Secret and Joke Content

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Large amounts of content has been hidden in Fiend Folio that act as jokes or "easter eggs". Some of them can be found through rare encounters, or through doing certain actions, while most others can only be found through the use of the game's debug console.


Fiend Folio: Reheated features 3 secret characters who can not be played as they are hidden by default, and can only be accessed by entering commands in the debug console, or by editing the players.xml file in the MOD's folder.

A tutorial for how to edit the players.xml file and make the hidden characters visible can be found here:


Golden Fly Enemies

Golden Boom Fly

Golden Boom Fly.png

An enemy that very rarely can replace regular Boom Fly.png Boom Flies. Upon death, turns the entire room into gold similar to Ultra Greedier.png Ultra Greedier, and drops a large number of random coins on the ground.

Golden Mightfly

Mightfly golden.png

A very rare version of Mightfly.png Mightfly that, similarly to a Golden Boom Fly, turns the room gold upon death. Also shoots out 3 V-shaped coin projectiles, as well as a fountain of coin projectiles on death. Each of these projectiles will spawn a single Penny.png Penny.

Shine Spit

Shine Spit.png

A golden version of Spit.png Spit that, upon death, lobs a golden projectile that explodes upon landing. This projectile also leaves behind a trail of golden tears that fall to the ground and explode upon landing. The trail each spawns a Penny.png Penny when they explode, with the final explosion turning the room golden and spawning a larger amount of Coins.


  • Golden Boom Flies, Golden Mightflies and Shine Spits each have a 0.02% chance to replace their respective enemy type. This chance can be doubled based on if the player:
  • If the player has all three of these, the chance for one of these enemies to appear will be 0.16%.
  • A Golden Boom Fly can appear in a single, very rare Icon IAmError.png I AM ERROR room.

Nuclear Throne Enemies

Secret enemies in Fiend Folio that originate from the game Nuclear Throne.

These enemies, excluding Fish from Nuclear Throne and IDPD Gary, can be found randomly in rooms when ModeIcon PopoModo.png Popo Modo is enabled in the Dead Sea Scrolls options menu.

IDPD Grunt

Idpd grunt.png

Runs around the room, shooting 2-4 laser bolts at Isaac, occasionally rolling to dodge attacks or if the player comes too close. Rarely throws a grenade at Isaac that magnetises him and other enemies towards it, before exploding after a few seconds.

IDPD Inspector

Idpd inspector.png

Runs around the room, firing a single, large laser bolt at Isaac. Will also occasionally create a magnetic effect, pulling Isaac towards itself.

IDPD Shielder

Idpd shielder.png

Runs around the room, shooting a large array of laser bolts at Isaac.

Occasionally upon taking damage, it will turn itself into a large metal block, where it will remain stationary and be unable to attack. Shooting at this block will deflect all of Isaac's tears back towards him.

After a short moment, the Shielder will turn back to normal.

Fish from Nuclear Throne


An enemy that looks like Fish from Nuclear Throne. It can extremely rarely spawn from Portal.png Portals or the portals from Wormhole Rock.png Wormhole Rock.

Similar to the character it refers to, it runs around the room, firing bullets at Isaac. Occasionally it will roll to dodge incoming tears, making it quite a tricky opponent.

  • If Fish from Nuclear Throne is in the same room as the IDPD enemies, they will stop targeting Isaac and begin fighting each other, until one or the others are dead.
  • Fish from Nuclear Throne and the IDPD will leave behind corpses on death. These have no collision and can't be interacted with.


Portal Gary.png

IDPD Gary, also known as Interdimensional Police Department Gary or just Portal Gary, is a variant of Gary.png Gary that spawns swarms of IDPD Grunts instead of random Maggot.png Maggots. Can extremely rarely spawn from Portal.png Portals.

Super Easy Mode

Two enemies exclusively found in ModeIcon SuperEasy.png Super Easy Mode:

Easy Woodburner

Woodburner Easy.png

All enemies in Super Easy Mode will be replaced with a Woodburner.png Woodburner variant that has no plank through its head and has a very bright color palette. It will only follow Isaac without attacking, and deals no damage whatsoever. When touched, it becomes friendly, and when killed, it will release multiple fireworks. Easy Woodburners that have been made friendly will seek out other Easy Woodburners to make them friendly as well.

