also acted to reveal oilyspoily being added as a dev.
New grid entities and one new enemy were revealed on November 23 of 2023, on the mod's Discord[7] and Twitter[8].
Puffballs appear to be a variant of Mushroom that has the appearance of a
Rubber Rock, and in the teaser they appear to be able to cause projectiles that collide with them (as from the
Constant Stone Shooters) to stick onto them before inflating and producing a fart to launch back the projectiles at a greater velocity. When the room was cleared of other enemies, all Puffballs appear to die in a fart cloud.
Totems and Switches, which were unused grid entities, have now been implemented; Totems act as Pillars that come in red and blue colors, and Totems can be toggled to either retract into the ground or extend by flipping levers in the room, granting passage while they are retracted. Near the end of the video, Isaac was shown to be launched into the air and off-screen when standing on a Totem as it was extending, but Isaac's fate after being launched is unknown.
In the teaser, Isaac also appears to be carrying one new item which appears to be some sort of berry with a thorny vine. Its effect is unknown.
A new challenge was officially revealed on the mod's Discord[9] and Twitter[10].
The challenge starts in Mines 1, and the player fires short range yellow lasers, dubbed "Pingas Lasers". The actual identity of the player character in this challenge is obscured, as Pingas is edited over the player at all times. However, the player has a missing last will name, likely meaning it is custom.
At the start of the video, another challenge called "Embryos Akimbo" is also visible, but it is unknown what this could be. The new challenge list also shows the challenges "Mr. Hands" and "Hands On" having swapped places, and presumably also unlocks.
File TBA
A new bonus character was posted on the mod's Twitter[11] and Discord[12], showing the enemy Craig as a playable character on the character select screen. Several other characters from other mods are present, including an image of a character later to be revealed as "Hammerhog" circled in red.
Teasers made by various Fiend Folio developers on Discord. Note that not all of these are necessarily related to or going to be included in the mod, and a lot of things posted included here might be jokes or unrelated.
New Year
A cloaked enemy that appears in the twisted halls of Gehenna. It fires a tracking explosive shot that explodes into pink waves. Their appearance is a reference to the album art of Excelsior.
Formally announced in the announcements channel of the cornmunity server.[13]
A very bloated Sucker who chases after Isaac. Upon death it will spew out a volley blood shots that gradually slows down. The volley stops upon the room being cleared.
There also seems to be 3 familiars following Isaac that look like floating heads of Harlequin Baby. These are presumably weaker variants of Fragile Bobbies that would replace those currently spawned by
Egg Penny.
Formally announced in the announcements channel.[14]
New Rocks
A new video showing some new rock trinkets for Golem.
Paperweight appears to be Golem's version of Paper Clip, able to open chests without requiring keys. However, Paperweight also has the ability to open Stone Chests without a bomb, which Paper Clip does not.
Gravel appears to be able to grant Golem a chance to fire small rock tears upon either grinding or crushing a different rock.
Two other rocks were shown in the video but their purpose is unknown for now.
Formally announced in the announcements channel.[15]
A variation of Needle that can be found in
Mines. Upon jumping out, it will launch two red sparks that will shoot laser beams. This concept was originally a cornmunity suggestion[16]
The Anodes also shown in the video also seem to have small sacks following behind that that look like evil versions of
Bomb Bag, but their true behavior is unknown.
Formally posted in the announcements channel.[17]
Original Eggplant
Several teasers were posted by Erfly for a new trinket called "Original Eggplant"
The oldest teaser posted[18] shows the trinket with it's sprite as Fuzzy Pickle, recoloured purple. This would later be changed, as seen in later teasers.
The next two teasers[19][20], posted back to back, show a new sprite and the effect of the item. While holding Original Eggplant, all items marked as a reference by Fuzzy Pickle will be rerolled.
Several teasers were posted for a new curse, later revealed to be "Curse of the Veil", a curse like Curse of the Blind, but only for non-item pickups.
The first two teasers posted were of a question mark pickup on the ground, before the curse was revealed. These include an image of the pickup[21] and a video of Isaac kicking the question mark pick-up.[22]
Later, the curse was revealed, officially in the announcements channel with a screenshot of a shop with the new curse.[23]
Several more videos of this curse's unique effects have been posted by Erfly. On the same day as the curse's announcement, a video of a veiled troll bomb exploding was posted.[24] Much later, a video including veiled scared hearts in action was posted[25], and another video showed veiled chest's unique sprites[26].
New Coin Pickup
Following the Fiend Folio Discord server reaching 750 as a new record in the counting channel, a new teaser was posted by Xalum in the announcements channel.[27]
Pingas Costume
Following the post of the Pingas Challenge Video, an image of a costume of Isaac with a pingas-like costume was posted by Cometz.[28]
Following the Craig character reveal, a "resprite" of the Hammerhog character was posted.[29]
Green Candle
A Green Candle item was posted by Erfly in response to someone asking if Fiend Folio has a Green Candle in it.[30]
This item was previously unused in the mod. This item is likely a reference to Lytebringer's Modding Tutorials.
"can u post this to the wiki"
A teaser of an unknown item, which causes a giga-bomb explosion on hit. Posted by Erfly in the wiki-discussion channel, asking for it to be added to the wiki.[31]
Teleport Alpha
A video of a new active item, dubbed "Teleport Alpha". Using the item teleports the player in a random direction in the current room.[32]
Curse of the Veil is also in this video, showing off a Minimap icon for it. The inclusion of Curse of the Veil likely means that it can appear naturally.
Jumbo Josh
An image of an item which resembles Jumbo Josh from the Garten of BanBan game series, posted by Erfly in the general chat.[33] It is of note that the sprite for the item is much larger than the vanilla sprite size limit of 32x32 pixels.
- The upcoming update is confirmed to be the largest update since Reheated.[34] It would be said later that this will be the final major update to Fiend Folio and that future updates will be smaller in size.
- The upcoming update will need REPENTOGON to use.[35]
- oilyspoily has redone several External Item Description entries.[36]
- Fall from Grace's Grotto Update Trailer shows a new status effect icon used by
Infinity Volt.
- Killing Dealers now increases Angel Deal chance.[37]
A.V.G.M.'s and
Fiddle Cube's sprites now changes upon using the items, and Fiddle Cube now has a unique animation on use.[38][39]
- As of June 16th, 1396 new dogs have been added to the images
Max's Fossil can spawn on crush.[40]
- Several items have had changes in quality, including
Maria's Smash Trophy and
D3 both changing to Quality 3.[41]
Cambion Conception can now spawn
Lil Fiend and
Lil Lamb,[42] aswell as
Lil Loki.[43]
- One new "dip" will be added".[44]
- oilyspoily has said that no items will be added to the next update, and asked for this to be added to the wiki, however they later clarified they were joking.[45]
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