Archived Teaser Content
An archive for all teasers to the Fiend Folio: Reheated update.
Teasers which were shown on the official Fiend Folio twitter (managed by Fiend himself!)
A new character unlocked by the Fiend Folio community upon the completion of the developer-created ARG.
A portrait of Golem, in a fortune cookie.
Similar the Devil's Harvest, Golem will have several unique rock-based Trinkets. He will be able to get various rewards from them.
They also may have passive effects, such as the Mineral Rock, which grants an all stats bonus while walking into an obstacle.
Imp Soda
An item that grants a chance to fire glowing purple tears, which inflict Critical Hits, in the same way Fiend's minions can.
A new Depths enemy, related to the Knights. It has a large spinning blade wheel to protect itself, but makes itself vulnerable as it moves around.
Community Achievement
A new Secret Room item, which gives more damage the higher the current record in the counting channel is.
- In the counting channel on the Fiend Folio discord, members must see how high of a number they can count to without anyone making any mistakes or sabotages.
The item's costume.
A familiar inspired off of the game Grabber, which was made by some of the developers of Fiend Folio.
- It can pet the Isaac!
It also can pick up items, though tossing the Troll Bomb into Isaac is said to be unintended.
Champion Bees
- As seen here, Fiend Folio enemies can now utilize Repentance's improved champion coloration system.
A new Corpse enemy, which attacks the player by chasing Isaac while also extending its hand to poke him from a distance.
- Its design is a reference to Tricky the Clown from the Madness Combat series.
- Its name is a reference to the "Scripulous Fingore" meme.
During the Anniversary Stream, a group of Fingores was encountered in a Secret Room. They behaved a bit differently however. They did not chase and did not deal contact damage. Additionally, after being hurt, they simply teleported away.
Super Grimace
A new Grimace variant seen in the Mines. It takes up a 2*2 area and shoots large projectiles which split into four smaller projectiles in a plus pattern.
Despite their size, they can still ride Minecarts!
Lily Pads
A new stage mechanic for the Flooded Caves. Lily Pads collapse after Isaac moves off of them, only to reappear later after a moderate period.
Ashpit Enemies
Fiend teased two new enemies for the Ashpit floor: Pricks that could be considered a Clickety Clack variant of Globscraper and Phoenixes that are a Bumbler variant.
Fiend Chest
Fiend has teased a new chest type on the Fiend Folio official discord server. It is unknown what the chest would contain but it might have to do something with Cursed Pennies.
Hooligans and Viscerspirits
Fiend teased two new enemies for Mines. The Hooligan which follow Isaac and releases an enemy when close, killing itself in the process and Viscerspirits a Flickerspirit variant which gives the enemy it’s orbiting more health
Jon Leaks
Leaks made by JonTheRealJon, a developer for Fiend Folio. Numerous enough to have its own category!
Roasty and Gutter
Jon made some artwork depicting many Fiend Folio enemies in the Flash artstyle. Amongst these were two enemies not seen before.
The first of these is Roasty, an enemy for the Mines designed by pkpseudo.
The second of these is Gutter, an enemy for the Gehenna, which wields a dagger.
Ashpit Spider
A spider enemy, presumably for the Ashpit based on its color scheme. Appears to be a Gutbuster variant.
Tainted Spinny
A tainted version of Spinny that could be found in the Ascent.
A new boss for the Dank Depths, named "Tsar".
A large furnace-like enemy found in Gehenna.
An enemy that resembles an Exorcist or Necromancer, but with a bird's beak. Found in Mausoleum.
Teasers made by various Fiend Folio developers on Discord.
Blue Skuzzes
A new "blue" familiar type was teased: Blue Skuzzes, which are a Blue Spider version of the enemy Skuzz.
Flea of Pollution
A new trinket was teased. Flea of Pollution would presumably work similarly to the Locust trinkets, spawning a purple, friendly Skuzz. This also means that Fiend Folio's modern horsemen will have their Skuzz representations in the similar way to how vanilla horsemen have their Locusts.
Blood Cells
The modern horseman for Burning Basement: Meltdown
During the Anniversary Stream, Meltdown's boss portrait was shown!
Composters are a new type of TNT that release a random gas cloud when destroyed. The cloud inflicts various status effects to enemies, such as charm, confusion or simply knocking enemies back.
A new type of Gaper was teased. It's called Flank and has the ability to teleport around the room.
Eroded Smidgen
The abandoned Eroded Smidgens found in the current version of FF are finally canon!
Mattes and Grapes
Two new enemies were teased, Mattes and Grapes. The former one was actually a community suggestion!
It appears that Lipoma, found in Folio's files is actually going to appear in the next update!
A new type of Slammer was teased. It's behavior is unknown but it seems it might appear in Sheol. An interesting trivia is that this enemy was based of the fact Repentance's The Beast has the same ID as the regular Slammer in the AB+ version of Fiend Folio.
As part of celebration of Fiend Folio's 1th anniversary, a new teaser was revealed on the Fiend Folio discord server. Its description mentioned a new enemy named King, which is apparently a large brain that controls small Morsel-like creatures. The image also shows Morvid - a bird-like enemy that appears in Mausoleum.
