Item Tags baby

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Items with this tag contribute toward the Conjoined transformation.

Passive Collectibles

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Baby Crater
Baby Crater
Spiral shot buddy
  • Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around the room.
  • Whilst Isaac is firing tears, Baby Crater creates a ring of tears around itself, similar to the enemy Craterface.png Craterface.
  • Tears are released outwards when Isaac stops firing.
Bag of Bobbies
Bag of Bobbies
Gives bobby
  • Has a chance to spawn a Fragile Bobby familiar on room clear.
  • Fragile Bobbies act similarly to Brother Bobby.png Brother Bobby, but can die from taking enough damage from enemies.
Lifelong partner
  • Spawns a familiar that fires hooks that latch onto and pull enemies/pickups.
  • Remains stationary while pulling in enemies/pickups.
  • Inflicts enemies with bruising while hooked.
  • On releasing enemies, inflicts them with hemorrhaging and fires blood tears in the direction they were released.
Lil Fiend
Lil Fiend
Your own little bastard
  • Spawns a familiar that flies diagonally across the room and has a chance to spawn an HollowFriends.png Evil Hollow Minion when colliding with an enemy or enemy projectile.
  • Evil Hollow Minions disappear on room clear and will not drop a Black Heart.png Black Heart.
Lil Lamb
Lil Lamb
Pretends to like you
  • Spawns a familiar that charges to shoot an Ipecac.png Ipecac projectile.
  • When Isaac takes damage, has a chance to drop to the floor and target enemies automatically.
Robo-Baby 3.0
Robo-Baby 3.0
It is now state-of-the-art
  • Familiar that moves diagonally towards the direction Isaac moves.
  • On contact with enemies or enemy projectiles, will fire 8 Technology.png Technology lasers around it.
Sibling Syl
Sibling Syl
Friends 'till the end
  • Familiar that follows Isaac around, shooting tears that deal 4.75 Damage.