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fake enemies heehee


Systems are crosses between a Fatty and a Host.png Host. They behave similarly to regular Fatties, but are completely immune to damage while moving. When they fart, they release a spread of 4 blood projectiles in each ordinal direction and reveal each of their three heads, which then fire a projectile at Isaac. The leftmost head fires a fast-moving projectile towards the direction Isaac is moving in, the centermost head fires a middling-speed projectile at Isaac's current location, and the rightmost head fires a slow moving projectile at Isaac's previous location. While their heads are revealed, Systems are vulnerable to damage.


  • Like most other Host variants, Systems are immune to explosions while hidden.


Shortstacks are tall enemies found in Gehenna. When they spawn, they will stumble around the room aimlessly, tending to move faster when moving horizontally than vertically. Periodically, it will fire a heart projectile that moves in a wavy pattern toward Isaac, similarly to Wiggle Worm.png Wiggle Worm.

If a Shortstack takes too much damage or is killed, it will suddenly fall down, splitting into a Baddie and a Corset.


Baddies are short enemies that can spawn from fallen Shortstacks. They will wander around the room and periodically fire waving heart projectiles like Shortstacks. However, after a short while, these projectiles will slow down and split into two projectiles that fly in opposite directions.


Corsets are tube like enemies that can spawn from fallen Shortstacks. They will slowly wander around the room, not directly targeting Isaac. Periodically, they will raise their corsets before firing a geyser of blood projectiles upward toward Isaac, raining down on him.


  • Baddies and Corsets can appear on their own in certain room layouts.

Decoy Boy

Decoy Boys are motionless enemies that appear in Cellar. Decoy Boys are often found in groups, standing idle in certain rooms. They do not deal contact damage and only exist to be a nuisance to the player, blocking their way and their shots.

Decoy Boys can be shot down by the player's tears, but they will eventually rise back up after a few seconds. When the room they are in is cleared, all Decoy Boys are automatically destroyed.

In certain room layouts, Decoy Boys can go down on their own, swapping between positions. The locations Decoy Boys can move to are determined via the room editor.


  • Decoy Boys can be permanently destroyed via the use of any fire or burning attacks.
  • Decoy Boys can revive in different positions if the room allows for it.
  • Enemy projectiles are unaffected by Decoy Boys and can pass right through them, but the enemies themselves are still physically blocked off by them.
  • Both spectral and piercing tears can pass through Decoy Boys.


Gatekeepers are a cross between Decoy Boys and Knight.png Knights that act identically. However, due to their structure, they are completely immune to damage. They are still destroyed upon room clear.


Clefts are rock enemies that slowly wander around the room. If Isaac lines up with a Cleft, it will rev up before rushing after him. Clefts are completely immune to most forms of damage, but have susceptible to knockback. If a Cleft were to be knocked near a pit, either by rushing into it or being pushed by Isaac's tears, it will begin to balance on it, in which another source of knockback will cause it to fall down into the pit and die. If a Cleft is not pushed in time, it will regain its balance.

Clefts can also be destroyed via explosions.


Glimdarks are ghost enemies that slowly float around the room, dropping small puddles of slowing black creep wherever they go. When Isaac gets near, or when they are damaged, they will use their candles to create a large dark area around them and run away from Isaac, completely shrouding everything in the aura and obscuring Isaac's vision. If a Glimdark continues to be threatened, they will fire out small black flames towards Isaac. After a while, the dark aura will disappear.


  • With their dark auras out, Glimdarks will prioritize moving towards groups of enemies.
  • Night Light.png Night Light can reveal the dark aura if the light is pointed towards it.


Navys are drowned variants of Knight.png Knights that act similarly, moving around cardinally and being vulnerable from behind. However, their masks are vulnerable as well and can be damaged, similarly to Eroded Host.png Eroded Hosts. The mask of a Navy has 3 levels of protection, and each level increases the speed of it. Once the mask is fully destroyed, Navys move at their top speed as their are vulnerable from any direction.


  • Piercing items can damage both the Navy itself and its mask.


Sinbringers are cultist enemies that move around the room, aiming for the center. A few seconds after the room starts, Sinbringers will move around the center of the room, placing down black candles. These black candles produce flames that can damage Isaac if stepped on, and cannot be put out. When five candles are placed, Sinbringers will create a large pentagram across the candles, which will begin spawning in demonic enemies periodically. The demon enemies that can be spawned by a Sinbringer include:

When all Sinbringers in a room are killed, the black candles will go out as the pentagram disappears


  • Black Goats spawned by Sinbringers have reduced health
  • The size of the pentagram determines the average strength of the demon enemies spawned, with bigger pentagrams spawning stronger monsters.
  • Begottens spawned by Sinbringers do not cause a temporary Curse of Darkness effect.
  • More than one pentagram cannot be created, and all Sinbringers are tied to a single one.
  • Multiple Sinbringers in a room will work together to create a pentagram, speeding up the process.