Third anniversary teaser revealed a new Dross enemy - Shottie. It appears to be a variant of Sniffle with two barrels. It attacks by sucking up gunk from the floor and then firing it at the player in a spread of four bullets. It can perform this action twice before needing to reload again.
Birthday Gift
As part of the same celebration an item known as Birthday Gift was revealed, an item that replaces all items with Mystery Gift
Bedtime Story and Cuffs
Another active revealed as part of the anniversary, this Library pool item puts enemies to sleep when used. Shooting at the sleeping enemy will deal double damage on the inital hit and wake the enemy up.
Adittionally, a new ghost enemy called Cuffs can be seen in the footage. It appears to be able to tie groups of nearby enemies to eachother, and cause them to share a health pool.
New Rocks
Next teaser introduced new look of the alt path's rocks, with Mines as an example.
Additionally, maria accidentally leaked Mausoleum rocks.
During the Anniversary Stream, a bunch of additional rock resprites have been shown. The following screenshots will show most of them...
This skull rock is actually not new, and exists in the current version of Fiend Folio, but was sprited over a previously unused rock graphic that ended up being used in Repentance in Depths 2
New Machine
A new, mysterious Machine was teased. It might have a connection with Fortune Tellers, Planetariums or similar things but developers kept its actual usage a secret.
Swallowed M90
A new Trinket with when damaged the character pulls out a rifle and shoots a powerful bullet at a foe.
Downpour Content
New Downpour enemies can be seen: Cuffs, an unnamed enemy which looks like a smaller version of Min Min, and Deathany, a ghostly enemy resembeling the character Bethany.
A new type of obstacle was leaked. It appears to be a regular Downpour bucket, except it's upside down.
The video below shows that Polties are now able to interact with Shampoo.
Ophiuchus is a new Zodiac item that adds a snake familiar.
Misprinted Cards
Erfly leaked several playing cards, although showing only their backs. Two of them are different however.
Sanguine Hook
A new Treasure Room item. It appears to allow the player to perform a hook attack. This attack causes two new status ailments: Bruise while the hook is within the enemy, and Hemorraging after it is removed. The first one increases damage the affected enemy takes from any source and can stack. The second one works like poison, dealing damage over time. Also causes the enemy to leave creep underneath them. The Anniversary Stream revealed that the hook can also fetch pickups and even item pedestals.
Fiddle Cube
An Active item that changes the lighting from light to dark. Also occasionally spawns coins when used. Each time the penny drops, the chance for the next penny decreases. Possibly based on an identical item from Devil's Harvest MOD.
A new Dank Depths enemy that fire arcing shots which make a fart that knocks back the player. Can be found in the new Trash Rooms within Dank Depths. There's also a green variant that presumably creates poisonous farts with its bullets.
Isaac Funny Face
Possibly a costume for one of the new items.
Mern is supposed to be the Fiend Folio's Super Meat Boy. Instead of collecting Cubes of Meat, the player collects Corn Kernels that drop from Pollution and other, future modern horsemen.
Misc Items
Dichromatic Butterfly
Dank Depths Host Reskin
A teaser was shown, mostly to explain how Dope's Heads work but it also showed that Hosts will have special resprites for various floors, such as Dank Depths or Sheol.
Punisher and Gutter
The previously shown Cube Furnace got it’s name and attack pattern revealed. It fires orange shots that atlernate between the cardinal and ordinal directions, spiraling clockwise. The previously teased Gutter also got it’s attack shown. It will hover around the room before rushing at Isaac to slash at him with its dagger, disappearing and reappearing elsewhere.
Roasty and Drillbit
This teaser shows the previously revealed enemy from Jon, Roasty and another Mines Enemy, Drillbit and their attack pattern. Drillbit will drill into the ground spitting rock projectiles in a clockwise pattern. After digging it will jump up and land in a different spot with a retical to show where it will land. The Roasty has two attacks. It will pop up from a lava pit (like FireWorm) and will either spit a big rock projectile at Isaac which will burst into hot coal upon hitting a wall or it will jump to the other pit in the room, flopping on the floor and shooting red waves in the cardinal direction before expanding to the cardinal and ordinal directions before hopping into the pit.
8 New Enemies!
An image was posted in the discord server, teasing 8 enemies that are supposed to come with the Reheated Update. The enemies visible on the image are as follows:
- Grapes (has been teased before)
- A ghost- or stone- like variant of Dip. If it's the latter, might be connected to Hardies.
- A Horf variant that very likely is a finished version of an unused enemy: Mutant Horf
- A Limb variant from Downpour (?)
- A charred variant of Clotty (might appear in Smoky variant of Burning Basement)
- Boristumous (???)
- A Crazy Long Legs variant that could fit Mausoleum with its color palette
- A Slammer variant that sorta resembles Bishops with its palette. Might also belong to Mausoleum.
Grimoires and Morvids
This teaser shows off two brand new mausoleum enemies. Grimoires will enchant foes and cause them to drop a purple explosive fireball shot on death. Morvid (another enemy teased by Jon) can either be seen roosting on objects or on the ground. The grounded Morvids will slowly move toward Isaac. Eventually after set period of time they will take to the air and fire feathers at isaac before landing in another spot.
