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Name Icon Description
  • Moves around by making high jumps, waiting for a while after each jump.
    • Will hop towards Isaac if close.
  • Scuttles around, moving towards Isaac if close.
  • Periodically fires single projectiles towards him.
Super Spooter
Super Spooter.png
  • Scuttles around, moving towards Isaac if close.
  • Periodically fires two projectiles in a V shape towards him.
Roly Poly
Roly Poly.png
  • Slowly crawls around the room.
  • Rolls towards Isaac when he gets in its line of sight, bouncing off of walls and obstacles.
  • Crawls towards Isaac, moving over any rocks in the way.
  • Can crawl into pits to come out of another pit in the room.
Weaver Sr.
Tomb WeaverSr.png
  • Chases Isaac quickly while repeatedly burrowing in and out of ground, moving faster than regular Weavers.
  • If it lands on rocks, it will slide on top of them, until it lands on ground again.
  • Spawns stationary, performing a charge in one of the diagonal directions until it hits a wall.
  • After charging, stops for a while, before charging in a direction off by a 90 degree angle to the previous charging direction.
Bone Worm
Bone Worm Tomb.png
  • Burrows out of ground in a random spot and fires four bones in cardinal directions, followed by four additional bones in diagonals, then burrows back in.
Mr. Bones
  • Roams around the room aimlessly.
  • If Isaac draws nearby, it will launch its own head, attempting to bite him, then retract it back.
    • If its head is killed before the body, the body will become a Gusher.
Dr. Shambles
Dr. Shambles.png
  • Roams around the room.
  • Fires homing, sparkling projectiles at damaged enemies, healing them upon landing.
  • Throws bombs at Isaac.
  • Remains stationary, occasionally firing explosive bone projectiles at Isaac, marked by a reticle.
  • Upon death, its head dislodges and begins to chase Isaac while beeping, exploding after a short period.
Shrunken Head
  • Spawns in groups.
  • The heads attempt to stick together, while chasing Isaac and occasionally spewing out blood shots at him.
  • Glides around the room.
  • Eventually will charge into another enemy, possessing it in the process.
    • If there are more enemies, a Menace will sometimes switch its possession target.
    • Every time a possessed enemy is killed or when a Menace changes its possession target, it will scatter several spectral tears around.
  • If there are no enemies to possess, Menace will simply charge at Isaac.
Eternal Flickerspirit
Eternal Flickerspirit.png
  • Orbits an enemy, rendering it invulnerable to damage.
    • If all vulnerable enemies are killed, its target becomes vulnerable.
  • Orbits an enemy, boosting its health.
  • Remains stationary, occasionally spitting a single short-range projectile at Isaac.
  • Has low knockback resistance, and can be pushed around without dealing contact damage.
  • Is invulnerable, dies when the room is cleared.
Super Grimace
  • Remains stationary, and occasionally begins charging up a large projectile when Isaac is in sight and spits it towards him.
    • This projectile splits into 4 projectiles in the cardinal directions on landing.
  • Is invulnerable, deactivating when the room is cleared.