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Name Icon Quote Description Quality
Dr. Fetus Dr. Fetus.png ??? Tears are replaced by Bombs that benefit from bomb-enhancing effects and slide for a fixed time after being fired. 4
Epic Fetus Epic Fetus.png On-demand air strike Isaac's tears are replaced with guided missiles, like those used by the Doctor's Remote. 4
Clear Rune Clear Rune.png Rune mimic Has the same effect as the rune or soul stone currently held by Isaac. 2
Soy Milk Soy Milk.png DMG down + tears way up Tears are smaller and do much less damage, but fire in very rapid succession. 2
Glowing Hour Glass Glowing Hourglass.png Turn back time Rewinds time, putting Isaac back in the previous room and undoing anything that happened in the current room. 3
Sacred Orb Sacred Orb.png Destined for greatness Prevents items of quality 0-1 from appearing, and items of quality 2 from appearing 33% of the time, greatly increasing the quality of items received from all item pools.

Quest items are unaffected.

Clear Case Clear Case.png Pocket active room The next active item you pick up will be assigned to your Pocket Active slot. 2
Azurite Spindown Azurite Spindown.png -1 On use, rerolls all trinkets in the room by decreasing their internal ID Number by one. 3
Snow Globe Snow Globe.png Shakes Rocks On use, causes an earthquake that flings most grids to a random spot nearby. 2
Excelsior Excelsior.png Explosive actives Active items will shoot fireworks when used, with the number being based on the amount of item charge stored. 3
Heart of China Heart of China.png It’s fragile Overhealing charges a special health bar.

Filling this health bar grants an empty heart container.

The number of hearts in this special bar scales with how many hearts you have.

The special health bar can be viewed by standing near a heart that will overheal you or by viewing the map.