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Fend is a secret character added in Fiend Folio: Reheated. He is a perverted imp that is not really good at anything except being a janitor.

He starts starts the run with two HUD heart red full.png Red Heart containers and a Soul Heart.png Soul Heart, 4 Penny.png Pennies, and Spirit Sword.png Spirit Sword with the unique appearance of a mop. This mop can deflect enemy projectiles, similar to Spirit Sword's effect with Lost Contact.png Lost Contact.

Fend normally can not be accessed through the main menu of the game, and the player can only play as Fend through through entering commands into the debug console or by editing the players.xml file in the Fiend Folio MOD.

How to play as Fend

A tutorial for how to edit the players.xml file and make Fend accessible through the main menu can be found here:


  • Fend in the Fiend Folio canon is part of FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend's iconic imp gang, designed by Maria.
    • Fend is a genetically modified cob of corn like Fiend, although piss was involved in Fend's creation.
  • Fend's Birthright.png Birthright has the quoted effect "Libido up!". However, this currently does not seem to have any actual effect in the game.
  • Fend was added in The Monthiversary Update.


Regular Characters FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend - GolemCoopIcon.png Golem
Tainted Characters BastardCoopIcon.png Tainted Fiend
Challenge Characters ChinaCoopIcon.png China - SlippyCoopIcon.png Slippy
Secret Characters FientCoopIcon.png Fient - FendCoopIcon.png Fend - PeatCoopIcon.png Peat