Template:EnemyList/Dank Depths

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  • Moves around by performing short hops.
  • Each time it jumps, it creates a small puddle of slowing creep.
Tar Bubble
Tar Bubble.png
  • When shot at, bursts into a volley of projectiles.
  • When stepped on, creates a puddle of slowing creep, either in a plus or a cross shape.
  • Actively follows Isaac, while slowly inflating the bubble on its head.
    • As the bubble grows in size, Guflush's speed decreases.
    • When the bubble is fully inflated, if Guflush takes damage or after a short while, it will pop the bubble, scattering large amount of projectiles that leave puddles of slowing creep.
      • After popping the bubble, for a short while, Guflush will gain an increase in speed while also periodically firing arcing projectiles around.
  • Slowly walks towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally farts, launching three projectiles in the air.
    • The projectiles create Tar Bubbles upon landing.
  • On death, creates a pool of slowing creep.
  • Slowly chases Isaac.
  • After taking enough damage, its head inflates, eventually leading into Melty bursting into a shower of projectiles and several Blots.
  • Chases Isaac.
  • Periodically spits out a small volley of projectiles, along with several Blots.
Mr. Gob
Mr. Gob.png
  • Moves towards Isaac.
  • When close enough, it will launch its head towards him.
    • The head will drift for a while, while the neck continuously fires projectiles to the sides.
  • On death, creates either a Gob or Black Globin's Body, depending on whether the body or the head was killed first.
  • Slowly moves towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally fires a constant stream of arcing projectiles, while propelling itself in the opposite direction.
  • Quickly chases after Isaac.
  • Periodically fires a large projectile that leaves a trail of slowing creep and deals full heart of damage.
    • When firing, Gunk will be pushed in the opposite direction.
  • On death, falls on the ground as a large Tar Bubble.
  • Slowly slides along the walls.
  • When Isaac lines up with it, it will leap to the other side, releasing a spread of 5 projectiles in an arc when it hits the opposite wall.
  • Wanders around the room.
  • When Isaac is in line of sight, it will fire a constant stream of arcing projectiles, while also being slightly pushed back from the recoil.
    • Couple of the fired projectiles will be larger and will create Tar Bubbles when landing on ground.
  • Chases Isaac by making off-screen leaps.
  • Each time it lands, it creates a pool of slowing creep and fires three arced projectiles that also create puddles of creep.
  • If it lands in creep, it submerges while releasing a volley of projectiles along with several Tar Bubbles.
    • It will then appear from another puddle in the room before resuming its behavior.
  • Slowly crawls around the room, leaving a trail of slowing creep.
  • If Isaac moves into line of sight, Gorger will perform a fast charge across the room, breaking any rocks on its path and dealing full heart of damage to Isaac.
    • When it hits a wall, it will become stunned for a short while.
Sludge Host
Sludge Host.png
  • Remains stationary, constantly creating slowing creep underneath itself.
  • Periodically raises its skull to spit out a volley of projectiles that create slowing creep, along with two Blots in a v.
    • Fires an extra splash of tar projectiles when slamming down.
    • Can be damaged only when attacking.
  • Moves around by performing long leaps and creating puddles of slowing creep wherever it lands.
  • Occasionally will leap over to another puddle of creep to dive in and reappear elsewhere.
  • Moves around by performing high jumps.
  • As it takes damage, it throws out Spiders.
  • When it dies, it transforms into a Small Skuzzball.
Small Skuzzball
Small Skuzzball.png
  • Moves around by performing high jumps.
  • As it takes damage, it throws out Spiders.
  • When it dies, it transforms into a Skuzz.
  • Pops out of Grates and fires large, arcing projectiles at Isaac that deals a full heart of damage and creates pools of slowing creep.
  • Sometimes all Graters in the room will hide and will perform a coordinated attack, causing all Grates in the room to rattle and spew tar projectiles up.
  • Appears in pipe openings, where it can be damaged.
  • Will occasionally dive into the pipe system in the room and cause one of the pipes to bulge out.
    • When the pipe with Clogmo inside is bulged out, all pipe openings in the room will constantly scatter projectiles around.
    • Shooting at the bulged pipe will cause Clogmo to retreat and appear in a random opening again.
  • Roams around the room, periodically spitting out short lines of green, damaging creep.
    • Every time it attacks, it switches between cardinal and diagonal directions.
  • Remains stationary, occasionally releasing four large projectiles in cardinal directions, along with four smaller and slower projectiles in diagonals.
    • The larger projectiles deal full heart of damage.
  • If there are any Blots in the room, it will hop towards the Boiler and sacrifice itself to increase the Boiler's health and attack speed.
  • Explodes on death and fires an inverted version of its standard attack.
Litter Bug
Litter Bug.png
  • Crawls around the room, periodically firing arced projectiles at Isaac.
    • The projectiles create fart clouds on impact that push Isaac back.
Toxic Litter Bug
Toxic Litter Bug.png
  • Crawls around the room, periodically firing arced projectiles at Isaac.
    • The projectiles create poisonous fart clouds on impact that deal damage to Isaac.
  • Chases Isaac, occasionally spewing out random projectiles around.
  • On death, spawns a variety of flies.
  • Trashbaggers found exclusively in Dank Depths also leave a trail of slowing creep.
  • Walks around the room, leaving puddles of black creep.
  • If Isaac is nearby, it will create a Trashbag and fire a small volley of random projectiles towards him.
Dope's Head
Dope's Head.png
  • Bounces around the room, blocking tears and is invulnerable to damage.
    • Each time it bounces off a wall, its traveling speed briefly increases.
  • Dies, when the room is cleared.
  • Emerges from its trashbag after a while or after all other enemies have been killed.
  • Hops towards Isaac, occasionally spitting out a line of slowing creep, along with a large volley of various projectiles, in Isaac's direction.
  • Remains stationary and is invulnerable.
  • If there is black creep in the room, Furnace will begin to slowly boil it, causing small bubbles to appear.
    • Stepping on the bubbles will harmlessly pop them.
    • If the bubbles remain for too long, they will eventually burst into a shower of projectiles.
  • Deactivates once the room is cleared.