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Fient is a secret character added in Fiend Folio: Reheated. He is a stoned imp who is a drug dealer.

He starts starts the run with one HUD heart red full.png Red Heart container with a MorbidHeart.png Morbid Heart and 2 Black Heart.png Black Hearts. He also starts with 4 Penny.png Pennies, 2 Bomb.png Bombs, Chili Powder.png Chili Powder and Wavy Cap.png Wavy Cap as a pocket active. Fient's main attack is coughing up smokey, grey tears that confuse enemies on hit.

Fient normally can not be accessed through the main menu of the game, and the player can only play as Fient through entering commands into the debug console or by editing the players.xml file in the Fiend Folio MOD.

How to play as Fient

A tutorial for how to edit the players.xml file and make Fient accessible through the main menu can be found here:


  • Fient in the Fiend Folio canon is part of FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend's iconic imp gang, designed by Maria.
    • Fient is a genetically modified orange.
    • His name could be a reference to an orange soda, Fanta.
  • Fient's starting items and stats make many references to drugs and the number 420:
    • His starting number of Penny.png Pennies, Bomb.png Bombs and Key.png Keys sequentially read out 420.
    • He starts with 4.20 range, a 0.420× multiplier to his shot speed, and his starting damage after his innate damage multiplier is equal to 14.20.
    • Fient starting with Chili Powder.png Chili Powder is also an allusion to drugs, as plastic bags are commonly used to hold powdered drugs or narcotics.
  • Fient's "thumbs-up" gesture, where he holds a joint towards the screen as if offering it, is a reference to the ¿Quieres? meme.
  • Fient's transition portrait is a reference to the "Doobie Ralsei" meme, itself influenced by an edited render of Mario smoking a joint.
  • Fient's "glitch" animation, used by item effects such as Missing No..png Missing No., includes part of Isaac and Fient's face smoking a joint. This is taken from the secret 420 easter egg.
  • Fient's Birthright.png Birthright has the quoted effect "Reefer madness". However, this currently does not seem to have any actual effect in the game.
  • Fient was added in The Monthiversary Update.


Regular Characters FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend - GolemCoopIcon.png Golem
Tainted Characters BastardCoopIcon.png Tainted Fiend
Challenge Characters ChinaCoopIcon.png China - SlippyCoopIcon.png Slippy
Secret Characters FientCoopIcon.png Fient - FendCoopIcon.png Fend - PeatCoopIcon.png Peat