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Name Icon Rarity Flavor Text Effect
Sack Fossil
Sack Fossil.png
Common More sacks, crush effect
  • 10% chance for random pickup drops to become a Sack Pickup.png Sack.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns a random Sack.
Coprolite Fossil
Coprolite Fossil.png
Common Fecal artifact, crush effect
  • Spawns a Blue Fly.png Blue Fly when entering a new uncleared room.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns 12 Blue Flies.
Beeter Fossil
Beeter Fossil.png
Rare Sweet honeyed amber, crush effect
  • Shoot a single weak tear whenever a tear is fired.
  • The angle of the tear increments with each previous tear fired.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns a friendly Beeter.png Beeter.
Fly Fossil
Fly Fossil.png
Rare Friend 'till the end, crush effect
GMO Fossil
GMO Fossil.png
Rare Pills from bosses, crush effect
  • Activates 2 random PillVanilla.png Pill effects after clearing a Boss Room.
  • Crush Effect: Activates 3 random pill effects.
Sword Fossil
Sword Fossil.png
Rare Small stats up, crush effect
  • All stats up.
  • Crush Effect: Smaller, permanent all stats up.
Fortune Worm Fossil
Fortune Worm Fossil.png
Rare The future from the past, crush effect
  • +0.2 shot speed.
  • +2 luck.
  • Luck-affected chance to fire fortune cookie tears which deal 1.05x damage and display fortunes on hit.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns an extra Soul Heart.png Soul Heart, and displays 3 random fortunes.
Primordial Fossil
Primordial Fossil.png
Rare Starter kit, crush effect
Rerolligan Fossil
Rerolligan Fossil.png
Rare Rerolling tears, crush effect
  • 10% chance affected by luck to fire dice tears that reroll enemies.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns a random Glass Dice.
Fossilized Fossil
Fossilized Fossil.png
Common Fossil duplicator, crush effect
  • Other fossils' crush effects activate twice.
  • Crush Effect: Activates the effect of another held fossil.
Fish Fossil
Fish Fossil.png
Common Wasteland king, crush effect
Runic Fossil
Runic Fossil.png
Common Brittle runes, crush effect
  • As Golem, normal trinket drops always reroll into Rune Left.png Runes.
  • Using Runes drops a Rune Shard.png Rune Shard.
  • Crush Effect: Drops 4 Rune Shards.
Canned Fossil
Canned Fossil.png
Common Power of beans, crush effect
Balanced Fossil
Balanced Fossil.png
Common Balanced room rewards, crush effect
  • 50% chance for the room clear reward to be replaced with either a Red Heart.png Red Heart, Penny.png Coin, Bomb.png Bomb or Key.png Key based on which type Golem has very little of.
  • Crush Effect: Grants 3 of Golem's lowest pickup.
Buried Fossil
Buried Fossil.png
Rare Look at what you dug up, crush effect
  • Each floor has a marked spot that can be bombed to spawn a fossil.
  • Crush Effect: Gives a random fossil.
  • Dirt Patch.png Dirt Patches can be bombed open.
Trippy Fossil
Trippy Fossil.png
Rare Huh whuh, crush effect
  • Chance to fire God's Flesh.png God's Flesh tears.
  • Crush Effect: Shrinks Golem's size.
Max's Fossil
Max's Fossil.png
Rare Dog howell, crush effect
Bomb Sack Fossil
Bomb Sack Fossil.png
Rare Rocky bombs, crush effect
  • Golem's Bomb.png Bombs create a ring of rock waves when they explode.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns 5 Bombs.
Death Cap Fossil
Death Cap Fossil.png
Rare It's still potent, crush effect
  • Stacking minor stats down on each room while held.
  • Crush Effect: All stats up proportional to amount of cleared rooms.
Explosive Fossil
Explosive Fossil.png
Rare More bombs, crush effect
  • Chance to drop an extra Bomb.png Bomb on room clear.
  • Increased chance for Rock.png Rock obstacles to be replaced with Bomb Rock.png Bomb Rocks.
  • Crush Effect: Creates a Mama Mega!.png Mama Mega! explosion in the next 3 uncleared rooms.
Colossal Fossil
Colossal Fossil.png
Rare Multiple effects when crushed
  • Doubles Golem's tear size.
  • Crush Effect: Activates 3 other random fossils' Crush Effects.
Skuzz Fossil
Skuzz Fossil.png
Rare Friend 'till the end, crush effect
Fossilized Blessing
Fossilized Blessing.png
Rare Gift of Eden, crush effect
Petrified Sock
Petrified Sock.png
Rare Hard as a rock, crush effect
Molten Fossil
Molten Fossil.png
Rare Smelted power, crush effect
  • Passively improves the effectiveness of Smelter.png Smelted rock trinkets.
  • Crush Effect: Grants a random Common rock trinket and smelts it onto Golem.
Value Fossil
Value Fossil.png
Common Discounts in store, crush effect
  • Shop Pool Icon.png Shop items are 1 cent cheaper.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns 3 Penny.png Pennies.
Coral Fossil
Coral Fossil.png
Common You feel drowned, crush effect
Necromantic Fossil
Necromantic Fossil.png
Rare Bring back the dead, crush effect
  • Chance to spawn a Book of the Dead.png Book of the Dead bone orbital when killing an enemy.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns a fossil that has been previously crushed this run.
Brain Fossil
Brain Fossil.png
Rare Early homing, crush effect
Refund Fossil
Refund Fossil.png
Fiendish Sand is free, crush effect
The Left Fossil
The Left Fossil.png
Common The fossil reaps dark rewards, crush effect
Thank-You Fossil
Thank-You Fossil.png
Common Bountiful beggars, crush effect
Hollow Fossil
Hollow Fossil.png
Fiendish Darkness is contained within, crush effect