Template:EnemyList/Flooded Caves

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  • Moves around the room by performing short dashes.
  • Occasionally sinks into the floor, before attempting to land on Isaac from above.
    • A blue mark will appear in the location Drop is about to fall in.
  • Jumps in place, firing a spread of three tears at Isaac.
  • Can perform a long dash, bouncing off of walls and obstacles.
  • Splits into two Drops on death.
  • Walks around the room, occasionally stopping and creating a cloud that moves in one direction.
    • The cloud constantly rains tears down, and disappears upon hitting a wall.
  • Walks slowly, constantly spewing a fountain of tears in whichever direction it is facing.
  • Comes in two variants:
    • Eyeless Floodface roam around randomly.
    • Floodface with eyes will chase Isaac.
  • Walks towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally will fart, creating a couple of randomly sized bubbles.
  • If Isaac is close, may start stomping the ground, splattering tears around.
  • Remains stationary, periodically coughing up 4 small bubbles and 4 medium water-filled bubbles in a ring around itself.
    • The medium bubbles release four tears in the cardinal directions when popped.
  • Remains stationary, and periodically fires red bubbles towards Isaac that explode when popped.
    • Is immune to explosions produced by bubbles.
Bubble Bat
Bubble Bat.png
  • Slowly flaps towards Isaac, occasionally spitting out a cluster of various bubbles at him.
  • Upon death, falls to the ground, destroying any rocks below and creating a burst of tears around.
  • Actively avoids Isaac.
  • Occasionally spits out a bunch of bubbles.
    • Sometimes, a Spider or an Attack Fly will be trapped inside one of the bubbles.
  • Creates more bubbles upon death.
Bubble Blowing Double Baby
Bubble Blowing Double Baby.png
  • Slowly floats towards Isaac, occasionally spitting two small bubbles in a V-shaped trajectory.
  • When killed, splits into two halves which each shoot single small bubbles at Isaac.
  • Crawls around the room, occasionally spitting tiny bubbles at Isaac if he gets too close.
  • If Isaac is far away, begins blowing up a large bubble filled with water before pushing it towards him.
    • A fully-filled water bubble will pop into eight tears when destroyed.
    • If interrupted while charging up the bubble, it will make a small hop in surprise and toss the bubble at its current state.
  • Crawls quickly towards Isaac, immune to any form of damage.
  • Occasionally will spit an Offal that will emerge from a random place in the room
    • While the Offal is released, Gutbuster stays in one place, occasionally spitting out three bone projectiles in a quick succession towards Isaac.
  • If the Offal happens to move under Gutbuster, it will suck it up and start chasing Isaac again.
  • Spawned by Gutbuster, but can be also found on its own.
  • Slowly slides towards the Gutbuster it is linked to.
    • If it has no linked Gutbusters, slides randomly around the room.
Eroded Host
Eroded Host Animated.gif
  • Remains stationary, immune to damage when its head is lowered and skull is intact.
  • When Isaac gets close, lifts its head and spews a fountain of yellow projectiles at him.
    • If it takes damage while it is spewing projectiles, it will stop attacking and quickly lower its head.
  • The skull can become damaged when its head is lowered, and eventually destroyed.
    • The more damaged its skull is, the more projectiles it will spit out and the more frequently it will attack.
    • If the skull is completely gone, it becomes vulnerable to damage even when closed.
Eroded Smidgen
Eroded Smidgen Animated.gif
  • Remains stationary, immune to damage when its head is lowered and skull is intact.
  • The skull can be quickly destroyed when its head is lowered.
  • When Isaac gets close, lifts its head and fires a small fountain of yellow projectiles in a V shape at him.
    • When its skull is destroyed, fires the fountain in a spread of three.
  • Follows Isaac, occasionally diving underwater and emerging somewhere else.
    • Most often dives when too far away, and emerges closer to Isaac.
  • Emerges from pits and lobs a large blood projectile that splits into four smaller projectiles.
  • After firing, dives and reappears in another pit somewhere else.
  • Walks towards Isaac, occasionally diving underwater and performing one of two attacks:
    • Starts chasing with only its claw emerged, spreading tears in its wake.
    • Follows Isaac while underwater and attempts to snap him with its claw.
