Item Tags nolostbr

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Items with this tag are not available to LostCoopIcon.png The Lost after obtaining Birthright.png Birthright. Most of these are health-related or related to "on hit" effects, since The Lost has no health. Some of these are also related to abilities The Lost already has, such as spectral tears or flight.

Activated Collectibles

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Yick Heart
Yick Heart8 rooms
Reusable Malignancy 4 

Passive Collectibles

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
HP up? 2 
Bacon Grease
Bacon Grease
Empty calories 0 
Blowhole retaliation
  • Taking damage causes Isaac to spew out a large amount of tears that leave creep.
Crazy Jackpot
Crazy Jackpot
Retributive gambling
  • On taking damage, Isaac rolls for a random positive effect.
  • Effects can spawn coins or hearts, damage enemies, grant a random stat up, create a yellow creep puddle, or cause all effects at once.
Dad's Dip
Dad's Dip
HP up... 1 
Goldshi Lunch
Goldshi Lunch
HP up, fast like a horse! 2 
Heart of China
Heart of China
It's fragile 3 
Reheated Pizza
Reheated Pizza
Daily meal 2 
Spare Ribs
Spare Ribs
Return to sender
  • +1 Bone Heart.png Bone Heart.
  • Taking damage fires out rib projectiles that circle around Isaac.
  • Rib projectiles return to sender and are destroyed only on contact with what fired them.
  • Rib projectiles can destroy enemy projectiles.
HP up 1 
The Deluxe
The Deluxe
Every condiment 2