New Worm
A new Round Worm variant has been teased. It possesses a wide grin but its behavior is unknown as there was zero context for the image.
Onlookers and Astroskulls
This teaser has a plethora of new features, including two new enemies: Onlookers - security eyes that will fire a laser if Isaac so dares to tread within its line of sight and Astroskulls - a subtype of a Death's Skull that has three tiny skulls orbiting it. In addition to that, we can see Golem in all his glory (he has custom sounds too!), as well as a bunch of mysterious items and trinkets effects of which have yet to be discovered.
As a celebration of Excelsior's 1st anniversary, a new item has been showcased. Excelsior is an item that effects active items, and turns them into firework barrage machines. Each item shoots off a different amount of rockets corresponding to the amount of charges the items has.
Golden Slot Machine
A new slot machine variant has been teased. It grants amplified prizes of a regular slot machine and teleports around the entire floor after each use. Additionally a new enemy can be seen. It appears to be a weaker variant of a Tumor, as it floats around aimlessly, while shooting a ring of three shots when player draws near.
These teasers came from the 1th Anniversary Stream the Fiend Folio devs hosted on the 4th of December 2021. If you want to watch the archived VOD of the stream, click the following link:
NOTE: During the playthrough, there was a music mod being used, called "Excelsior". It is being made by one of the developers - RENREN and is NOT part of the Fiend Folio update. You can however check the album for that mod by clicking the following link:
The content revealed during the stream will be divided into sections based on the floors devs traveled through.
A Nest variant that spawns Striders.
Rift Walker
An enemy that chases Isaac and switches between its normal form and a reflection (similar to Wraiths). While above the water, it walks toward the player while shooting tears at them, and beneath the water it moves quicker but does not fire projectiles.
Skipper + Downpour Rocks
Skipper is a Trite variant that makes three consecutive jumps in a quick succession. Additionally, new rocks for the Downpour floor can be seen.
An enemy that creates hovering tears that move in unison with its own movement.
Connipshit + Dung
Connipshit is a new dross enemy that often creates explosive gas clouds and spreads them around the room, and then fires an Ipecac shot to detonate them. On the stream, he was also accompanied by Dungs, which have received a resprite to better fit the floor of Dross.
Pipeneck + Slims
Pipeneck chases Isaac and slams his head on the ground, scattering tears around. On the stream he was also accompanied with recolored Slims and we can also see new rocks for the Dross floor.
New enemy that chases Isaac and sometimes stops to release a volley of various projectile types (corn, bones, etc.), as well as spawning Small Maggots on death.
Bridge Bombs
A new bomb upgrade that causes bombs to create bridges over nearby pits.
Three of Cups
A new card type that drops three random pills.
Rubber Rocks
New obstacle type that causes the player, enemies and projectiles to bounce off of it. On stream visible in form of mushrooms.
Evil Beggar
New beggar type that takes heart containers and gives Devil items in return. Resembles The Beast.
>3 and Immoral Hearts
>3 is a new item that grants 3 Immoral Hearts to the player.
Immoral Hearts are a new heart type that is also a part of Fiend's reworked gimmick. After taking damage on Immoral Hearts, all adjacent Immoral Hearts will turn into Fiend's familiars. During the stream, one of the devs noted that reworked Fiend will have both Black and Immoral Hearts.
Tea is a simple HP up found in boss rooms.
Multicolored Shiitakes
Shiitakes now have various colorations.
Glass Chest
A new chest type. Allows you to see what's inside as if Guppy's Eye were equipped, but will shatter and drop nothing if near an explosion.
Petrified Poop
Not actually a new feature but Petrified Poop obstacles from Tainted Blue Baby's gimmick have been used in Fiend Folio rooms.
Cursed Poop
An actual new poop variant. Has a fear aura, similarly to Cursed Death's Heads.
Perfectly Generic Object
An item that works like Blank Card but for consumables that aren't cards, pills or runes (so glass dice for example). Also tall pillar resprites for Secret Rooms can be seen. Based on the objects of the same name from Homestuck.
Puzzle Piece
A mysterious consumable that the developers wanted to keep a secret.
Card Deck
A sack-like pickup that drops several random cards.
Beginner's Luck
An item that grants a big luck up that decreases slightly each time the player travels to a new floor.
Plague of Decay
A new card that turns all red health into rotten hearts. Red hearts that were previously held are dropped onto the ground in the form of Scared Hearts.
Depths & Dank Depths
Purple Putty
New active item that grants an Immoral Heart upon use. Also passively grants a chance to replace Pennies with Cursed Pennies and Keys with Spicy Keys.
Poker Table
New arcade slot machine. You can gamble any type of pickup (coins, keys or bombs) for a chance to either lose them or gain more of them.
New Dank Depths Backdrop Variant
A third subtheme for Dank Depths has been made, which is themed around trash and dump.
Dope's Head
A Death's Head variant that bounces off of walls it touches, gaining a burst of speed.