      • If there are Bubble Blowing Double Babies in the room, Madclaw will target them instead and will split them, creating a bunch of random sized bubbles.
    • Madclaw cannot be damaged while completely underwater.
  • Dashes around the room.
  • Spawns with numerous Wires that orbit it.
  • Periodically shocks all orbiting Wires with electricity, connecting each of them with a laser.
    • If there are two or less Wires orbiting it, they connect to it instead of each other.
  • Usually spawns along with a Zapbladder and orbits around it.
    • If there are no Zapbladders in the room, instead flits about randomly, or towards Isaac when close enough.
  • Remains stationary, firing a random spread of one to four yellow tears towards Isaac that slowly accelerate.
  • Makes short hops around the room.
  • Occasionally opens its shell revealing its pearl, before spitting a wavy barrage of projectiles at Isaac.
  • Takes reduced damage while its shell is closed.
  • Bounces around the room.
  • Occasionally stops to inflate its entire body, before shrinking and spewing eight projectiles in a ring after a moment.
    • If it dies while in this state, explodes into a large burst of projectiles.
  • Drifts around the room, making a few short dashes before firing a barrage of three inky tears at Isaac, and two additional ink tears in a wide V shape.
    • The main barrage of tears bounce off the ground and leave black slowing creep where they land.
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber.png
  • Inches around the room in short bursts.
  • Upon taking damage, charges up a massive barrage of brown tears, launching it forward.
  • Fires a projectile towards Isaac that bounces off walls and leaves a trail of tears, then dives into any nearby pits in the room.
  • Hops out of a pit to a new location after a short period, and repeats the process.
  • Orbits Isaac at a distance, growing bigger and becoming slower as it takes damage.
    • After reaching its largest size, or after a period of not taking damage, shoots tears in six directions.
      • Amount of tears created are based on the Sponge's size.
  • Hops around the room.
  • Occasionally spits out a Drowned Charger.
  • On death, spawns additional Drowned Chargers.
  • Slowly crawls around the room.
  • Rolls towards Isaac when he gets in its line of sight, bouncing off of walls and obstacles.
  • Functionally identical to Roly Poly.
Lightning Fly
Lightning Fly.png
  • Slowly flies towards Isaac.
  • Periodically will start to produce electricity, making it move faster and become invulnerable for a short period.
  • Slowly flies towards Isaac.
  • Periodically will start to produce electricity, making it move faster and become invulnerable for a short period.
    • While electrified hitting it with tears will cause it to spark out short lines of electricity.
  • On death sends out a ring of 5 projectiles which then shoot lasers outwards.
  • Floats above the room, immune to Isaac's attacks.
  • Slams down onto poops, releasing 8 projectiles around it.
    • Has additional effects that depend on the type of destroyed poop, such as spawning various Dips or Flies.
    • Can be damaged during that time.
    • If there are no poops in the room, leaves after a short while.
  • Remains stationary, spitting 2 projectiles at Isaac in a V shape twice when he gets close.
  • Constantly creates randomly sized bubbles around itself.
  • Is invulnerable, deactivating when the room is cleared.
Bubble Large.png
  • Floats around.
  • Pops when taking any amount of damage, or once the room is cleared.
  • Can come in one of 4 different sizes.
Watery Bubble
Bubble Watery Medium.png
  • Floats around.
  • Pops when taking any amount of damage, or once the room is cleared.
  • Can come in one of 3 different sizes.
  • When destroyed, releases a number of projectiles in a ring based on its size.
Explosive Bubble
Bubble Explosive Static.png
  • Floats around.
  • Pops when taking any amount of damage, or once the room is cleared.
  • Releases an explosion when destroyed.
Fly Bubble
Bubble Fly.png
  • Floats around.
  • Pops when taking any amount of damage, or once the room is cleared.
  • Releases an Attack Fly.png Attack Fly when destroyed.
Spider Bubble
Bubble Spider.png
  • Floats around.
  • Pops when taking any amount of damage, or once the room is cleared.
  • Releases a Spider.png Spider when destroyed.
Isopoly Bubble
Bubble Isopoly.png
  • Floats around.
  • Pops when taking any amount of damage, or once the room is cleared.
  • Releases an Isopoly.png Isopoly when destroyed.