Easy Ghostse

Ghostse Boss Portrait.png

All bosses in Super Easy Mode will be replaced with an easy variant of Ghostse.png Ghostse. It looks exactly the same as its normal counterpart but deals no damage, and its main attack is replaced with spawning a single Rainbow Poop.png Rainbow Poop. When touched, it becomes friendly, and when killed, it will release multiple fireworks.

Shiny Fishface


Shiny Fishface are rare variants of Fishface.png Fishface, having a 1/4,096 chance of replacing one. Shiny Fishface behave exactly the same as their regular counterparts, with the only differences are that it has a different palette and creates sparkling particles. It also spawns a single Drowned Charger.png Drowned Charger upon death.

  • Shiny Fishface is a reference to Pokémon, specifically the Pokémon Gyrados in its Shiny form, as Shiny Fishface features a similar coloration. The chance for Shiny Fishface to appear is also a similar chance for an encountered Pokémon to be a Shiny in some generations of Pokémon.
  • The chances of finding a Shiny Fishface are doubled if the player is holding Shiny Rock.png Shiny Rock.

Sneaky Retriever

Sneaky Retriever.png

Sneaky Retrievers have a 0.1% chance to replace Dogrock.png Dogrocks. Unlike normal Dogrocks, they do not have any attacks and will simply sit there while spinning their eye around.



A character from a puzzle game Baba IS You. It moves around in cardinal directions, creating dust clouds behind it. Does not deal contact damage.

  • Baba used to appear whenever the mod's grids (rocks, key blocks, etc) were broken, but no longer does this as of The Reheated Update.



A ridiculously powerful enemy that appears only in ModeIcon Mern.png Mern Mode, where it replaces every other enemy.

Mern moves very erratically at incredible speed, making killing it incredibly difficult, if not nearly impossible. Mern constantly scatters spectral homing tears around and spams random sound effects with random pitch.

Upon death, Mern spawns an enormous swarm of Dart Fly.png Dart Flies that easily fill up an entire room. Mern can also become a champion, making it even harder to kill.

Black Maw With Eyes


Rarely, when a Black Maw.png Black Maw spawns, it will appear to gain goofy-looking eyes. Black Maws With Eyes have no changes in their behavior.

Drowned Attack Fly

Drowned Attack Fly.png

An Attack Fly.png Attack Fly that flashes blue instead of red. Behaves like a regular fly but explodes into four diagonal blood shots and spawns a Drowned Charger.png Drowned Charger on death.

Spider (Nicalis)

Spider Nicalis.png

A grey Gaper.png Gaper with its face replaced with a cropped, low-res image of Spider, the creator of "SpiderMod", a mod for The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb. Upon death, the screen shakes, and a pop-up text saying "Overwatch" appears, while a well-known music bit from the FPS game Overwatch plays.

  • Spider (Nicalis) appears prominently as an enemy in a hidden StageAPI custom stage, The Stony Level.

Hungry Para-Bite

Hungry parabite.png

A variant of a Para-Bite.png Para-Bite that looks and acts identically to a regular Para-Bite, except when Isaac takes damage from it, it transforms into a Roundy.png Roundy.

  • This is a joke about how in the Ipecac mod, One Tooth.png One Tooths used to turn into Fat Bat.png Fat Bats when Isaac gets hit by them.


Big head.png

A Gaper.png Gaper with a giant head which acts like a regular Gaper, but spawns a lot more gibs when it dies and also has extra armor.

Horses & Ponies

Horse.png Horse.png

Fiend Folio: Reheated adds different variants of Horses and Ponies to the MOD that wander around, some having different behavior or attacks.

These Horses can be found randomly in rooms when ModeIcon Stable.png Stable Mode is enabled in the Dead Sea Scrolls options menu.



A variant of Horf.png Horf that, as you might expect, shoots 3 tears at a time instead of one.

  • Trihorf possibly originates from the Eternal Monsters mod; however, this enemy is more likely a riff on the idea of a "triple shot Horf" being seen as low-hanging fruit.
  • Trihorf can appear very rarely in a single room in the BasementIcon.png Basement. In this room, it has roughly a 1% chance for one of the two Horf.png Horfs to be replaced with Trihorf.

Golden Spider

Spider golden.png

Behaves like a regular Spider.png Spider. Upon death, has a chance to revive itself and appear in a random spot in the room, similar to the effect of Golden Penny.png Golden Pennies.

