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  • Follows Isaac.
  • Occasionally stops and creates a pattern of Crack the Sky beams around itself.
  • Chases Isaac, does not deal contact damage.
  • Periodically fires four homing projectiles in cardinal directions, followed by additional homing projectiles in ordinal directions.
  • Occasionally will stop and launch Inner Eye in the air.
    • The Inner Eye will attempt to land on Isaac and will create a large pool of damaging creep after it touches the ground.
    • While Inner Eye is out, Enlightened will be immobile and invulnerable to damage.
  • Upon death, Enlightened will release Inner Eye permanently.
Inner Eye
Inner Eye.png
  • Hops around randomly, leaving behind pools of damaging creep and firing homing projectiles towards Isaac.
  • If there are any Unenlighted it will move to posses them.
  • Attaches itself to another enemy with a short cord.
  • Occasionally screams, causing six homing shots to spread out of the attached enemy.
    • If the attached enemy dies, the Effigy dies instantly.
  • Floats around the room.
  • Connects itself with another enemy using a purple Technology laser.
    • While connected, slowly follows the connected enemy to keep the connection.
    • The laser can connect to other enemies, creating a chain of lasers.
  • If there are no other enemies, floats around harmlessly.
  • Floats around the room.
  • Spawns with three Eternal Flies.
  • Spawns Eternal Flies that move towards other enemies and then start orbiting them.
    • If there are no other enemies, will spawn three Attack Flies.
  • Occasionally will start bouncing around the room, spreading homing shots around for a while.
Holy Clotty
Holy Clotty.png
  • Spawns with an Eternal Fly.
  • Slides around the room randomly, periodically firing out 4 homing projectiles in the cardinal directions.
  • On death creates a cross pattern of Crack the Sky beams.
Holy Wobbles
Holy Wobbles.png
  • Floats around and makes short dashes towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally, makes a faster dash and inflates its body, sending it floating farther.
    • When doing so, leaves a cloud of sparkling yellow incense behind.
      • The incense creates multiple small beams of light that can damage Isaac.
  • Flies around the room by performing short, quick flaps in random directions.
  • Occasionally will stop to fire a purple laser at Isaac, sweeping the laser towards him in a cone.
    • Immediately after the attack ends, fires a single homing projectile with a Rubber Cement effect towards Isaac.
  • Floats around the room, avoiding Isaac.
  • Periodically fires a long-ranged star-shaped projectile that homes in on Isaac.
    • If Isaac gets hit with the projectile, a darkening effect will appear on screen with only a circle of light in the location Isaac was hit by the projectile.
      • Isaac cannot leave the circle.
      • The circle will disappear after a while, freeing him.
      • Warden will not attack if Isaac has already been trapped.
  • Spawns chained to a skeletal hand emerging from the ground.
  • Floats around the room diagonally, blocking shots.
    • When it reaches the maximum length of the chain, it will drag the hand for a short distance and then, it will begin to move in the opposite direction.
Armoured Looker
Armoured Looker.png
  • Floats around the room erratically.
  • After taking enough damage, turns into a regular Looker.
  • Floats around the room erratically, creating floating purple shots.
    • Sends these shots with high shot speed after Isaac after a short while.
  • Slides across the room.
  • Fires a precise line of seven homing tears towards Isaac, which angle around corners.
  • Teleports in random locations in the room, leaving Watcher Eyes behind each time it teleports.
Watcher Eye
Watcher Eye.png
  • Remains immobile, periodically firing homing projectiles at Isaac.
  • Remains stationary.
  • When Isaac is nearby, it will rapidly cause him to gain a large all stats down.
    • The stats reset to their original value shortly after Isaac backs away.
    • While nearby, the background of the room rapidly changes colors and a looping sound can be heard.
  • Moves across the room on a predetermined path.
  • After it leaves the room, it reappears on the opposite side.
  • Does not disappear after the room is cleared.
  • Starts attached to a single enemy in the room, orbiting it.
    • Causes other enemies in the room to also orbit the attached enemy.
  • Disappears upon killing the attached enemy.