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BlockR.png Obstacles CursedPoop.png
Rocks and Blocks Barrels Poops Colored Locks Soot Tag Lily Pad Rock Balls Pipes Magnifier Amniotic Sacs Golden Reward Plate

Pipes are obstacles that are most commonly found in the DankDepthsIcon.png Dank Depths, although some variants can show up in other places. They are attached to walls and periodically fire out lines of creep that will continue until they hit an obstacle, wall, or Grate. The creep created by pipes will fade away after a few seconds.

Pipes will clog and no longer create creep once the room is cleared, or once all Pressure Plate.png Pressure Plates in a room are pressed.

The delay between when a line of creep is created by a pipe and the amount of time before the creep fades away is determined by the room layout.

Septic Pipe

Septic Pipes periodically spew out a line of harmful green creep that can damage Isaac.

Sewer Pipe

Sewer Pipes periodically spew out a line of slippery brown creep that causes Isaac to slide on it.

Sludge Pipe

Sludge Pipes periodically spew out a line of sticky black creep that slows Isaac down when he walks on it.

Split Pipe

Split Pipes periodically spew out a line of harmful yellow creep at a 45 degree angle, alternating which side it fires from each time. It will always fire towards the left-facing side first.


Grates do nothing by themselves, and can be walked over freely. They stop creep created by pipes from passing through them.

  • Grates do not affect player made creep or creep produced by enemies.
  • Grater.png Graters are able to appear from random Grates in the room, and can spray tar projectiles from them.


Sphincters are special variants of pipes that appear exclusively in UteroIcon.png Utero. They act identically to Septic Pipes, except their creep will appear yellow instead of green.
