Item Tags monstermanual

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Items with this tag are familiars which can be summoned by Monster Manual.png Monster Manual.

Passive Collectibles

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Baby Crater
Baby Crater
Spiral shot buddy
  • Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around the room.
  • Whilst Isaac is firing tears, Baby Crater creates a ring of tears around itself, similar to the enemy Craterface.png Craterface.
  • Tears are released outwards when Isaac stops firing.
Bag of Bobbies
Bag of Bobbies
Gives bobby
  • Has a chance to spawn a Fragile Bobby familiar on room clear.
  • Fragile Bobbies act similarly to Brother Bobby.png Brother Bobby, but can die from taking enough damage from enemies.
Corn Kernel
Corn Kernel
Gotta mern 'em all!
  • Spawns a familiar that levels up when gaining multiple copies of this item:
    • Level 1: Wavy Orbital.
    • Level 2: Orbital that shoots weak explosions.
    • Level 3: Familiar that teleports and chases enemies.
    • Level 4: Familiar that teleports and lobs explosive corn.
Reroll tears
  • Orbital dice familiar that rerolls Isaac's tears.
  • Wacky.
Familiar Fly
Familiar Fly
Loved by many
  • Orbiting familiar that deals contact damage and blocks projectiles.
  • Swells up when close to enemies, until exploding into a ring of 10 tears that can charm enemies. Respawns some time afterwards.
  • Can charm Fly.png Fly-related enemies in close proximity.
They're shy
  • Spawns a stationary familiar that gazes at enemies in the room, petrifying them as long as they are in its sight.
Lil Minx
Lil Minx
Double-tap possesser
  • Spawns a pink Menace.png Menace familiar that charges at enemies.
  • Double-tapping the shoot button will have Lil Minx possess the nearest enemy and inflict them with berserk.
  • Double-tapping the shoot button again will have Lil Minx exit the enemy and launch a spectral tear barrage.
  • Berserked enemies periodically switch targets between Isaac and other enemies, deal and take bonus damage, move faster, and cannot die during the duration.
Mrs. Spooter
Mrs. Spooter
Turret pursuer
  • Spawns a blue Spooter.png Spooter familiar that pursues enemies and periodically fires tears.
Serpent Bearer
  • Wiggly snake familiar that chases after enemies, poisoning them and dealing damage on contact.
  • Prioritizes chasing after enemies that are not currently afflicted with Poison.
Peach Creep
Peach Creep
Creepy friend
  • Spawns a friendly Wall Creep.png Wall Creep familiar that tries to line up with enemies and shoots barrages of tears.
Pet Peeve
Pet Peeve
Double-tap antipathy
  • Grudge.png Grudge familiar that moves around randomly and deals contact damage.
  • Double-tapping a fire button will have the familiar charge in that direction.
Randy The Snail
Randy The Snail
Ricochet buddy
  • Snail familiar that retracts into its shell when hit by a projectile or walked into by Isaac, and will bounce around the room.
  • Deals damage to enemies when bouncing into them.
Robo-Baby 3.0
Robo-Baby 3.0
It is now state-of-the-art
  • Familiar that moves diagonally towards the direction Isaac moves.
  • On contact with enemies or enemy projectiles, will fire 8 Technology.png Technology lasers around it.
Sibling Syl
Sibling Syl
Friends 'till the end
  • Familiar that follows Isaac around, shooting tears that deal 4.75 Damage.
Wimpy Bro
Wimpy Bro
Haha whee!
  • Slammer.png Slammer familiar that jumps on enemies, dealing 5 damage.