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  • Moves around by leaping off-screen and landing elsewhere, prioritizing locations that cross over Isaac.
    • While it jumps, it rains down slow falling projectiles along with a trail of cosmetic salt.
  • When Isaac is lined up in a cardinal direction, charges in that direction until it hits an obstacle.
    • If it has not sighted Isaac, it leaps offscreen to land near his location.
  • Hovers around the room, with three projectiles orbiting it.
  • When Isaac is in sight, launches one of its projectiles, which homes in at high speed.
  • Roams around the room, charging at Isaac when lined up cardinally.
  • Is granted a shield while other enemies are alive in the room, making itself invulnerable.
    • Whenever Alfil blocks damage taken, causes a random enemy in the room to fire projectiles in the ordinal directions.
  • Remains stationary, backing away from Isaac if he draws too close.
  • After a moment, creates a white crosshair which attempts to target Isaac, gaining speed as it follows until it's beneath him.
    • Eventually stops and after a delay calls down a large beam of light from the sky which lingers for a while.
  • Roams around the room only moving in the cardinal directions.
    • Makes a slight charge when sighting Isaac, picking up a small amount of speed and stopping upon hitting an obstacle.
  • Only vulnerable from behind.
  • When the eye on its back is open, following from behind causes Psychoknight's eyes to glow, and its head to shake.
    • After staying behind for long enough, Psychoknight teleports to another cardinal direction close to Isaac, quickly charging towards him.
Pale Gaper
Pale Gaper.png
  • Chases Isaac quickly.
  • Roars after a moment, greatly increasing its speed for a period.
    • Continuously roars afterwards maintaining a high speed.
  • Upon death, turns into a Pale Gusher.
  • Can be Magnified into a Mag Gaper.
Pale Gusher
Pale Gusher.png
  • Wanders around and fires a stream of arcing projectiles in random directions.
  • If close to Isaac then it will chase him and aim the projectiles towards him.
Pale Horf
Pale Horf.png
  • Floats in place and fires projectiles towards Isaac at a quick rate.
    • Has an infinite detection range.
  • Can be Magnified into a Mag Horf.
Pale Clotty
Pale Clotty.png
  • Slides around the room randomly, periodically firing out 4 long-ranged waving projectiles in the cardinal directions.
  • Can be Magnified into a Mag Clotty.
  • Chases Isaac, lobbing a large homing projectile, which splits into a ring of 6 smaller homing projectiles while in the air.
Arcane Creep
Arcane Creep.png
  • Crawls alongside one of the walls to line up with Isaac.
  • Shoots a large projectile directly forward that splits into two perpendicular shots when Isaac is to the side of it.
Psycho Fly
Psycho Fly.png
  • Bounces around the room slowly.
  • On death, shoots a homing tear at Isaac, with all other Psycho Flies in the room doing the same.
  • Remains stationary.
  • Spits a tear which slowly moves along either the vertical or horizontal axis, and attempting to follow Isaac at the opposite axis.
  • Remains stationary.
  • Occasionally spits a star projectile which moves around in an angular pattern, following Isaac and leaving a trail of smaller tears.
    • Each projectile is connected to each other with a Technology Zero laser.
  • Spawns perched on pillars, or on the ground, walking towards Isaac when grounded.
  • After a moment, all Morvids in the room will simultaneously spread their wings and fly around the room above Isaac, and unable to be hit by attacks.
    • One by one, Morvids in the room will spit a single feather projectile at Isaac.
    • After enough time, Morvids will land back onto the ground, or perch back onto any pillars in the room.
      • Morvids which perch on pillars will instead land on the ground if the rest of the enemies in a room have been killed.
  • Chases Isaac, utilizing teleporters in the room to reach him quicker.
  • When one is killed, all others in the room will do a short lunge and gain a permanent speed boost.
  • Floats around the room.
    • Occasionally activates the on-death effect of an enemy in the room that's closest to Isaac, without killing the enemy.
      • If there is no valid enemy, spawns a Sucker to use instead.
  • Wanders around the room.
  • Scatters a ring of flour around itself, before a purple smog begins filling the room outside the circle.
    • If Isaac is not standing within the salt circle at the right time, he will take unavoidable damage.
  • Floats around the room.
  • Occasionally fires a colored projectile, leading it ahead of Isaac if he is moving.
    • If the projectile hits Isaac, deals damage and applies a temporary debuff depending on its color:
      • Purple projectiles applies Fear, preventing Isaac from firing tears.
      • White causes Slowness, slowing down Isaac.
      • Black applies a Curse of Darkness effect on the room.
  • Chases Isaac, frequently spitting a projectile at him when in sight.
    • After the projectile lands, Psyclopia will teleport to the point of that projectile's impact.
  • Chases Isaac, sometimes spitting a homing projectile at him when in sight.
    • After the projectile lands, Alderman will teleport to the point of that projectile's impact, producing a wave of fire in the 4 cardinal directions where it teleports.
  • Remains stationary, targeting enemies in the room one by one with a reticle, and placing a floating needle above them.
    • After enough windup, stabs its voodoo doll bringing the needle above the enemy down, killing the enemy and shooting 8 needle projectiles from point of impact.
    • If there's no enemies left to target, targets Isaac with its needle instead.
      • The needle will narrowly miss Isaac if he is moving, but still shoots 8 needle projectiles from where it lands.
  • Floats towards Isaac, placing floating needle projectiles aimed at Isaac in cardinal directions, which launch forwards after a delay.
  • If it gets close enough to Isaac, it will aggressively swipe at him with its claws.
  • Floats around in place.
  • When an enemy in the room dies, makes a shocked expression before shrieking, firing 4 fast homing tears in the diagonal directions.
  • Upon death, shrieks and causes all other enemies in the room to shoot 4 blood projectiles in the cardinal directions.
  • Floats around the room.
  • Periodically opens up, revealing an eye which enchants an enemy in the room.
    • Enchanted enemies leave behind cascading fire waves in the 4 cardinal directions on death.
  • After enchanting an enemy, spits a homing fireball at Isaac, which explodes and creates cascading fire waves in the 4 cardinal directions upon landing.
    • If there is no more enemies left to enchant, only uses the fireball attack.
  • Attempts to move towards enemy projectiles in the room, otherwise wanders aimlessly.
  • Possesses an aura which causes all enemy tears passing through it to gain the Continuum effect, and greatly increases their range.
  • Peeks from behind a random pillar in the room, spitting projectiles at Isaac which explode into a ring of 8 smaller shots on impact.
  • Hides when Isaac attempts to attack it, or draws too close.
  • Cannot be killed, and disappears when the room is cleared.
  • Waits until all other enemies are killed or after some time passes, then emerges from a wall.
  • Relentlessly chases Isaac, occasionally stopping to slam the ground and release two rings of blood shots that spiral outwards, while increasing in speed.
  • On death, its head explodes, releasing a large volley of projectiles in the direction its facing.
  • Spawns stationary, with a circular red zone centered around it.
    • If Isaac enters this zone, the Grievance immediately dashes towards his direction, bouncing off walls and obstacles, before slowing to a stop.
  • Cannot be killed, and deactivates when the room is cleared.