Thumbs-up Fly

Thumbs up fly.png

Behaves like a regular Fly.png Fly. Touching it will cause Isaac to make a positive "thumbs up" gesture, while killing it will cause him to do the negative "head down" gesture.

  • 2 Thumbs-up Flies can appear in a very rare Icon Super Secret Room.png Super Secret Room layout with an item pedestal.



Behaves somewhat like a Gaper.png Gaper but with greatly increased speed. Will attempt to stay within a certain distance close to Isaac while avoiding touching him, and occasionally pauses to make an obnoxious giggling sound.

  • Grinner is a reference to a video, consisting of a still image of a Trendylocos Gogo figurine accompanied with the same giggling sound that Grinner makes,[1] which has become an inside joke between members of the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server.

Fly Who Has Green And Long Body

Fly who has green and long body.png

A variant of an Army Fly.png Army Fly that is very long and thin. It behaves exactly the same as an Army Fly, except for having more health.

Shady Host

Shady host.png

A variant of Host.png Host which shoots out 3 black and red flashing tears. Upon hitting a wall, each of these tears will split into 3 more tears towards Isaac. When it closes its shell after this attack, it creates cascades of bloody explosions toward Isaac.



Crudemate is a very rare enemy that spawns in the DankDepthsIcon.png Dank Depths. Their only behavior is to run to a nearby Grate.png Grate, where they will jump in and disappear. They are only guaranteed to spawn in a single room which has a weight of 0.1 and only one entrance, making them a very rare enemy to encounter. They can also appear in 2 other rooms, however, these rooms have a weight of 1.0, and Crudemate only has a 2% chance to spawn in them.

  • Crudemate is a reference to the game Among Us.
  • A tiny Crudemate can be seen inside JunkstrapIcon.png Junkstrap when it dies.
  • There is an incredibly rare room in TheVoidIcon.png The Void named "Emergency Meeting", which holds 7 Crudemates and a Killswitch.png Kill Plate. This is a reference to Emergency Meetings from Among Us, the game which the Crudemate originates from.

Cave Spider

Cave Spider.png

Another rare enemy, the Cave Spider only spawns on the MinesIcon.png Mines floor, and only appears in a single room which has one entrance. The Cave Spider behaves similarly to a Level 2 Spider.png Level 2 Spider, however, it is unable to kill Isaac, it can only reduce their health to half a heart. While at half a heart, the Cave Spider will not deal any contact damage.

  • Cave Spider is a reference to the game Minecraft. Its inability to deal lethal damage to the player is a nod to how poison works in Minecraft, always leaving the player at half of a heart.
  • Caves Spider was from the cancelled Morbus mod, where it appeared in a single room in the CavesIcon.png Caves.
  • If playing as KeeperCoopIcon.png Keeper, it can only reduce them to 1 Coin Heart.
  • If playing as LostCoopIcon.png The Lost, it can deal no damage.

Psychic Mr. Maw


Psychic Mr. Maw is a fusion between a Mr. Maw.png Mr. Maw and a Psychic Maw.png Psychic Maw. It spawns with an Eternal Fly.png Eternal Fly circling the head, and when close enough to Isaac, launches its head and shoots a homing projectile. If the body is destroyed first, the head becomes a normal Psychic Maw. If the head is destroyed first, the body turns into a unique Gusher.png Gusher that bleeds homing projectiles.

  • This enemy only appears in a single vertical 1×2 room in the DepthsIcon.png Depths, all alone.
  • This enemy was added due to a fan suggestion on the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server.

Maw Mr.

Mr. Maw.png

An enemy that looks identical to a Mr. Maw.png Mr. Maw, and behaves similarly as well, except that it launches its body at the player instead of the head.

  • This enemy only appears in a single room in the DepthsIcon.png Depths, along with two normal Mr. Maws.

Sloth's Head


Sloth's Head is a green-colored Black Globin's Head.png Black Globin's Head that behaves identically and slides after Isaac, but leaves a trail of green creep instead of red creep. It is meant to be Sloth.png Sloth's Keeper.png Keeper counterpart, like with Desirer.png Desirer and Seducer.png Seducer, but behaves nothing like the other variants.

It appears in 3 rare rooms in the CatacombsIcon.png Catacombs, and 1 in SheolIcon.png Sheol.


