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Hi, welcome to my second sandbox (If that's even possible)

Now for some very cool stuff:


  • Greed Gauss
    • "Golden Railgun"
    • Quality 2 Passive
      • Gives Isaac a railgun that charges up and fires a gold laser that may inflict Midas Touch. Also plays the Quake 2 Railgun sound when it fires, thus being a partial Quake 2 reference according to Fuzzy Pickle
  • Albino Orange
    • "This isn't an Orange"
    • Quality 1 Passive
      • Damage Multiplier: +.25x
      • Tear Size: -20%
      • Shot Speed: -15%


  • Abscess (Caves): Yellow Boil that doesn't fire projectiles at full size, but instead explodes into a cluster of yellow shots around itself when Isaac gets near
    • Walking Abscess: A mobile Abscess that walks towards Isaac and starts shaking when it gets close, then it detonates like normal
    • Stumbling Abscess (Retribution): A more powerful Walking Abscess that explodes into a larger cluster of yellow shots, as well as creating a Lemon Party sized pool of yellow creep
  • Canker (Womb): A Fleshy Gaper with a Canker Sore for a face that, when attacked, speeds up and fires clusters of yellow shots around itself
    • Halitosis (Morbus): A variant of the Canker with a huge bri'ish mouth for a face. When attacked, it speeds up, fires clusters of teeth (albeit less than the Canker's yellow shots) and trails toxic gas.
  • Drekavac (Gehenna): Resembles a Blood Red Gaper with a grotesque, horizontally bisected (top separated from bottom) head. Acts a bit like a Mobile Host, but can be harmed at any time. It attacks by opening its mouth and firing 2 rotating lines of blood shots. Upon death, they split into 3 Tormenteds, speaking of which...
    • Tormented: Small red ghosts that slowly float towards Isaac and charge at him every few seconds... that's it
  • Carcinoma (Morbus): A fusion of a Tumor and Teratoma. Fires 6 blood shots in a hexagon that linger for a bit, then it sucks them back in before firing them directly at Isaac in an arc. Upon death, it splits into 2 Carcinomites
    • Carcinomite: A smaller Carcinoma that shoots 3 blood shots instead of 6, which also don't travel as far. Upon death splits into 2 Toma Chunks
  • Pectus (Scarred Womb): A disgusting, ripped open organ with a giant mouth. It continually creates pools of red creep, and occasionally fires a cluster of blood shots towards Isaac
    • Infectus (Corpse): A rotten, bloated Pectus that constantly spawns Small Maggots, and instead of firing blood shots, spits out a few Chargers
  • Liver (Womb): Acts similarly to a Brain, but doesn't leave creep. Instead it will start floating out of Isaac's reach and after a few seconds, it will come crashing down, firing 4 blood shots diagonally and leaving a small pool of creep.
    • Colossal Liver: The Membrain counterpart to Livers. When it jumps, it lingers for a bit before landing.
    • Corroded Liver (Corpse): A Brown-Grey, dead liver that leaves poison gas instead of creep. Found in Corpse
  • Spine (Caves): The unimplemented Spinny variant in the flesh. Acts similar, but leaves a trail of red creep
    • Bare Bones (Depths): The other unimplemented Spinny variant. Has two spines that orbit it and occasionally extend outwards to hit Isaac. The skull is immortal, but the spines can be destroyed, and the skull dies when both spines are destroyed.

Beggars and Machines

Evil Slots: Takes 1/2 heart per play, prioritizing red hearts

Rolls 3 symbols like any other slot machine. Can be found sometimes in Devil Rooms, might be unlockable after beating Mega Satan as Tainted Golem

The possible Symbols, and their payouts, are as follows:

  1. Black Heart (1 to 1 and 1/2 Black Hearts)
  2. Inverted Cross (+20% Devil Deal Chance next floor, -20% Angel Deal Chance next floor, +0.25 damage up for the current floor)
  3. Match Stick (2-4 Bombs, +0.1 damage up for the floor)
  4. Pill Bottle (2-4 pills, +0.3 tears up, +0.5 range up, or +0.2 speed up for the current floor)
  5. Spider (3-6 Blue Spiders)
  6. 6 (Jackpot, pays out with any combination of 2 of the above rewards and explodes, spawning a Quality 3 or 4 Devil Room Item)

This machine has a % chance to explode after each pull. The chance starts at 0%, and increases by 2% for every unsuccessful play, or by 16% for successful plays.

If the machine explodes after an unsuccessful play, or is blown up by a bomb, it will drop 1/2 to 1 and 1/2 red hearts and 1 to 2 enemy spiders. If the machine explodes from a successful, non-jackpot play, then it leaves either a quality 1 to 3 Curse Room Item, or a quality 1 to 2 Devil Room item.