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Spicy Dip
Spicy Dip.png
  • Slides around the room
  • Periodically will curl up to start chasing Isaac with higher speed, taking wide turns.
  • Periodically will curl up to start chasing Isaac with higher speed, taking wide turns.
  • On death, spawns 2-3 Spicy Dips.
  • Floats around the room.
  • Creates a pulsating ring of blood shots around itself and then releases them outwards.
  • Slowly floats towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally it will perform a sequence of three quick dashes towards Isaac, followed by creating a large pool of damaging creep underneath itself.
    • If it damages Isaac during any of those three dashes, it will laugh, stopping the sequence.
  • Attaches itself to another enemy with a short cord.
  • Occasionally screams, causing six blood shots to spread out of the attached enemy.
  • If the attached enemy dies, the Harletwin dies instantly.
  • Floats towards Isaac, hanging from the ceiling with a cord.
  • After taking enough damage, detaches itself from its cord and continues the chase on foot.
    • The cord will continue floating after Isaac while dripping projectiles and red creep.
  • Floats towards Isaac, periodically firing wavy tears at him.
  • After being defeated, its cord is cut and the Punted falls to the ground.
    • While on the ground, it can be kicked around by shooting at it or pushing it.
      • It does not deal contact damage in this state.
      • When next to a pit, it will fall into it and disappear.
Forgotten Fetus
Forgotten Fetus.png
  • Spawns with Lil Al attached directly to it or with a cord.
  • Slowly chases Isaac, occasionally firing a large projectile that leaves a trail of red creep.
  • If the cord is broken or when Lil Al dies, Forgotten Fetus' projectiles will gain a burst effect in the form of a ring of projectiles and a small volley aimed at Isaac.
Lil Al
Lil Al.png
  • Spawns attached to Forgotten Fetus either directly or with a cord.
  • If the cord breaks or Forgotten Fetus dies, Lil Al will start crying blood, splattering blood shots around and leaving puddles of red creep.
C Word
C Word.png
  • Remains stationary, periodically spawning Neonates.
  • Dies upon clearing the room.
  • Slowly floats towards Isaac.
  • Occasionally fires a line of four gradually decreasing in size blood shots towards Isaac.
  • Chases Isaac by burrowing in and out of the ground.
  • Only its tail can be damaged.
  • When burrowing in, it leaves its tail stuck out for a while and spews two bursts of three blood shots.
  • Bounces around the room.
  • Can be damaged only from behind.
  • On death, creates a ring of bullets that linger in the air for a short while.
  • Roams around the room.
  • Can be damaged only from behind.
  • When lined up with Isaac, will perform a charge towards him, until it hits a wall.
    • While charging, it will periodically fire two projectiles in a V shape from behind.
  • Spawns stationary, performing a charge in one of the diagonal directions until it hits a wall, firing a single blood projectile at Isaac.
  • After charging, stops for a while, before charging in a direction off by a 90 degree angle to the previous charging direction.
  • On death, releases four blood shots in diagonal directions.
  • Slowly slides towards Isaac.
  • When damaged, its lowest segment slides away, immediately reforming into a Globin or Gazing Globin.
  • Remains stationary, periodically shooting a sequence of three projectiles towards Isaac.
  • Upon death, collapses into a ball of flesh that slowly bounces around the room.
    • If not killed fast enough, the ball will reform back into Glorf.
  • Slowly chases Isaac.
  • Occasionally farts, creating a pool of damaging creep, along with a ring of projectiles that linger in the air for a short while.
  • On death, collapses into a pile of flesh that leaves a trail of damaging creep and actively avoids Isaac.
    • If not killed fast enough, the pile will reform back into Globwad.
    • If destroyed, the pile will split into two Globins in their goo form, along with shooting four projectiles in cardinal directions.
  • Chases Isaac at a moderate speed.
  • Eventually will trip and fall face down on the floor, scattering two tooth projectiles, creating a small puddle of creep and leaving a single tooth wedged into the ground.
    • The tooth functions as an obstacle, deals contact damage and can be destroyed.
    • After tripping for the first time, Toothache will increase its chasing speed and from now on, every time it falls over, it will scatter several blood shots instead of teeth.
  • Roams around the room aimlessly.
  • Periodically fires a spinning rib projectile that bounces around the room and leaves a trail of blood shots behind.
    • Up to four ribs can be fired consecutively, as Chops will need to reload before it can fire more.
  • Relentlessly chases Isaac, charging at him when lined up cardinally.
  • Upon death, collapses into a pile of flesh and bones, scattering two bone projectiles and spawning three Globins or Gazing Globins in their goo form.
    • As long as there are other enemies alive, the pile will periodically scatter four bone projectiles around itself.
    • When the room is cleared, the pile is destroyed.
  • Creates a ring of six blood shots that orbit it very closely.
  • When damaged or when Isaac comes too close, extends the orbit of blood shots towards Isaac.
    • After a while, retracts the orbit and regenerates any lost projectiles.
  • Hops around the room, spawning bombs inside gelatinous sacks.
    • When destroyed, these sacks will shoot out four blood projectiles in cardinal directions and create a primed bomb.
    • Occasionally, Quack will detonate all of the sacks, causing them to prime immediately, along with shooting out a ring of 8 blood projectiles on explosion.
Motor Neuron
Motor Neuron.png
  • Follows Isaac.
  • Occasionally starts spinning its tentacle around.
    • While the tentacle is spinning, any tears shot at Motor Neuron will be deflected.
  • Remains stationary, periodically attacking by poking nerve endings out of the ground.
    • The nerve endings have locations determined by the room creator and come in two variants:
      • Fixed nerves that come out all at once.
      • Delayed waves of nerves that continuously come out until the line hits a wall or obstacle.
Womb Pillar
Womb Pillar.png
  • Remains stationary and invincible.
  • When Isaac draws nearby, begins to continuously spew out blood projectiles and creep around until he leaves the proximity.
  • Continues its behavior even after the room is cleared.
  • Hangs down from the ceiling, invulnerable to damage.
  • Connects any nearby enemies with cords, limiting their movement.
  • When all connected enemies are killed, falls to the ground, scattering blood shots around.