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  • Chases Isaac by performing off-screen leaps.
  • Whenever it lands, spawns 1-2 Small Maggots and fires three wavy lines of projectiles outwards.
  • Slowly walks towards Isaac.
  • As it takes damage, its skull gets more and more exposed and Rotdrink gains an increase in its chasing speed.
  • Upon death, it spawns a Rotskull along with 1-2 Small Maggots.
  • Rapidly floats towards Isaac with loose movement.
  • Highly resistant to knockback.
  • Can spawn with 1 to 4 heads.
  • As it slides around the room, its heads rotate around, leaving poisonous gas.
  • If the body is destroyed or when the heads are destroyed on their own, they explode into Small Maggots.
    • If all heads are destroyed before the body, the body turns into a Spoilie in its goo form.
  • Actively chases Isaac.
  • Upon death, collapses into a pile of flesh with spider legs.
    • The pile will then act like a Level 2 Spider, until it eventually reforms back into Spoilie.
Sagging Spit
Sagging Spit.png
  • Follows Isaac, firing a volley of explosive Ipecac.png Ipecac shots downwards when lined up diagonally with him, and creates a diagonal line of poison gas.
    • The volley will cause the Sagging Spit to be repelled in the opposite direction, and launching itself towards Isaac if he is above it.
  • Bounces around the room, periodically firing a spread of four projectiles that leave puddles of green creep at Isaac.
  • Upon death, explodes into a ring of six projectiles that leave puddles of green creep.
  • Constantly chases Isaac by burrowing in and out of the ground.
  • When burrowing out, it will create a trail of projectiles that follow it until it burrows back in.
    • When burrowing back in, the trail of projectiles will follow its movement for a moment before then propelling itself towards Isaac.
Gut Knight
Gut Knight.png
  • Roams around the room only moving in the cardinal directions.
    • Makes a slight charge when sighting Isaac, picking up a small amount of speed and stopping upon hitting an obstacle.
  • Possesses a line of projectiles trailing behind it, similarly to the item Akeldama.png Akeldama.
  • Actively chases Isaac, periodically reaching towards him with its hand, attempting to damage him.
Bamboo Cutter
Bamboo Cutter.png
  • Roams around the room.
  • If Isaac lines up with it cardinally, it will attempt to snap at him with its bone claw.
  • If a Frayed Nerve gets alerted, any Bamboo Cutters will rush towards that Nerve.
Frayed Nerve
Frayed Nerve.png
  • Remains stationary and invulnerable.
  • If Isaac approaches too close, it will alert all Bamboo Cutters in the room to rush toward it.
  • Remains stationary, occasionally performing one of the following actions:
    • Releases a Cyst.
    • Spews out a long-ranged volley of projectiles along with a line of red creep towards Isaac.
    • Burrows into the ground, spawning two Rotten Gapers in random spots, then burrows back out.
  • Crawls around the room.
  • If Isaac is in front of it, fires a small volley of projectiles towards him, along with spawning a Small Maggot and a charging Charger.
  • If Isaac is behind it, launches a Festering Guts.
  • Remains stationary, occasionally sucking in Isaac for short while.
  • Upon death, creates a massive fountain of Small Maggots and projectiles that create puddles of slowing creep.
  • Remains stationary, creating a cloud of poisonous gas around itself and slowly increasing its size, eventually being able to cover almost an entire regular room with gas.
    • When it takes damage, the size of the cloud slightly decreases.
  • Slowly floats towards Isaac.
  • After taking enough damage or after a while, its stomach explodes, releasing Whale Guts.
    • The guts are connected to the Whale with a cord, not allowing both to move too far from each other.
    • If the Whale is killed before its Guts, the Whale will fall on the ground and its head will explode, releasing a short burst of projectiles, along with a couple of Small Maggots and a Level 2 Charger.
    • If the Guts are killed first, it will die without spawning any projectiles or maggots.
Whale Guts
Whale Guts.png
  • Slides around the room, occasionally releasing three wavy lines of projectiles outwards.
  • Randomly teleports around the room.
  • Fires a sweeping laser with a visible telegraph beforehand, showing where it will cover.
Cancer Boy
Cancer Boy.png
  • Roams around the room, periodically spitting out 2 or 3 projectiles in a spread towards Isaac.
    • When the projectiles hit something, they turn into Cancerlets.
  • Slowly moves towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally will perform three subseqent dashes through the room, looping around the walls.
    • When the 3rd dash ends, Musk will slam into the wall, scattering a couple of tooth projectiles around and spawning a Toma Chunk and 2 Cancerlets.
  • Spawns attached to the ground with a short cord.
  • After a while, it will release itself, revealing Foetu attached to the other end of the cord and shooting a ring of 8 projectiles around it.
    • When released, it will relentlessly chase Isaac.