  • Sloth's Head not only has a lazy sprite, but also lazy AI, naming, and implementation, making it the laziest enemy in the game

Tainted Spit

Tainted Spit.png

Behaves similarly to a Tainted Sucker.png Tainted Sucker — however, it has less health and all of its projectiles explode upon landing, making damage almost unavoidable.



Peat.png Peat Ingame.png

A low-res Peter Griffin from the animated series "Family Guy". Possesses a health bar, similarly to bosses. Usually chases Isaac, occasionally punching him in the face, which will deal damage and send him away with a huge knockback. Occasionally, Peat will teleport, targeting the player's current position and creating an explosion upon doing so.


  • The explosions hurt Peat himself, making it possible for him to accidentally commit suicide.
  • Peat appears as a boss in a hidden StageAPI custom stage, "The Stony Level".
    • When appearing as a boss in this stage, Peter Griffin has a unique boss portrait with an Isaac-like artstyle, where he appears naked and crying similar to Isaac himself.
  • Peat can also appear in a very rare Gehenna room, spawned by a hidden button.

As of the Reheated update, Peat is included within the mod's players.xml file, although is marked as hidden meaning he cannot be played under normal circumstances. Peat starts with 4 Red Hearts and cannot pick up items or pickups of any kind aside from Hearts (whether or not this is intentional or a bug is unknown). He uses the previously mentioned Boss Portrait for his VS and Stage Transition sprites.

The likely purpose of his existence is for this meme posted by Fiend which shows official footage of the player as Peat softlocking themselves in Caves II.

Blue Horf (Boristumous)

Blue Horf.png Blue Horf Ingame.png

What appears to be some sort of a Husk variant on the portrait, is actually a recolored Horf. Its attacks consist of:

  • Moving erratically.
  • Creating a fart cloud that heavily knocks Isaac away and spawning a Corny Poop.png Corny Poop.
  • Coughing up a swarm of Fly.png Flies and Attack Fly.png Attack Flies.
  • Releasing a small ring of flames.
  • Firing a large blood shot that leaves a trail of damaging creep.

After death, it replaces floor underneath itself with a pit.


  • This boss is a reference to one of the episodes of the modding tutorial made by BroskiPlays, "CUSTOM ENEMIES FROM SPRITES TO LUA".
  • Boristumous appears as a boss in a hidden StageAPI custom stage, "The Stony Level".

Duke of Demons

Duke of Demons.png

Appears to be a demonic variant of Duke of Flies. It possesses two attacks:

  • Fires a gigantic Brimstone.png Brimstone beam towards the player.
  • Spawns three "Demon Babies" that slowly float towards Isaac and fire blood shots at him when nearby.


  • The Duke of Demons used to be in an older version of the Genesis mod, back when it was called The Binding of Jesus: Holybirth. He was a plain reskin and didn't have any wings, however.



A pixelated Michael Jackson. He chases Isaac while moonwalking, occasionally performing a kick that creates an explosion. Eventually, he starts to spin around while creating spark particles. While spinning, he will loosely chase Isaac, similar to Lust.

  • The explosions hurt Jackson himself, making it possible for him to accidentally commit suicide.



A png of a mouse, which possesses a boss bar. When spawned in, it will turn red and quickly charge towards the player, instantly killing them on contact. Managing to kill it will not drop any rewards. If mouse control is enabled, Mouse will instead follow the cursor but grow increasingly agitated if not moving. After a while of inactivity, it will begin spawning troll bombs before enraging and chasing Isaac as normal.



Miku is joke 'boss' which can be encountered in a single Crawl Space that can not be entered without using console commands. The Crawl Space consists of 2 sets of 4 platforms with 2 ladders on each side. Miku will be standing at the very right of the screen, and after a second, she will begin to attack the player. She attacks by shooting fruits at the player, which come in multiple waves of difficult patterns. Touching a fruit will instantly kill the player. Miku herself cannot be attacked, and after approximately 1 minute and 45 seconds, she will simply disappear. If the player does not have a flight, they will be unable to leave the Crawl Space.

  • The boss fight is a reference to the game I Wanna Kill the Kamilia 3, where she also appears as a boss with a similar layout and attacks.

Minamitsu Murasa


Minamitsu Murasa as she appeared in the game Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object. She features identical attack patterns from the aforementioned game.

Hidden Custom Stages

Accessible through debug console commands are three custom floors made through StageAPI.

