Item Tags noeden

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Items with this tag are not available as starting items for EdenCoopIcon.png Eden or TEdenCoopIcon.png Tainted Eden.

Activated Collectibles

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Dogboard4 rooms
Walk the dog!
  • While held, causes the player to continuously slide forward on the Dogboard.
  • Activating Dogboard makes Isaac jump.
  • This item is not in any item pool and is set to be hidden from appearing anywhere in a run.
Eternal Clicker
Eternal Clicker1 rooms
  • Has a 50/50 chance to transform Isaac into a random character while removing the last item collected, or delete the player's character and all their held items from the run.
  • This item does not appear in any item pools.
Horse Paste
Horse Paste12 rooms
Keep it together 2 
IPad2 rooms
  • Upon use, teleports every entity downwards towards the bottom of the room.
  • This item does not appear in any item pools.

Passive Collectibles

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Baby Badge
Baby Badge
Take care of it! 4 
10 hearts 0 
10 charges 0 
Chomp Chomp!
Chomp Chomp!
10 glizzies 4 
Commissioned Badge
Commissioned Badge
This thing cost 50 dollars
  • +0.1 flat damage.
  • Can only be obtained by using Defuse.png Defuse on BusterIcon.png Buster when he's about to blow up after dying.
Dripping Badge
Dripping Badge
Ahaha, sure is sweaty in here 4 
Fiend's Third Leg
Fiend's Third Leg
So full of leg
  • +3.33 damage.
  • +1.5 tears.
  • Tears become homing, leave a trail of damaging creep and create a FiendishFriends.png Immoral Minion on impact.
  • This item is not in any item pool and is set to be hidden from appearing anywhere in a run.
Haunted Badge
Haunted Badge
You got the power pellet! 4 
Mystery Badge
Mystery Badge
What's inside...? 4 
Planet Badge
Planet Badge
Welcome to Space camp! 4 
Spatula Badge
Spatula Badge
Throw 'em on the griddle! 4 
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
Proficiency in spelling
  • Grants buffs to all applicable stats depending on the characters of the current seed.
  • Tainted version of Community Achievement Community Achievement.
Strange Red Object
Strange Red Object
It emanates naivety 3 
Worm Insignia
Worm Insignia
The early worm catches the... wait...
  • +0.02 speed.
  • Can only be obtained by using Eraser.png Eraser on LuncheonIcon.png Luncheon's Tapeworms to instantly end Luncheon's fight.
Your Eternal Reward
Your Eternal Reward
You got all the badges!
  • +0.1 flat damage.
  • Can only be obtained by getting all other Badges.