  • When released from the ground, it will follow the attached Foetus, periodically spitting out spider ball projectiles at Isaac.
    • On impact, the projectile will split into two Spiders.
  • If the attached Foetus dies, Foetu will begin to relentlessly chase Isaac, and can receive heavy knockback.
  • Chases Isaac, and possesses a unique ability depending on what type of face it has.
  • Randomly switches between avoiding Isaac and chasing him.
  • As it takes damages, its chunks fall off as Toma Chunks.
    • When it takes enough damage, it begins to relentlessly chase Isaac, while leaving a trail of red creep.
  • On death, spawns one more Toma Chunk.
Toma Chunk
Toma Chunk.png
  • Slowly floats towards Isaac.
  • On death, spawns a Spider and scatters a couple of tooth projectiles at Isaac.
Small Conglobberate
Small Conglobberate.png
  • Chases Isaac fairly quickly.
  • Upon death, collapses into a pile of flesh that will reform back into Small Conglobberate if not killed fast enough.
    • When it reforms, it fires a single arcing tooth shot in a random direction.
Medium Conglobberate
Medium Conglobberate.png
  • Chases Isaac with an average speed.
  • Upon death, releases 4 shots in cardinal directions, spawns a Toma Chunk and collapses into two piles of flesh.
    • The piles of flesh will attempt to combine into a larger pile that will reform back into Medium Conglobberate if not killed fast enough.
      • When it reforms, it fires several blood and tooth projectiles in random directions.
Large Conglobberate
Large Conglobberate.png
  • Chases Isaac with relatively slow speed.
  • Upon death, releases a ring of 8 shots, spawns two Toma Chunks and collapses into three piles of flesh.
    • The piles of flesh will attempt to combine into a larger pile that will reform back into Large Conglobberate if not killed fast enough.
      • When it reforms, it fires a large amount of blood and tooth projectiles in random directions.
  • Actively runs away from Isaac.
  • Periodically fires an arcing tooth projectile that splits into four blood shots in cardinal directions and spawns an Oralid on impact.
  • On death, explodes into a small shower of tooth projectiles, a ring of 6 tooth projectiles, and 1-2 Oralids.
  • Spawns partially burrowed in the ground.
  • When damaged, comes out of ground and begins loosely chasing Isaac.
  • Spawns partially burrowed in the ground, emerging shortly after, usually accompanied by a group of Oralids.
  • Its Oralids will follow behind it as it marches towards Isaac.
    • If it has less than 3 Oralids, it will make a short leap forward and embed itself into the ground, spawning 3 Oralids.
    • Otherwise, it will eventually command its Oralids to chase Isaac with increased speed for a period.
  • Crawls around the room erratically, while also avoiding Isaac.
  • Occasionally will begin to suck in enemy shots and Isaac's tears until it consumes a certain amount or enough time passes.
    • After consuming the tears, it will chew on them for a while, before spitting them back as a packed cluster of projectiles that split upon impact.
      • The amount of projectiles in the cluster depend on the amount of shots consumed.
    • It may also consume Small Maggots, Spiders, and Toma Chunks, and fire them at Isaac in the form of projectiles.
  • Actively avoids Isaac, although very erratically.
  • Occasionally spawns a flesh chunk, sending it to orbit an enemy close to Isaac in the room.
    • The chunk takes reduced damage from attacks, and after enough time, it will transform into a Benny.
  • Actively chases Isaac.
  • Occasionally stops to release a volley of blood and tooth shots.
  • Spawns in corners of the room.
  • When Isaac gets too close or after the Knot takes damage, it will spawn several random spider enemies and then disappear.
  • Remains stationary.
  • Occasionally pops out of its body, firing three subsequent blood shots in a cone shape.
  • While hidden, if it takes damage, it spits out three Toma Chunks in an arc, immediately destroying them, followed by firing four blood projectiles in diagonal directions.
  • Upon death, spawns three Toma Chunks and releases a volley of shots towards Isaac.
  • Ambushes Isaac after a certain period of time has passed in the room.
  • Repeatedly burrows out of the ground, aiming to be underneath Isaac.
    • When it burrows out, it scatters a bunch of tooth and blood projectiles around.
    • After a while, it will burrow back, releasing a ring of 10 tooth projectiles.
  • Fills in pits with its massive body that consists of various parts:
    • Tissue - connects other parts. After the Lurker is killed, some Tissue chunks can become bridges, which can be walked on.
    • Stoma - periodically spits out volleys of blood and tooth projectiles, along with spawning a Toma Chunk.
    • Tooth - block Isaac's tears, can be destroyed with explosions. After the Lurker is killed, some Tooth chunks can become bridges, which can be walked on.
    • Core - the only part of the Lurker that can be damaged. When all Eyes have been killed, the corresponding Lurker will die.
    • Stretch - connects Lurker parts that fill out separate pits.