Stony Level

A floor with the Primordial Caves backdrop. As the name suggests, the rooms of this floor contain a slew of Stoney.png Stoneys, as well as the joke enemy Spider Nicalis.png Spider (Nicalis).

In the Boss room, The boss of the floor will be replaced by either Peat.png Peat or Blue Horf Ingame.png Boristumous.

A typical Stony Level room.

The console command to load the the Stony Level is: cstage Stony Level

  • Note: Command is case-sensitive


A floor featuring a deep dark laboratory backdrop, with its own unique rock and pit textures.

Despite appearances, the floor does not feature any custom rooms, instead copying its rooms and bosses from NecropolisIcon.png Necropolis.

  • Note: There is a luaroom file titled "theLab.xml" that contains custom rooms, yet goes unused for this floor.
A Lab room.

The console command to load the Lab is: cstage Lab

  • Note: Command is case-sensitive

Morbus (Real)

A floor that may appear at first glance to be Morbus, but in actuality is merely a floor with a UteroIcon.png Utero backdrop that has been colored black.

Morbus (Real) also does not feature any custom rooms or even those from Chapter 4, instead copying its rooms and bosses from CatacombsIcon.png Catacombs.

A Morbus (Real) room.

The console command to load Morbus (Real) is: cstage MorbusReal

  • Note: Command is case-sensitive

Beggars and Machines

Phone Booth

Phone booth.png

The Phone Booth is a very rare machine that only appears in a 0.1 weight I AM ERROR Room, and in a single Shop layout with only a 0.1% chance to spawn. The Phone Booth will randomly start to ring, and interacting with it will cause the game's music to lower and special audio to be played. The player will be attached by a cable to the machine, and can only move in a small area around it. Interacting with the machine again will hang up the phone.

  • The audio that plays is from the mobile game Talking Ben.
  • Bombing the machine will not drop anything.

Cosplay Beggar


The Cosplay Beggar is a very rare Beggar.png Beggar variant which can only appear in a single very rare Secret Room layout with a weight of 0.01, or from using Tarot Judgement.png XX - Judgement that has a 0.001% chance of occurring. They take 5 cents at a time and have a chance to pay out with 3 random pickups. These pickups can be any type of Penny.png Coin, Bomb.png Bomb or Key.png Key or Red Heart.png Heart. They also have a chance to pay out with the Perfectly Generic Object.png Perfectly Generic Object item, where they will then disappear.

  • The Beggar can drop troll bombs, causing it to kill itself if the bombs are not moved away.
  • Bombing the Beggar does not affect Devil Deal chances and has a low chance to drop one random pickup.
  • The Beggar is a reference the Trolls from to the webcomic Homestuck.

Grid Entities

Dog Doo

Dogma doo.png

Dog Doo in-game.

The Dog Doo is a poop with a static overlay. When destroyed, it triggers the Glowing Hourglass.png Glowing Hourglass effect once; going back and destroying it will not trigger the effect again.

Dog Doo can only appear in one room in the Basement during the HomeIcon.png Ascent.

Special Marked Rocks

If Marked Skulls are placed in a room with a backdrop different than that of a Chapter 3, they will have a unique appearance, with many of them being easter eggs, references, or self-inserts of the developers of Fiend Folio.

Some of these rocks can be found in a few very rare room layouts, including Icon Super Secret Room.png Super Secret Rooms.

Other Secrets and Jokes

Trans Brimstone

Trans Brimstone.png
Whenever the player fires a Brimstone.png Brimstone laser, there is a 0.001% chance the beam will have the colors of the Transgender Flag. This doesn't apply to Technology.png Technology lasers, the Mega Blast.png Mega Blast laser, or enemy Brimstone lasers.

Vein Slide Whistle Easter Egg

There is a 1/5000 chance that a Vein.png Vein moves out of the way upon a pickup landing on top of it.

Slide whistle sound included!

Secret Death Jingle

When the player gets a Game Over, there is a 0.5% chance for different music will play instead of the normal game over music.

  • This easter egg is a reference to The Devil's Harvest, where this track was the mod's default game over theme.

Secret Mode

Typing "secret" with the console closed in the starting room will enable Secret mode
"Fiend has found your password" will appear in the console upon activation, along with a laugh sound

A lot of random chaos will occur, such as:

  • Dark Easu spawning
  • Entities spinning rapidly
  • The room filling with random pickups, and then eventually all of them exploding after a few seconds
  • All entities getting random velocity, teleporting on Isaac, changing into random enemies or changing colour

...And more!

