D12 Dice Room

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D12 Dice Rooms are unique Special Rooms added in Fiend Folio: Reheated that are variants of Dice Rooms. They have a 1/7 chance of replacing a Dice Room.

They are indistinguishable from regular Dice Rooms until entered, and feature the same exact layouts as regular Dice Rooms.


An example of a D12 Dice Room.

In the 5×5 space in the center of the room there will be a pentagon-shaped tile with the number 12 on it. When Isaac steps within the boundaries of this tile, it will spawn a large blue floating die in the center of every room on the floor. This floating die will spin in the air for a few seconds before touching the ground and disappearing, activating the D12.png D12 effect and rerolling every valid obstacle in the room.

  • Leaving a room before the blue floating die has activated in that room will reset it when the room is re-entered again.
  • If entering an uncleared room, the blue floating die will only appear and apply its effect once the room has been cleared.


  • In the Mirrored World, the second Dice Room may be different from the one in the main stage (ie. the Dice Room on main stage is a D12 room, but the same one in the mirrored world is not, and vice-versa).