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Name Icon Rarity Flavor Text Effect
Curved Geode
Curved Geode.png
Common DMG up, geode bonus
  • +1 damage.
  • Geode Bonus: +0.5 extra damage if holding another geode.
Haunted Geode
Haunted Geode.png
Common Phantom shot, geode bonus
  • Chance to fire spectral and piercing tears, scales with luck.
  • Geode Bonus: Increased chance if holding another geode.
Health Geode
Health Geode.png
Common Second wind, geode bonus
Little Geode
Little Geode.png
Common Size down, geode bonus
  • Reduces Golem's size.
  • Geode Bonus: Extra size down if holding another geode.
Quick Geode
Quick Geode.png
Common Quick return, geode bonus
  • Sets speed to 1.75 in cleared rooms.
  • Geode Bonus: +0.10 speed if holding another geode.
Webby Geode
Webby Geode.png
Common Slowing shot, geode bonus
  • (20 + 2 × luck)% chance to fire a slowing tear.
  • Geode Bonus: When holding another geode, slowing tears leave large puddles of white creep if they hit an enemy.
Lucky Geode
Lucky Geode.png
Rare Luck up, geode bonus
  • +1 luck.
  • Geode Bonus: Bonus +2 luck if holding another geode.
Phlegmy Geode
Phlegmy Geode.png
Rare Booger shot, geode bonus
Lob Geode
Lob Geode.png
Common Lobbed shots, geode bonus
  • +1.00 range.
  • Tears are now shot in an arc.
  • Geode Bonus: +0.50 extra range if holding another geode.
Sodalite Geode
Sodalite Geode.png
Rare Sickly sweet enhydro, geode bonus
  • Luck-affected chance to shoot an Imp Soda Imp Soda critical tear that deals quintuple damage.
  • Geode Bonus: Increased chance if holding another geode.
Fiendish Perma-geode-bonus prescription
  • Permanent Geode Bonus when Smelter.png Smelted.
Warm Geode
Warm Geode.png
Common Warmth power, geode bonus
  • Damage and shot speed boost when near a Fire Place.png Fire Place.
  • Warm floors give a passive stat buff.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another geode, tears also burn enemies when standing near a fire.
Chain Geode
Chain Geode.png
Common Chained rock demolition, geode bonus
  • Destroyed Rock.png Rocks have a 40% chance to break other adjacent rocks.
  • Geode Bonus: Adjacent rocks have a 70% chance to break, along with a 20% chance for pits to fill.
Rusty Geode
Rusty Geode.png
Common Losing luster, geode bonus
  • +8 damage that decays over time.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another geode, damage bonus decays at a slower rate.
Fragmented Onyx Geode
Fragmented Onyx Geode.png
Rare Fearful tears, geode bonus
  • 10% chance to inflict fear.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another geode, +5% to the chance, and enemies afflicted with fear take extra damage equal to the Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Deal chance.
Quantum Geode
Quantum Geode.png
Rare Entangled tears, geode bonus
  • Fire tears in a triple shot.
  • Once a tear hits an enemy, the rest vanish.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another geode, rest of the tears vanish once two land.
Technological Geode
Technological Geode.png
Rare Technological influence, geode bonus
  • Fire a short-ranged Technology 2.png Technology 2 beam that deals 30% of Golem's damage.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another geode, fire 2 parallel beams instead.
Rubber Geode
Rubber Geode.png
Common Rubbery tears, geode bonus
  • Chance to fire bouncing tennis balls that inflict bruising and deal additional knockback.
  • Geode Bonus: If holding another geode, increased chance to fire a tennis ball, as well as more knockback and shot speed.
Calzone Geode
Calzone Geode.png
Rare Maggot shot, geode bonus
  • Chance to fire a Chubber.png Chubber maggot projectile that boomerangs back towards Golem.
  • Geode Bonus: Increased chance if holding another geode.
Tough Geode
Tough Geode.png
Rare Crush resistant, geode bonus
  • Chance to not destroy a rock trinket upon crushing.
  • Geode Bonus: With another held geode, increases chances.
Tipsy Geode
Tipsy Geode.png
Rare On the rocks, geode bonus
  • +2 damage.
  • Golem's movement slowly shifts about randomly.
  • Geode Bonus: With another geode, increases damage and the amount of random movement.
Vinyl Geode
Rare Two sided buffs, geode bonus
  • Flips between two states depending on the current floor:
    • Flips to its A Side on even-numbered floors which increases damage and shot speed.
    • Flips to its B Side on odd-numbered floors which increases tears and speed.
  • Geode Bonus: With another geode, grants a smaller stat increase that is opposite of the current side.
Prismatic Geode
Prismatic Geode.png
Fiendish Prism power, geode bonus
  • Chance for enemies to drop Prism Shards on death that boost random stats based on their color for 10 seconds.
  • Chance to drop an extra shard on room clear.
  • Geode Bonus: Shard duration is increased by 5 seconds and doubled in potency if holding another geode.
Fractal Geode
Fractal Geode.png
Rare Don't look too deep, geode bonus
  • Chance to fire a spiraling tear that causes enemies to become drowsy.
  • Geode Bonus: With another held geode, higher odds and shot has a chance to immediately cause enemies to Sleep.
GMO Geode
GMO Geode.png
Fiendish Potent pills, geode bonus
  • Taking a PillVanilla.png Pill will also take a second random Pill.
  • Geode Bonus: Also take an additional positive Pill if holding two geodes.
Swallowed Geode
Swallowed Geode.png
Common Gulp, geode bonus
  • Spawn a Penny.png Penny when taking damage.
  • Geode Bonus: When holding another geode, gain a chance to spawn a Double Penny.png Double Penny.
Voodoo Geode
Voodoo Geode.png
Common Curses are power, geode bonus
  • +1.5 damage when a Curse is active on the floor.
  • +0.35 damage for the floor after entering a Curse Room.
  • Geode Bonus: Damage boost is increased by 50% when holding another geode.
Umbilical Geode
Umbilical Geode.png
Common Fetal protection, geode bonus
  • Chance to spawn a Gemini.png Gemini familiar when taking damage.
  • Gain a Little Steven.png Little Steven familiar for the room when entering with Half a Heart of Health or less.
  • Geode Bonus: With another geode, Gemini chances are improved and Little Steven can spawn at one Heart of Health or less.
Geode Fossil
Geode Fossil.png
Fiendish Best of both worlds, geode bonus + crush effect
  • +8 range.
  • Geode Bonus: +5 extra range if holding another geode.
  • Crush Effect: Gives a Common or Rare geode when crushed.
  • Crush Effect + Geode Bonus: Gives an additional Common or Rare geode when crushed, if holding another geode.