Liberties are mushroom enemies that stay idle in the ground. Periodically, they will shake their caps to cause several spore projectiles to slowly float from them around the room. The spores do not damage Isaac on contact, by they will temporarily cause Isaac to stumble around when he touches them, which can impede in control.

All Spores created by Liberties disappear on room clear.


Poopins are poop versions of Globin.png Globins that act similarly, save for periodically leaving behind small pools of slippery brown creep when moving. Upon death, instead of turning into a pile of goo, they will split into 2 - 3 Pellets that, if not killed in time, reform back into a Poopin with reduced health.


  • The minimum amount of Pellets a Poopin needs to reform is two, while the maximum amount is 4


Pellets are small poop enemies that quickly move around the room, occasionally leaving behind thin pools of slippery brown creep. They can spawn from fallen Poopins, and, after a short delay, fuse with at least one other Pellet to become a Poopin with decreased health.


  • Though Pellets are most commonly spawned from Poopins, they can be found on their own in certain rooms, in which they will not fuse into a Poopin.

Meaty Bone

Meaty Bones are fusions between Horf.png Horfs and Clotty.png Clotties that float in the air. Periodically, they will emit 4 blood projectiles that orbit around them, and will use their bones to bat the projectiles toward Isaac one by one. The projectiles have high shot speed as a result.

Isaac's tears can be reflected if they happen to hit a Meaty Bones while it bats a projectile.


Raisins are juvenile versions of File:BabyPlum.png Baby Plum that attempt to fly around and orbit Isaac from a distance. Periodically, they will spit out a stream of floating red projectiles, propelling themself diagonally just like Baby Plum. Unlike Baby Plum, Raisins do not propel themselves as fast and create less projectiles. On death, they release a spread of 8 projectiles.


Receptors are Gaper.png Gapers being consumed by a sort of bee. They will slowly stumble around the room, leaking damaging red creep where they move. When damaged, the bee on their heads will tear itself off of it, causing a small cluster of blood projectiles to spill out around the body and turn it into a Gusher. The bee will then fly around the room for a short time, leaking red creep, before taking control of another Gusher.

If there are no Gushers in the room, the bee will fly around aimlessly.


Sirloins are flat Clotty.png Clotties that can have up to 9 additional slabs on top of them. They will slowly inch around the room and periodically hop in the air, shooting out several blood projectiles in random directions. The number of projectiles it fires, depend on the amount of slabs it has on it.

Sirloins, when they take damage, will begin to lose their slabs until they turn into a Tender Loin with one slab left.


  • Of the projectiles a Sirloin fires, one of them will always be aimed toward Isaac.

Tender Loin

Tender Loins are smaller versions of Sirloins, made when only one slab of it is left. They act identically to Sirloins, but, as they only have one slab, can only shoot one projectile at a time. To compensate, they are slightly faster and fire projectiles at a faster rate.

Though Tender Loins are most commonly found after killing most of the slabs of a Sirloin, they can occasionally be encountered in their own rooms.


Submariners are drowned versions of Bony.png Bonies. Upon entering a room with them, they will be within any pools of water in the room, swimming around in it and periodically lobbing a coral-infested bone at Isaac. This bone leaves behind damaging blue creep on contact with the ground.

If Isaac comes too close to a pit with a Submariner in it, it will begin to swim towards him, in which it will then leap out of the water and chase after him, throwing bones at him similarly to a regular Bony, albeit at a faster rate. When they lose track of Isaac, they will jump back into the nearest pit with water in it. Both the action of entering and exiting water will also create a small geyser of water projectiles around it.


  • While chasing after Isaac, the bones it fires do not leave behind creep, unlike when it is inside of the water.


Tops are bee enemies that slowly fly diagonally across the room. Periodically, they will land on the ground and begin spinning before launching their stingers forward toward Isaac in a top-like fashion. This stinger will spin around the room, bouncing off of walls and obstacles before eventually coming to a stop. When it stops, the Top that it belongs to will fly back to it and regain it before throwing it out again after a short while.


  • If a stinger's associated Top dies, the stinger will be destroyed as well.

Red Fly Bomb

Red Fly Bombs behave similarly to Fly Bomb.png Fly Bombs, but are not spawned, instead spawning in groups of 4 - 8, similar to Swarm.png Swarms. If a Red Fly Bomb dies, it will drop onto the ground as a small red bomb before exploding. This bomb can be picked up and thrown, similarly to Cherry Bomb Cherry Bomb. If a Red Fly Bomb makes contact with Isaac, it will explode, causing all other Red Fly Bombs nearby to scatter into small red bombs that soon explode.
