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Name Icon Description
Milk Tooth
Milk Tooth.png
  • Flaps towards Isaac, occasionally making short, weak dashes towards him.
  • Has very low knockback resistance.
  • Drifts around the room, occasionally twitching.
  • After a short while, enrages and makes a long diagonal charge, scattering projectiles when bouncing off walls.
  • Quickly chases Isaac, leaving a small trail of damaging creep.
  • Has a chance to turn into a Stump on death.
  • Usually found in groups of 2-4.
  • Wanders around randomly, leaving a small trail of damaging creep.
Pale Slim
Pale Slim.png
  • Slowly follows Isaac.
  • When it draws close, it will attempt to smack him with its arm.
    • If it hits a wall or an obstacle, it will stop to spray a few blood shots and some creep around.
  • When it dies, it has a chance to leave a Jim or Pale Limb behind.
  • Wanders around randomly, occasionally making slaps with its arm in random directions.
    • If it hits a wall or an obstacle, it will stop to spray a few blood shots and some creep around.
  • When it dies, it has a chance to leave a Pale Limb behind.
Pale Limb
Pale Limb.png
  • Aimlessly hops around, sometimes moving towards Isaac if he gets too close and leaving small puddles of damaging creep.
Pale Bleeder
Pale Bleeder.png
  • Wanders around the room, leaving a trail of damaging creep.
  • Occasionally spits three consecutive bloody tears towards Isaac, with the third tear dealing a full heart of damage.
  • Chases Isaac, leaving a long trail of damaging creep.
  • Occasionally shoots a large bloody tear at him that leaves a trail of damaging creep.
  • Chases Isaac.
  • Shortly after spawning, its eye dislodges becoming a Gander which bounces around the room, and Eyesore will leave a trail of red creep.
    • Occasionally fires a small cluster of bloody tears out of its empty eye socket when Isaac gets close.
    • When Eyesore dies, its respective Gander dies.
  • Slowly walks towards Isaac.
  • On death, explodes into a large fart that deals no damage, and knocks back Isaac and other enemies.
  • Attempts to mimic Isaac's movement like a Dople, but with slippery physics.
  • Leaves a trail of slippery brown creep.
  • When bumping into an obstacle with enough speed, creates a burst of poop shots and spawns a Brownie Dip.
  • Moves towards Isaac, shooting blood tears at him cardinally when in line of sight.
  • Often spawns with a passive collectible from a set list and applies the effect onto itself.
  • Moves towards Isaac, shooting blood tears at him cardinally when in line of sight.
  • Often spawns with an active collectible from a set list, and activates its effects based on the conditions of the room.
    • Conditions depend on the active item held.
  • Flops aimlessly around the room, occasionally firing an inaccurate barrage of 4 tears at Isaac in cardinal directions.
  • When damaged, will flinch and gain invincibility frames, similar to Isaac.
    • Needs to be damaged 3 times in order to be killed, regardless of Isaac's damage stat.
Fossilized Boom Fly
Fossilized Boom Fly.png
  • Bounces around the room.
  • On death, drops to the ground, creating a destructible boulder.
    • The boulder explodes into a small fountain of rock projectiles when destroyed.
  • Spawns stationary, performing a charge in one of the diagonal directions until it hits a wall.
  • After charging, stops for a while, before charging in a direction off by a 90 degree angle to the previous charging direction.
Weaver Sr.
Weaver Sr.png
  • Chases Isaac quickly while repeatedly burrowing in and out of ground, moving faster than regular Weavers.
  • If it lands on rocks, it will slide on top of them, until it lands on ground again.
Bunker Worm
Bunker Worm.png
  • Burrows out of the ground in a random location, firing a large floating projectile towards Isaac before burrowing to another location.
  • After burrowing out again, lobs a smaller projectile towards the larger one, causing it to explode into a ring of 8 shots.
Roly Poly
Roly Poly.png
  • Slowly crawls around the room.
  • Rolls towards Isaac when he gets in its line of sight, bouncing off of walls and obstacles.
  • Crawls towards Isaac, moving over any rocks in the way.
  • Can crawl into pits to come out of another pit in the room.
  • Floats towards any pickups in the room, stealing any coins, keys, bombs, etc., and opens any chests or sacks.
    • Stolen loot provide different effects depending on the pickup, either using them as projectiles against Isaac, or to give buffs to itself.
    • If there are no pickups left in the room, simply floats towards Isaac, attempting to deal contact damage.
  • Quickly chases Isaac.
  • Upon getting close enough, unleashes the contents of its sack head, dying in the process.
    • Contents may include enemies to hinder Isaac, or helpful pickups.
    • Does not spawn anything when killed by Isaac.
  • Chases Isaac.
  • When it dies, leaves behind a small goo pile before reviving after a short period.
    • Can only revive once, and chases Isaac more erratically after reviving.
  • Slowly slides across the wall it is attached to.
  • When lined up with Isaac, leaps towards the wall on the other side.
  • If it touches a fire source, it will turn into a Grilled Meatwad.
  • Slides aimlessly around the room.
  • Occasionally hops, firing a large square shaped pattern of bullets that accelerates outwards.
  • If it touches a fire source, it will turn into a Grilled Chunky.
  • Remains stationary, periodically firing a small projectile at Isaac when he gets close.
  • Usually found in groups of 2-5.
Ramblin' Evil Mushroom
Ramblin' Evil Mushroom.png
  • Patrols around the room in a predetermined path.
  • Occasionally spawns a spore which floats down, spawning a Shiitake on landing.
  • Periodically leaps off screen to land onto any Splattercaps in the room, triggering its attack.
    • If there are no Splattercaps left in the room, makes aggressive hops towards Isaac instead.
  • Remains stationary, splashing a large amount of red tears when a Cordy lands on it.
  • If they are the only enemies left in the room, explodes into a damaging fart.
Mobile Mushroom
Mobile Mushroom.png
  • Slowly walks towards Isaac with its cap down, taking reduced damage.
  • Will occasionally stop to show its face, shooting 4 projectiles in either the cardinal or ordinal directions.
  • Floats around and makes short dashes towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally, makes a faster dash and inflates its body, sending it floating farther.
Infected Mushroom
Infected Mushroom.png
  • Has an aura around itself which inflicts confusion on nearby enemies.
  • Afflicted enemies will periodically shoot slow, wavy projectiles at Isaac.
  • Remains stationary, and periodically inflicts spores on a random enemy in the room.
    • Enemies afflicted with spores explode into a poison fart upon death, which can destroy rocks.
  • If there are no more available targets left, Cordify self-destructs in a large, explosive fart.
Smidgen Down.png
  • Remains stationary, and is immune to damage when its head is lowered.
    • Is not immune to explosions, unlike regular Hosts.
  • When Isaac gets close, lifts its head and fires two short-ranged projectiles in a V shape towards him.
  • Has very low knockback resistance.
Red Smidgen
Red Smidgen Down.png
  • Remains stationary, and is always vulnerable.
  • When Isaac gets close, lifts its head and fires spread of four short-ranged projectiles towards him.
  • Has very low knockback resistance.
  • Leaps off-screen, then slams down onto Isaac, before lifting its head to fire three blood shots in a spread towards him.
  • Invulnerable to damage when not attacking.
  • Remains stationary, occasionally spitting a single short-range projectile at Isaac.
  • Has low knockback resistance, and can be pushed around without dealing contact damage.
  • Is invulnerable, dies when the room is cleared.