4:20 Weed Secret

Isaac smokes a fat joint when the following criteria are met:

  • The game timer is 4:20.
  • The run has not been exited.
  • The player is currently playing as IsaacCoopIcon.png Isaac.
  • The player has picked up no items. (With the exception of Isaac's current starting items.)


Sanguine Hook Secret


When playing the ChallengeIcon IsaacRebuilt.png Isaac Rebuilt challenge, if you mash the sanguine hook up against the wall enough times, a note will appear asking you to stop, if you continue, it'll ask again to stop, but if you keep going for long enough you can find multiple responses from the note appear. Upon mashing Sanguine Hook against a wall for a total of 1 million times, the player will be granted a gold skin for Sanguine Hook as a reward for their commitment. This golden hook is only cosmetic, and will only appear during the Isaac Rebuilt challenge.

Master Atom

Master atom.png

Found in a single I AM ERROR Room, spawned by a button. Plays its own dubstep theme music when it appears. Otherwise remains stationary and cannot be interacted with in any way.

  • Master Atom is a reference to the @3Dgifdubstep Twitter account, specifically this post.

Fiend Folio Shopkeeepers

Minichibis Shopkeeper.png Erfly Shopkeeper.png FF Shopkeeper 1.png FF Shopkeeper 2.png FF Shopkeeper 3.png FF Shopkeeper 4.png FF Shopkeeper 5.png FF Shopkeeper 6.png FF Shopkeeper 7.png FF Shopkeeper 8.png FF Shopkeeper 9.png

A set of dead Shopkeeper.png Shopkeepers, some of them resembling Fiend Folio devs.

They do not seem to appear anywhere, and merely exist in the game's files.

Reheated Content

The Binding of Isaac: Reheated


This enemy is a reference to The Binding of Isaac: Reheated, a mod concept made by one of Fiend Folio developers, Minichibis, a long time ago. It appears as a sprite-sheet of some of the "reheated" enemies and possesses a bunch of attacks:

  • Constantly fires blood shots in random directions.
  • Fires a Brimstone beam in the player's direction.
  • Teleports, spawning a random Reheated enemy in its previous location.

Reheated Chest

Reheated Chest.png

A chest variant that requires a key to open. When opened, spawns a random Reheated enemy.



A red creature that somewhat resembles Mern. While Isaac is far away, it slowly floats towards him. If he gets closer, Beserker opens its eyes and begins to fire a constant stream of blood shots. This enemy is likely a reference to the Behelit from the manga series Berserk.

Reheated Gurgle and Cyclopia

Reheated Gurgle.png Reheated Cyclopia.png

The Reheated Cyclopia runs at Isaac trailing red creep behind it, and spitting a barrage of tears at him that leave creep when they land. The Reheated Gurgle does the exact same thing, but the barrage of tears explode when they land instead.

Reheated Charger, Fly and Spider

Reheated Charger.png Reheated Fly.png Reheated Spider.png

These three behave like their regular counterparts, with an addition of constant trail of red damaging creep. Unlike the other two, the Reheated Charger will also launch a large cluster of blood tears into the air upon death.

Reheated Hosts

Reheated Host 1.png Reheated Host 2.png Reheated Host 3.png

The Webbed Reheated Host will spit a large cluster of baby spiders, the Reheated Host with a big mouth will fire a Brimstone beam to the left or right and the Toxic Reheated Host will spit an arcing projectile that, upon landing, will leave creep and release 3 shots in a spread to the player's current location.

Bobby Fly and Spider

Bobby Fly.png Bobby Spider.png

These two leave a fused bomb upon death.

Chompy Fly and Spider

Chompy Fly.png Chompy Spider.png

These two occasionally create fountains of blood shots. They heavily resemble Fissures, an enemy from Antibirth.

Sacky Fly and Spider

Sacky Fly.png Sacky Spider.png

These two spawn two Spiders upon death.

Icky Fly and Spider

Icky Fly.png Icky Spider.png

These two fire a single Ipecac shot upon death.

Icky and Techy Creep

Icky Creep.png Techy Creep.png

Icky Creep fires Ipecac shots and Techy Creep fires Technology lasers when lined up with the player.


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